Directly above shot of a young woman watching funny videos on her mobile phone while lying on her be...

25 "Controversial Opinions" For Your Hinge Profile That Are Clever AF

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Controversial opinion: picking the right prompts for your Hinge profile is even more important than choosing your pics. The answers to your three prompts effectively serve as your bio on Hinge, so you'll want to make sure you choose prompts wisely... and actually put some thought into your answers. If you're looking for responses to Hinge's "My Most Controversial Opinion" prompt that aren't "I like pineapple on pizza," then you've come to the right place. This prompt is ideal for sparking convo with a match, especially if you use your answer to give your take on a topical debate.

Now when I say "topical," I don't mean anything involving politics, religion, money, or any other potentially contentious subjects. You may value your match's opinion on the current political climate above all else, but if you jump into something too personal or sensitive too soon, you risk alienating (i.e. freaking out) your match. By topical, I mean whatever hilariously random debate that currently has the internet in a tizzy. The internet provides endless fodder for responses to this Hinge prompt, and it would be a missed opportunity not to take advantage. Here are just a few responses that are sure to get a potential match's attention.

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1. Herb Ertlinger fruit wine actually sounds delicious.

2. That baked feta pasta recipe from TikTok is 100% overrated.

3. Yeezy Foam Runners are honestly stylish.

4. Bridgerton will be better off without the Duke.

5. The "laugh-cry" emoji is still cool.

6. Game of Thrones has no reason to redo its final season.

7. Tom Brady is — and always will be — the GOAT.

8. Kristen Stewart will make a better Princess Diana than Emma Corrin.

9. Dwight and Angela are superior to Jim and Pam on The Office.

10. Emily in Paris deserved a Golden Globe.

11. Chromatica Oreos are not at all worth the hype.

12. Tony Stark shouldn't have been responsible for paying the Avengers.

13. Yoga pants should make a comeback.

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14. Prince William deserves the title of World's Sexiest Bald Man.

15. Middle parts don't work on most people.

16. Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston should never, ever, ever get back together.

17. Fergie's "Star-Spangled Banner" performance wasn't that bad.

18. Rachel made the right move getting off the plane for Ross on Friends.

19. Charcuterie boards are so not worth the effort.

20. Skinny jeans should never go out of style.

21. Carole Baskin should have lasted longer on Dancing With the Stars.

22. Maroon 5's Super Bowl halftime show slapped.

23. White sneakers are a disaster waiting to happen.

24. Elon Musk's baby's name is kinda cool.

25. Attaway General is actually entertaining.

Will your potential match agree with all these opinions? Probably not. But that's exactly what makes them fun!

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