New Month, New Retrograde
Young woman posing for your September 2023 monthly horoscope for every zodiac sign.

Your September 2023 Horoscope Is All Over The Place

Will the chaos ever end?

by Chelsea Jackson
Ivan Ozerov/Stocksy/Getty Images/Shutterstock

It’s been almost impossible to dissociate in peace now that Virgo season’s in full swing. Fortunately, the reality check that you’ll be getting during September’s astrology only has your best interest in mind. While Mercury retrograding through this mutable earth sign isn’t exactly making it easy to ignore life’s imperfections, Venus *finally* stationing direct in Leo this month will allow you to connect and relate to other people without as many obstacles. As the sun shifts into the pleasure-seeking sign of Libra, it’ll be easier to socialize and resolve conflicts in relationships. However, as Jupiter retrograde begins in the Venus-ruled sign of Taurus, your dreams for increased stability, comfort, and pleasure may not be materializing just yet. Overall, your September 2023 horoscope is re-familiarizing you with intimacy, but not before you sort out your responsibilities.

Important Astrological Dates In September 2023

  • Sept. 3: Venus stations direct in Leo
  • Sept. 4: Jupiter stations retrograde
  • Sept. 14: New Moon in Virgo
  • Sept. 15: Mercury stations direct
  • Sept. 23: Libra season begins
  • Sept. 29: Full Moon in Aries

September 2023 Astrological Overview

September starts out on a hopeful note, as Venus stations direct in Leo on Sept. 3. It’s safe to say that this was the loudest retrograde of the year, particularly when it comes to relationships (and, sadly, breakups). As Venus slowly begins to pick up speed for the first time since July 23, cultivating connections with others and prioritizing your own needs and desires in relationships won’t be as much of a challenge. Now that Venus is moving forward again, the Leo-ruled house of your birth chart will start to gain the rewards you’ve been (im)patiently waiting on over the last 40 days. Topics regarding beauty, creativity, and money will slowly begin to sort themselves out, making it easier to indulge in life’s pleasures.

On Sept. 4, Jupiter will station retrograde in the fixed earth sign of Taurus, for the first time in 12 years. As the planet of growth, opportunity, and good fortune, its annual four-month long retrograde tends to be a time to revise the dreams and aspirations you’ve been developing, specifically in the Taurus-ruled house of your birth chart. While Jupiter retrogrades are (luckily) not as difficult as Mercury or Venus, they still signify a time when things may not be progressing at the speed you’d prefer — especially since this time, Jupiter will be reversing through one of the most inflexible signs of the zodiac. This is a fortunate period for re-assessing matters pertaining to finances, values, and long-term stability. If you’re dissatisfied with how these themes have been unfolding, now is a fortunate time to make some adjustments.

The first lunation of the month takes place on Sept. 14, as the sun and moon conjoin in the mutable, earth sign of Virgo. Since Mercury, the ruler of this sign, will be preparing to station direct the very next day, the energy of this new moon is incredibly productive, but also a little scattered. New moons are a time to turn over a new leaf, and they signify where you’re directing a lot of effort and energy. On this day, you’ll be focused primarily on making improvements and solving problems. You’ll likely be multi-tasking, and juggling many different responsibilities at once. It’s a good day for getting a lot accomplished, specifically things that require close attention to detail.

Mercury stations direct on Sept. 15, alleviating some of the confusion and miscommunication that’s been happening since Aug. 23. It’ll be much easier to process information and solve any problems now, as well as come up with solutions that not only make sense, but are incredibly useful. This will also bring clarity to the Virgo-ruled house of your birth chart, especially since the Virgo new moon energy will still be present.

On Sept. 23, the sun shifts into the cardinal air sign of Libra. The sun’s transition out of Virgo every year coincides with the start of the fall equinox, which (sadly) marks the official ending of summer. Not only that, but the sun will now spend the next month in a sign where it loses dignity (aka the sign of its fall). The sun is uncomfortable in Libra due to the days becoming shorter, signifying the sun spending less time illuminating the sky. This also translates to a shift in self-expression for everyone, since Libra is a sign that focuses primarily on relationships with other people. While this is an incredible time for building connections and relating to others, you may find yourself focusing less on yourself and your own needs. As a result, it’ll be important to prioritize balance this month, so that you don’t end up overly relying on others to keep you satisfied.

The month ends on an independent note, as the full moon in Aries illuminates the sky on Sept. 29. Whenever the moon is in this cardinal fire sign, there is a strong desire to enforce your own autonomy. This full moon is shifting your focus away from the connections and relationships that you’ve been prioritizing, and towards your own abilities and pursuits. It’s a good time to become re-acquainted with yourself, if you’ve been overly consumed with the thoughts and opinions of others. The Aries-ruled house in your birth chart is where you’ll be called to shift your attention, and since the north node is currently in this sign, it shouldn’t be too challenging to lean into this Mars-ruled energy.

Here’s what each zodiac sign can expect from September’s astrology:

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September 2023 Horoscope By Zodiac Sign

Aries September 2023 Horoscope (March 21 - April 19)

As the month begins, Venus will station direct in your fifth house of joy, pleasure, and creative hobbies, bringing clarity and increased peace of mind to this area. If you’ve been feeling unsure about how to express yourself through your passions, expect to experience increased ease in this department now. Expressing yourself through your talents and gifts has always come naturally to you, and with Venus now direct, it’ll be easier to bring your visions to life.

You will be invited to revise the hopes, dreams, and plans you have for your money, resources, and valuables as Jupiter stations retrograde in Taurus on Sept. 4. Over the last few months, you’ve been seeking continuous growth and expansion when it comes to your finances, and you’ll now be taking a closer look at how things have progressed for you in this area. You may be called to reimagine what financial stability looks like for you going forward, or even reducing some of your spending habits so that they better support your desire for longevity and security in this area.

On Sept. 14, the Virgo new moon invites productive new beginnings into your habits, routines, and rituals. It’s a good day to roll up your sleeves and get things done that require close attention to detail — especially the tasks that you may have postponed, due to Mercury retrograde. It’ll be easy to put together a useful system that works for you now, Aries, which is bound to make your life a lot easier. Just try not to spread yourself too thin today – there will be a strong desire to juggle as many responsibilities as possible now. And, with Mercury stationing direct here on Sept. 15, you’ll start to notice some real progress with any tasks that you’ve been tirelessly working towards.

The sun shifts into the partnership-oriented sign of Libra on Sept. 23, illuminating your desire for connection and intimacy in your relationships with others. This time of year tends to shift your focus more toward your relationships with others, rather than the one you have with yourself — which may feel a bit unfamiliar. While this season may feel like it’s distracting you from your independent pursuits, it’s allowing you to strengthen your partnerships in satisfying ways.

The month ends on a “you” note, Aries, as the full moon unfolds in your first house of self on Sept. 29. On this day, you’ll be directing some of the energy you’ve been pouring into others, back into yourself. Spend some time solo today, or fully immersed in something that spotlights your ambition. This full moon is all about you and your pursuits.

Taurus September 2023 Horoscope (April 19 - May 21)

Venus, aka your chart ruler, finally stations direct as the month begins, signifying an ease when it comes to connecting and relating to your roommates or family members. If experiencing pleasure at home has been more difficult recently, expect the difficulties you’ve been experiencing here to slowly subside.

On Sept. 4, Jupiter will station retrograde in your first house of self-expression, slowing down some of the personal developments you’ve been prioritizing over the last several months. The aspirations and dreams you have for yourself have been growing at a steady pace, but this retrograde is an opportunity to slow down, and reflect on your progress. Are you pleased with the direction your personal growth has been heading in? If not, consider now a great time to go back to the drawing board. You get to decide which parts of yourself you choose to water, so make sure it’s in alignment with who you want to eventually become.

The Virgo new moon on Sept. 14 invites useful new beginnings in the ways you have fun and enjoy yourself. You’re all about prioritizing your pleasure, Taurus – so much so, that you’re incredibly particular about how you experience it. As the new moon unfolds, you’ll be looking to improve the ways you like to be creative and express yourself. And, as Mercury stations direct in Virgo the next day, you’ll be able to move forward with these ideas in a productive, useful way.

Fall begins on Sept. 23, as the sun shifts into the social, connection-oriented sign of Libra. This season, you’ll be focusing on finding ways to enjoy yourself through your daily habits, routines, and rituals. Maintaining balance in your day-to-day life is essential, and now is a fortunate time to consider how you can establish harmony on a regular basis.

The Aries full moon on Sept. 29 sheds light on your desire for isolation, withdrawal, and alone time. While this lunation goes against your usual social nature, it’s a good one for recharging your batteries independently. If you’ve been in need of some you-time, feel free to be a little selfish now. Self-care has always been incredibly important to you, and it’s important that you prioritize that today.

Gemini September 2023 Horoscope (May 21 - June 22)

As the month begins, Venus will station direct in your third house of communication and ideas on Sept. 3. Gathering and assessing information is something you take pride in, so if you’ve struggled to execute some of your plans in recent months, expect things to smooth over in that area now.

On Sept. 4, you’ll begin to revise some of the inner beliefs and truths you’ve been embracing recently when Jupiter stations retrograde in the comfort-loving sign of Taurus. You’ve been building some strong inner philosophies about the world as of late, but you’ll now be encouraged to go back over the experiences that have shaped your perspectives.

The sun and moon conjoin in the detail-oriented sign of Virgo on Sept. 14, prompting you to prioritize your to-do lists, particularly in your home and living environment. Since your chart ruler, Mercury, will be stationing direct the next day, clarity will take place regarding how to make useful changes or alterations in your private world.

On Sept. 23, the sun shifts into the balance-centered sign of Libra, illuminating your desire for heightened creativity, inspiration, and pleasure. As fall begins, you’ll be called to prioritize connection and socialization with the people around you through hobbies and activities. Now is a particularly fun time of year for you, so be sure to do plenty of mingling, flirting, and enjoying yourself.

The Aries full moon on Sept. 29 brings heightened independence and action to your social groups and friendships. Today is a fortunate day for rallying together with alliances and taking action, but it may also be a day when conflict is higher than usual. While your desire to take the lead will be at an all-time high, it’s important to allow space for other people to co-exist alongside you.

Cancer September 2023 Horoscope (June 22 - July 20)

As the month begins, Venus stationing direct in Leo will bring increased satisfaction to your current values, money, and resources. If you’ve been unsure how to experience pleasure to the fullest in this area, you can expect some clarity in how to fully indulge in the fruits of your labor now.

You’ll be prompted to assess how your friendships and alliances have been developing when Jupiter stations retrograde in Taurus on Sept. 4. You’ve been more intentional about cultivating more community in recent months, and this retrograde is a chance to reconsider what your hopes and dreams are for your connections and associations with others.

On Sept. 14, the new moon will unfold in Virgo, renewing your current thoughts, plans, and studies. You’ll be soaking up new information like a sponge, as well as engaging in discussions that allow you to inform the people around you. It’s a fortunate day for starting a new podcast, picking up a new book, or starting a new workshop – any hobbies and activities that stimulate your mind and serve a purpose. Since Mercury will station direct the next day, it’ll be much easier to iron out the particulars that you’ve been ruminating over.

The sun shifts into the social sign of Libra on Sept. 23, illuminating your desire for connection, balance, and intimacy in your home and private world. It’s essential that you have not only a safe space to retreat to, but a tasteful environment, as well. This month, you’ll be made more aware of this desire, and may feel inclined to bring more beauty into your natural habitat.

The month ends as the Aries full moon unfolds on Sept. 29, in your 10th house, highlighting your independent pursuits in your career and professional world. You’re someone who likes to be in the driver's seat when it comes to your public reputation, and on this day, your desire to initiate actions that align with your goals for your vocation will be illuminated.

Leo September 2023 Horoscope (July 20 - Aug. 21)

The month begins with Venus stationing direct in your first house of personal expression on Sept. 3. On this day, the revisions you’ve been making around your self-image will finally reach their final form. It’ll be easier now to understand how you want to be recognized and perceived by the world, as well as prioritize your own desires.

You’ll be called to review the career growth and expansion you’ve been experiencing as Jupiter stations retrograde in Taurus on Sept. 4. You’ve been consistently seeking to grow and develop your profession in recent months, and as Jupiter stations retrograde, your faith in what’s been growing here may begin to be tested.

On Sept. 14, the Virgo new moon brings useful and effective new beginnings to your current money, possessions, and resources. You like to maintain organization when it comes to your finances, and on this day, you’ll be able to get your affairs in order with great ease. This new moon is perfect for making alterations to your budget, or securing a purchase that makes your life a little easier. Since Mercury will be stationing direct in this sign the next day, adding structure to your resources won’t be as much of a challenge.

Connection and socialization become a priority as the sun shifts into Libra on Sept. 23, marking the start of the fall equinox. This season brings increased conversations into your world, prompting you to seek more mental stimulation in your immediate environment. You’ll be more inclined to share your perspectives with the people around you, as a way of establishing close, intimate bonds.

The Aries full moon on Sept. 29 is bringing the need for assertion in your current belief systems and world views into sharp focus. On this day, you may find yourself independently pursuing studies that broaden your perspectives and prompt you to think outside the box. This may be a day of travel, or taking initiative when it comes to educating yourself and others. You’ll have plenty to say today, so don’t hesitate to speak up, Leo.

Virgo September 2023 Horoscope (Aug. 21 - Sept. 22)

On Sept. 3, Venus will station direct in your 12th house, bringing the internal revisions you’ve been making around pleasure, relationships, and intimacy to an end. If it’s been difficult to connect with your desire to connect with others, you will definitely experience a shift now, Virgo. Expressing your needs isn’t always easy for you, but as Venus retrograde comes to a close, it won’t be as challenging.

You’ll be reassessing your current views and belief systems beginning on Sept. 4, as Jupiter stations retrograde in Taurus. You’ve been establishing some new, consistent views about the world around you that are rooted in security and longevity, but on this day, you’ll be called to revise some of these perspectives. This is a period to consider what your personal truths are, and how you’ve been developing them.

The sun and moon conjoin in Virgo on Sept. 14, allowing new, supportive beginnings to unfold pertaining to your personal development and self-expression. You feel your best when you’re actively improving yourself and the world around you, and on this day, you’ll be feeling motivated to roll up your sleeves and get to work. Since Mercury, your chart ruler, will be stationing direct the next day, you’ll be hyper-aware of any corrections or modifications you want to make regarding your identity, allowing you to initiate any improvements you see fit.

On Sept. 23, the sun will shift into the partnership-oriented sign of Libra, illuminating your desire for balance, harmony, and cooperation in your personal resources and possessions. This is a fortunate time for getting your financial affairs in alignment, while considering how you can reach ease, comfort, and satisfaction in this area. It’s a good time for considering what your needs are, and how to go about meeting them.

The Aries full moon sheds light on your shared resources and boundaries with others on Sept. 29, inviting you to assert your independence in your intimate affairs. You’re being called to consider how you can maintain your autonomy, even as you share assets or possessions with the people in your life. This may also be a period where you’re concerned with paying off debt, or actively pursuing some financial goals.

Libra September 2023 Horoscope (Sept. 22 - Oct. 21)

As the month begins, Venus, your chart ruler, will station direct on Sept. 3. As this retrograde comes to a close, it’ll be easier to develop connections with your friends and social networks. Now is the time to put yourself out there, Libra — especially if you’ve been feeling a bit anti-social in recent months.

You’ll be reassessing some of the benefits you’ve gained in recent months, as Jupiter stations retrograde in Taurus on Sept. 4. Establishing long-term financial stability is incredibly important to you, and as the planet of optimism stations retrograde this month, you’ll be reconsidering how you’ve been working on accumulating sustainable assets and resources. If you’ve been sharing your resources with another person, you may find yourself reassessing your boundaries with them now.

The sun and moon conjoin in the detail-oriented sign of Virgo on Sept. 14, renewing your inner mind and prompting you to initiate a period of deep self-analysis. This is a day for considering how you can improve your mental health behind closed doors, and may not be a day where you’re feeling particularly social. And, since Mercury will station direct in this area the next day, it’ll be easier to consider how you can remedy any self-sabotaging habits or practices.

The sun shifts into Libra, your first house of self-expression, on Sept. 23. You’ll be feeling led to work on yourself this season, which will naturally effect the ways you interact with other people. It’s time to put yourself first, Libra, even if it feels uncomfortable. Spending a little extra time with yourself is bound to pay off in satisfying ways.

As the month ends, the Aries full moon brings your romantic relationships into focus on Sept. 29. You’ll be prompted to assert your independence in your dynamics with others now, which as a result, could prompt some important confrontations. Try not to make any emotionally impulsive decisions when it comes to your partnerships today and, instead, consider how you can better advocate for yourself in these bonds.

Scorpio September 2023 Horoscope (Oct. 21 - Nov. 22)

As the month begins, Venus will station direct in your 10th house of career, increasing your desire for connection and socialization in your professional world. If you’ve been revising your brand or business, now is the time to showcase the new and improved persona you’ve been developing.

The developments in your romantic relationships will be under review as Jupiter stations retrograde on Sept. 4. In recent months, you’ve been experiencing many opportunities for growth in your intimate connections with others, but as Jupiter stations retrograde, you’ll be prompted to reflect and revise some of your hopes and dreams for your partnerships.

On Sept. 14, the Virgo new moon in your 11th house of friends motivates you to embark on productive new beginnings in your local community. You’re always looking for ways to be of service to those in need and on this day, you’ll be feeling more motivated than usual to lend a helping hand. Since Mercury will station direct the next day, you’ll be inclined to focus on making improvements that benefit the people around you now. Be mindful of attempting to take on too many responsibilities that could leave you feeling overwhelmed, Scorpio.

The sun shifts into the social, balanced sign of Libra on Sept. 23, illuminating your desire for withdrawal and introspection. This is a season of rest for you, but this doesn’t mean you’ll be sleeping the month away. Instead, you’ll be motivated to find pleasure in your life behind the scenes, even if the habits you partake in now are not being shared with others.

The Aries full moon on Sept. 29 sheds light on your current habits, routines, and daily practices, prompting you to spring into action when it comes to tackling your to-do list. As a Mars-ruled individual, you’re always eager to get moving, and on this day, you’ll be feeling energized and ready to complete any tasks that you’ve been putting off.

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Sagittarius September Horoscope (Nov. 22 - Dec. 19)

On Sept. 3, Venus will finally station direct in Leo — simplifying the ways you connect to your current belief systems and studies. Your relationship with your current mindset and philosophies has gone through some changes in recent months, but on this day, expect some clarity around how you relate to to others through similar mindsets and perspectives.

As Jupiter, your chart ruler, stations retrograde on Sept. 4, you’ll be called to review your current habits and rituals. If you’ve been trying out a new diet or workout routine, this may mark a period of adjustment or revision. It’s essential that you feel liberated by these customs, and not restricted – and now is a great time to consider if some adjustments need to be made.

On Sept. 14, the sun and moon will conjoin in the constructive sign of Virgo, bringing new beginnings to the forefront in your career and professional world. On this day, you’ll be prioritizing your need to feel useful and productive at work, potentially coinciding with the start of a new job or project. Your desire to make necessary improvements or adjustments that support your goals in your vocation will be at an all-time high, and as Mercury stations direct on Sept. 15, you’ll be able to move some of your ideas forward in this area.

The sun shifts into the partnership-oriented sign of Libra on Sept. 23, illuminating your desire for socialization and connection amongst your friends and community. Now is a fortunate season for mingling and making new friends, as well as considering what your ideal hopes and dreams for your relationships with others look like. Try to engage in activities that allow you to be the social butterfly that you naturally are, as it’s bound to feel even more effortless than usual now.

On Sept. 29, Aries full moon will shed light on your independent passions and hobbies, inviting you to embrace your desire for creative autonomy. While this month is incredibly beneficial for boosting your social life, on this day, you’ll be feeling more inclined to engage in solo activities. You’ve always been adept at cultivating your own joy, and now you’ll be feeling as inspired as ever to enjoy yourself – even if it’s all on your own.

Capricorn September Horoscope (Dec. 19 - Jan. 20)

Venus retrograde comes to an end on Sept. 3, simplifying matters regarding money, assets, and shared resources. You’ll now be able to prioritize your desire for long-term financial stability, as well as solidifying any boundaries between you and other people that have been shaky or uncertain.

On Sept. 4, Jupiter will station retrograde in Taurus, marking the start of a revision period regarding your creative hobbies, passions, and leisure activities. In recent months, you’ve been expanding your desire for pleasure and fulfillment and, as the planet of growth stations retrograde, you’ll be reconsidering the ways you let your hair down.

The Virgo new moon on Sept. 14 brings new beginnings to your desire for expanded knowledge and wisdom, inviting you to lean into education and enlightenment. You may feel compelled to enroll in a new class now or stop by the bookstore – pursuing any study that gets your wheels turning is a good idea now. You may also engage in conversations with others that allow you to give advice or words of encouragement, so feel free to lean into using your voice.

The sun shifts into the social, creative sign of Libra on Sept. 23, illuminating your desire for accomplishments and success in your professional life. As a natural go-getter, you’re always looking for ways to connect to the world through your work, and this season is an ideal time for doing so. Expect an increased amount of recognition to come your way, making this a very visible time for your career and public image.

On Sept. 29, the Aries full moon lights up your home and family affairs, prompting you to assert an increased level of independence in this area. This full moon may spotlight some changes that may be underway in your private life, that call for you to take the lead in some way. You’ll be feeling more impulsive than usual now, so be mindful of making any rash decisions that could put your living situation at risk, or ruffle a family member’s feathers.

Aquarius September Horoscope (Jan. 20 - Feb. 19)

As the month begins, Venus will finally station direct in your seventh house of relationships, bringing an end to the revisions you’ve been implementing in your romantic partnerships. If you’ve been struggling to express your needs to your significant other, expect things to become easier now, Aquarius.

The developments you’ve been experiencing in your home and private world will begin to be revised on Sept. 4, as Jupiter stations retrograde in Taurus. As of late, you’ve been imagining what a more secure and peaceful habitat could look like, and as the retrograde unfolds, you’ll be reviewing the ways you make these dreams a reality. While your faith may be tested during this period, you’ll gain clarity around what a stable, pleasant environment looks like behind closed doors.

As the Virgo new moon unfolds on Sept. 14, you’ll be beginning a productive new chapter regarding your shared finances and assets. If you’ve been considering opening a new savings account, now is a fortunate time to do so. Consider making any adjustments to your current budget, especially as Mercury finally ends its retrograde on Sept. 15. This new moon is ideal for helping you get your affairs in order, and could even be time to revise shared resources with another person.

The sun steps into the social sign of Libra on Sept. 23, illuminating your desire for increased knowledge and wisdom. This is a season for broadening your horizons through travel, education, or new spiritual pursuits – anything that allows you to connect with the world around you. You’ll be craving a change of pace more than usual now, so feel free to do something out of the ordinary if you’re in need of some spontaneity.

The Aries full moon on Sept. 29 will highlight your desire to speak your mind in a way that’s independent and self-advocating. You’ll be feeling more inclined to share your thoughts and ideas with anyone willing to listen, as well as lean into activities that showcase your unique perspectives. Just be mindful of engaging in aggressive debates – your words may be perceived as more aggressive than usual.

Pisces September Horoscope (Feb. 20 - March 20)

On Sept. 3, Venus will station direct in Leo, bringing an end to the revisions you’ve been making in the area of health, habits, and routines. Moving forward, developing regimens that center your pleasure and satisfaction will be easier to accomplish — so if you’ve been lacking on the self-care, now’s your time to shine, Pisces.

A period of revision regarding your current ideas and perspectives will take place thanks to Jupiter stationing retrograde in Taurus on Sept. 4. Since Jupiter shifted into this sign, you’ve been expanding your mind in new, consistent ways. However, as this retrograde unfolds, you’ll be called to revise some of the information you’ve been given.

The sun and moon conjoin in the practical sign of Virgo on Sept. 14, prompting new beginnings to unfold in your romantic relationships and partnerships. On this day, you’ll be eager to offer a helping hand to a loved one, or some much-needed advice. While today’s a fortunate time for spending time with your special someone, try not to become overly consumed with any problems they may currently be facing.

The sun shifts into Libra on Sept. 23, illuminating your current boundaries, shared resources, and hidden matters. This may be a period where you’re prioritizing financial security, or figuring out how to split responsibilities between yourself and another person. You may find yourself more occupied with more serious affairs, but this season is optimal for having serious conversations not only with yourself, but also with others.

On Sept. 29, the Aries full moon will illuminate your personal resources and assets, prompting you to embrace your desire for independence and autonomy in this area. If you’ve been struggling to find balance between what you’re willing to share with others, versus what you keep for yourself, this full moon will offer some much-needed clarity. It’s a fortunate time for taking a closer look at your finances, but may also be a time when you’re feeling more prone to impulse spending. Feel free to treat yourself, but try not to make too many rash decisions with your money without thinking them through.