Zodiac Signs With 2 Ruling Planets & What It Could Mean For You
Is your sign one of them?
There is nothing more intriguing than the divine order of the zodiac. Composed of 12 celestial archetypes, every zodiac sign has a planetary ruler that matches the energy of their sign. This can help bring awareness to its cosmic components and unique attributes, but only a few zodiac signs are ruled by two planets instead of one. This adds remarkable dimension and depth to their astrological interpretation.
While every zodiac sign has a planetary ruler, a select few of them have what's referred to as a modern ruler and an ancient ruler. At first, some signs shared a planetary ruler, and then as other planets were discovered, zodiac signs were given new planetary rulers that better matched their energy characteristics. Only Taurus, Aquarius, Scorpio, Virgo, and Pisces are ruled by two planets. So if you were wondering, for example, what Pisces’ ruling planet might be, you’ve got options to choose from, my friend. These fascinating zodiac signs now have both their modern day planetary ruler and their ancient ruler, and are affected by the movements of these planets more so than other signs.
Taurus — Venus (ancient ruler) and Ceres (modern ruler)
Venus is the planet that rules Taurus (originally) as it is , the planet of beauty, love, money, and pleasure. Ceres — one of the largest asteroids in the asteroid belt and, therefore, referred to as a dwarf planet by astrologers and astronomers — has been designated as Taurus' modern ruler. This is so new, however, that it hasn’t even been widely accepted by the astrology community as of yet. Ceres is associated with the things that connect you to the physical world, including your body, your material belongings, and your connection to Mother Nature.
Virgo — Mercury (ancient) and Chiron (modern)
The first that comes to mind when you think of the planet that rules Virgo is Mercury, because — like the connection between Taurus and the asteroid Ceres — Virgo and Chiron are still a new connection. Mercury, however, is the planet of information, written and spoken word, and technology. Then again, some believe that Chiron is the ruler of Virgo, which can be confusing, because it's not actually a planet, it’s a comet.
Still, in a zodiac chart, Chiron is referred to as the ”wounded healer," and it represents the way you go about healing and settling into your own deep scars and wounds, in order to eventually alchemize and heal those around you. That can make the connection to Virgo more understandable, especially because of Virgo's connection to the sixth house of health and healing. This mutable earth sign is always taking care of others.
Scorpio — Mars (ancient ruler) and Pluto (modern ruler)
In astrology, Pluto is the planet that rules Scorpio, because it is the planet of subconscious forces, similar to the way it is referred to as the God of the Underworld in Greek mythology.
However, Scorpio is a complex zodiac sign, and its co-rulers are no exception. To put it simply, Mars is Scorpio's ancient ruler. This is before Pluto was discovered, of course. In fact, it was lost then rediscovered (again), which is a true Scorpio move by Pluto, BTW. Mars, on the other hand, represents the drive and ambition of this fixed water sign, while Pluto speaks to the deeply hidden and mysterious forces that hide behind its sheer ambition.
Aquarius — Saturn (ancient ruler) and Uranus (modern ruler)
What planet is Aquarius ruled by? Believe it or not, this fixed air sign also has got two to choose from. Aquarius was once ruled by Saturn, the disciplinarian planet, representing tradition, order, structure, and the status quo. It also is the modern ruler of Capricorn, which values all these things, while Aquarius resists and tries to break free from them. Uranus, an erratic planet, was assigned as Aquarius' new ruler for this reason. Aquarius is the rebel, the revolutionary; this sign most likely to stare down tradition and ask, "Why? What's the point?" and to create something brand new.
Pisces — Jupiter (ancient ruler) and Neptune (modern ruler)
What planet rules Pisces? Well, Pisces was once ruled by Jupiter, along with Sagittarius. Jupiter is a planet associated with gifts, luck, tolerance, and spiritual growth. These are all still themes in the life of a Pisces, but with a twist: Neptune, the modern ruler of Pisces, is associated with dreams, psychic receptivity, illusion, and deception.
It's a uniquely two-sided planet, representing the dual nature of Pisces. There are two fish swimming in opposing directions: one toward the heavens and one toward the underworld.
What about the rest of the zodiac?
If your zodiac sign wasn’t mentioned, then you’re probably wondering where your ruling planet comes into play. For the remaining seven zodiac signs, less is more. The below zodiac signs have *one* planetary ruler, and it’s more than enough.
- Aries is ruled by Mars, god of war and planet of aggression, passion, and desire.
- Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the messenger god and planet of communication, thought process and immediate surroundings.
- Cancer is ruled by the moon, an ancient symbol of the divine feminine, and a representation of one’s intuition, innermost feelings, and emotional foundations.
- Leo is ruled by the sun, the center of the universe, and a representation of one’s soul purpose, and purest energetic expression.
- Libra is ruled by Venus, goddess of love and beauty, and planet of charm, harmony, and relationships.
- Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, sky god and planet of luck, abundance, expansion and wisdom.
- Capricorn is ruled by taskmaster Saturn, god of karma and planet of boundaries, limitations, structures, and authority.
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