Guiding Stars

The Spiritual Practice Your Zodiac Sign Should Try In 2024

Vision boarding, meditating, or journaling may be your new fave activity.

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Though the practice is not new, manifestation has been coming in hot on the FYP for the past few years, and it’ll be no different in 2024. From tried-and-true systems like vision boards and manifestation journals to lesser-known approaches like the O method and Barbie technique, there’s seemingly a different “only manifestation method you’ll ever need” going viral every day. But a one-size-fits-all approach isn’t the best way to call your desires into life. To cut right to the most effective route for you, spiritualists, manifestation coaches, and astrologers alike swear by the utilization of your zodiac sign to help you choose.

Your birth chart is essentially the cheat code of your life. “It’s like getting a boost from the universe because you’re working in harmony with your zodiac’s unique energies,” manifestation coach Candice Nikeia tells Elite Daily, adding “like following a map that’s tailored just for you.” That’s not to say you can’t use any technique you want, but using your zodiac sign as a compass simply allows you to exercise your specific supporting forces.

There are multiple planets you can look to for guidance, but the primary placements to focus on to simplify things — and the ones Latha Jay, a spiritual manifestation coach, has found to be the most frequently effective and easily understood among clients — are the sun, moon, and rising signs.

Below, see where you have these placements in your birth chart and find the best manifestation ritual to try for your zodiac sign in 2024.

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Fire Signs Should Lean Into Movement

Whether you’re an Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius, you’re ruled by the spicy energy of fire. “Fire signs can work their magic by moving their body and by creating,” Miami-based astrologer Valerie Mesa tells Elite Daily. “Whether it be a vision board, dancing, or making a ritual involving movement.” She recommends all fire signs try turning on some music, closing their eyes, and dancing. “It’s like a form of meditation,” she says. “That’s a good way to cultivate your fire element, which is ultimately your superpower if you’re a fire sign.”

Aries Zodiac Signs (March 21 - April 19)

Bold, go-getter Aries placements will find candle manifestation to be especially effective. “Using affirmations while focusing on the flame can help Aries shift to a positive mindset and stop a wandering mind,” Jay says. Utilizing that fiery energy will help them feel more in alignment because Aries is often the initiating, daring leader of the group. “They can be more ‘in-your-face’ kind of people,” says Jay, “so taking a moment to sit in that focused space of spoken affirmation and concentrating on the flame would be very beneficial.”

Leo Zodiac Signs (July 20 - Aug. 21)

Leos are naturally enthusiastic and garner attention from others, whether it’s wanted or not. “Leos need a lot of grounding energy,” Jay says. Calling their energy back to themself and centering helps Leos harness their sunny and vibrant magic. “They can ground through doing exercises, yoga asanas, or through the Earth by putting their bare feet on the ground, planting, or hiking.” Out of all the fire signs, creative and dramatic Leo would likely get the most out of the aforementioned dance meditations as well. Lastly, as the roaring Lion, Jay also highly suggests Leos tap into their voice to manifest. “Speaking out and being verbal with vocal affirmations, for example, [are] highly powerful for Leo.”

Sagittarius Zodiac Signs (Nov. 22 - Dec. 19)

Sagittarius is a mutable sign, meaning they tend to be more go-with-the-flow, spontaneous, and even scattered at times. With lucky Jupiter on their side, Sagittarians have an innate leg up when it comes to manifesting, so they need to implement focus and structure. “For Sagittarius, I recommend the 369 method during hypnogogic times,” says Jay. Hypnogogic times are when the subconscious mind is the most impressionable and occur just before sleep and right after waking up — aka the ideal times to avoid Sag’s million-thoughts-per-minute distractions. “The 369 method provides repetition, and I find that for Sagittarius, to have that repetition — in the morning, afternoon, and at night — it keeps their manifestations as reminders through the day.” For this method, all you need to do is write your manifestations three times in the morning, six times in the afternoon, and nine times in the evening.

Earth Signs Should Get Grounded

In general, earth signs will feel their most aligned and energized by doing earthy things. “Spend time in nature, walk barefoot on the grass, look up the meaning of different plants and herbs, and use the ones that resonate with what you’re trying to accomplish,” says Mesa. “That’s a way for all earth signs to ground and step more into the power that allows them to manifest.” This could be an exercise you do before sitting down and performing another manifestation ritual or it could be the entire ritual itself.

Taurus Zodiac Signs (April 19 - May 21)

Venusian and steady Taureans are highly keyed into their senses. “It’s all about visualization and meditation,” says Jay. “Being in that meditative, visualizing space is so beneficial because Taureans have this sense of stability and from that, they’re very good at being present with themselves.” So when they’re in that meditative, visualizing space, they can get into that feeling of what they are manifesting. Aside from just solely the visuals, Taurus zodiac signs will find it helpful to implement all five senses when they’re visualizing.

Virgo Zodiac Signs (Aug. 21 - Sept. 22)

It may come as a surprise, but Virgos can be highly emotional people. As the sign that represents service to others, they may struggle with boundaries and protecting their emotional energy. They also walk a thin line between organization and total chaos, so homing in on what it is that they want is important. “When a Virgo’s emotions are focused, it’s like a light being focused into a laser,” Jay says. “When they’re locked in and they have their boundaries set properly, their energy is powerful.” But on the flip side, when they haven’t set limits, their energy is flying all over the place — their intentions, thoughts, and manifestations are bouncing off the walls.

Capricorn Zodiac Signs (Dec. 19 - Jan. 20)

Like Aries, Capricorn is a cardinal sign, meaning they share that initiating, leadership quality. But rather than utilizing fire as a focus point during centering meditations, Jay recommends Capricorns tap into their earth element with crystals. “Crystals are super powerful for concentrating energy and thought,” she says. “Some of my favorites to meditate with for manifesting are clear quartz, smoky quartz, rose quartz, amethyst, and citrine.” While in a meditative state, use the crystal to help you focus on your intentions and instill them into the stone, essentially bringing your desires into something tangible, practical, and of the Earth — just how Capricorn likes it.

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Air Signs Should Pick Up A Pen & Paper

Air signs are all about the mind, and they’re also very cerebral. “They could manifest by writing, where they’re channeling a stream of consciousness and writing down everything that’s coming to mind,” says Mesa. She also says air signs should listen to content that inspires and motivates them, specifically podcast episodes that talk about the things they’re trying to manifest to get their minds turning and ruminating on those subjects aligned with their desires.

Gemini Zodiac Signs (May 21 - June 22)

Geminis are most commonly known as the talkers, the writers, and the ever-curious cats of the zodiac — their minds just don’t quit. Journaling and writing through their thoughts is a “warp speed” way to make things happen for Geminis, according to Jay. “They can be very intelligent, intellectual people, so of course when they’re putting pen to paper, there’s this magic connection and vibrational energy that happens,” she says. “They’re usually very good at communicating, so it’s essentially them communicating with themselves and getting very clear on what their manifestation is.” Geminis often just have to talk things out to process them, so it makes perfect sense that they manifest well when they “talk it out” with themselves to clear up their path and get out of their way.

Libra Zodiac Signs (Sept. 22 - Oct. 21)

Like Gemini, Libra can also tap into their manifesting power with journaling. “Libras are very creative people,” says Jay. “I encourage creative writing and listening to binaural frequencies.” With Gemini, “focused writing” does the trick, but a different type of creative writing will be helpful for Libras. “I would recommend scripting in particular for Libra because it’s like storytelling and it’s tapping into your life in how you see it to be or how it will be,” she says, “but you’re actually seeing that and using your senses with your creation.” Scripting is writing as the author of your ideal life or situation, describing what you want to happen as if it’s already happening. Like fellow Venus-ruled sign Taurus with the visualization, Libra is taking note of and “experiencing” what they see, hear, smell, taste, and touch in the scripting scene.

Aquarius Zodiac Signs (Jan. 20 - Feb. 19)

Aquarius is the sign represents friends, so their ideal manifestation technique is a social one. “Aquarius is all about co-creation, or manifesting alongside someone else,” Jay says. Whether it’s your partner, a bestie, or a family member, you’re teaming up with another to double down on your magic. “Your abilities are joining forces and making your manifestations that much more powerful than if you were just doing it on your own,” Jay says, adding that it’s even better when paired with breathwork. Plus as an air sign, breathwork is a natural way to align with their element.

Water Signs Should Feel The Vibes

Emotional and spiritual, water signs love creating super vibey manifestation rituals. “It’s a matter of tuning into your emotions, healing and nourishing yourself, and creating a space for where you can access that,” Mesa says. She suggests water signs lean into the more esoteric side of manifestation by using things like meditation and music, like binaural beats or frequency music, tarot, creating altars for spirit guides, and charging your water with your specific intentions.

Cancer Zodiac Signs (June 22 - July 20)

Cancers can be visual people, especially when it comes to their surroundings and the vibes of their environment. “For Cancer, it’s all about having a visual reminder, so I recommend vision boards — something that is very imagery-heavy — kept in a place that they can look at daily,” Jay says. That doesn’t mean you have to hang your vision board in the living room for all to see, you could just as well tuck it into the inside of your closet door, for example. Plus, making the vision board itself is a highly creative process, perfect for a crafty DIY Cancer.

Scorpio Zodiac Signs (Oct. 21 - Nov. 22)

Scorpio is a deep sign and tap into some very transformational energy. Jay heavily recommends mirror work to manifest for Scorpio placements. This involves looking directly into your eyes in the mirror as you recite your affirmations. It’s especially effective when practiced daily. “Mirror work can be really intense, but it doesn’t have to be,” says Jay. You can simply do it while you brush your teeth every day. By binding the ritual with a daily habit, you’re far more likely to do it.

Jay recommends using your nondominant hand as you brush your teeth and recite affirmations in the mirror — this takes you off autopilot and helps you tap into your subconscious.

Pisces Zodiac Signs (Feb. 19 - March 20)

Pisces rules over all the intangible and invisible depths. They tend to get stuck on limiting beliefs or ruminating on bad thoughts, which can negate all manifestation efforts. “A really big part of manifesting is to do shadow work and get passed those limiting beliefs,” says Jay. With shadows so hard to reach in the endless depths of a Pisces, it can be hard to access or even acknowledge those parts of themselves. To combat this, Jay recommends Pisces use emotional frequency tapping (EFT) paired with positive affirmations for manifesting. “You’re essentially allowing energy to flow and move on through you and you’re not getting caught up in a negative space or negative thoughts,” Jay says. “With EFT, you’re tapping through the fear and rewriting it with a positive affirmation — I find that really works great with Pisces.”


Latha Jay, expert spiritual manifestation coach

Valerie Mesa, professional astrologer, soul coach, and writer

Candice Nikeia, manifestation coach, author, and motivational speaker