This Week’s Horoscope Promises Good Vibes For Every Zodiac Sign
Consider this your last hurrah before Leo SZN ends.
The final week of Leo season is upon us, and in typical fiery fashion, it’s ending with a major bang. With Venus currently in this expressive, confident sign, connection’s taken a bold, assertive approach that’ll reach its peak expression as it trines Jupiter in Aries this week. Then Mars will leave the stable, comfort-oriented sign of Taurus and step into the curious, flexible sign of Gemini, bringing the desire for information, options, and mental stimulation into the cosmos. Communication will likely be where the biggest challenges arise as Mercury in Virgo forms an opposition with Neptune, jumbling logical thinking and the ability to relay essential information. With plenty of excitement (and uncertainty) on the horizon, your August 15, 2022 weekly horoscope is promising plenty of excitement prior to Virgo season, so buckle up, because you’re bound to have your hands full.
As the week begins, Venus in Leo will harmonize with Jupiter retrograde in Aries via trine, bringing excitement, passion, and self-expression to the forefront on Aug. 18. Since Venus and Jupiter are both planets that prioritize pleasure, growth, and abundance, you may find that you’re more prone to excessive behavior this week, so be mindful of overdoing it, particularly pertaining to the houses in your chart that contain Aries and Leo. The good thing is, the supportive energies of these two planets will encourage plenty of creativity, inspiration, and confidence in your life, making this the perfect time to make a bold move, especially when it comes to relationships. Since Venus in Leo is all about expressing your love for others in a way that’s incredibly bold and forthright, Jupiter’s bound to only exaggerate this in the best way. It’s the perfect transit for a social event, date, or embarking on a new passionate project.
On Aug. 20, Mars, the planet of assertion, action and conflict, will step out of Taurus (the sign of its detriment) and into the mutable air sign of Gemini. In Taurus, the planet of initiative, is incredibly cautious, stubborn, and slow-moving, but in Gemini, Mars is curious, adaptable, and communicative. The action Mars will be called to take here will be centered around mental stimulation and inquiry, and less on coming to a concrete decision. During this transit, it’ll be important to be mindful of how you’re making use of your energy, since Mars will be concerned with many different topics and ideas at once, making it difficult to focus on one thing at time. Since Mars will be stationing retrograde here in October, it’s important to pay attention to what themes are brought up for you regarding the Gemini-ruled house of your birth chart, since you’ll likely be called to revisit them later on. In total, Mars will be spending about seven months in Gemini, so this area of your chart will be getting some major action.
As the week comes to a close, Mercury in Virgo will oppose Neptune in Pisces on Aug. 21, causing difficulties communicating details in a logical, effective way. In Virgo, Mercury’s in the sign of its exaltation, meaning that the planet of communication is more than capable here, but with Neptune’s foggy influence, you may find that retaining information this week is a challenge. Be sure to double-check any details or instructions that comes your way so there are no misunderstandings.
Here’s what each zodiac sign can expect from the astrology of this week:
Aries August 15, 2022 Weekly Horoscope
It’s a big week for you Aries, because your chart ruler, Mars, is finally stepping out of the sign of its detriment and into the curious, chatty sign of Gemini. Since this transit marks the beginning of a long-term cycle for Mars, you’ll be stepping into a new cycle yourself — one that’s all about gathering and collecting information. As Mars moves into your third house, you’ll be interested in learning more about your skills, interests, and hobbies, as well as getting to know your immediate environment and the people you surround yourself with. This week is all about learning new things, and it won’t be over anytime soon.
Taurus August 15, 2022 Weekly Horoscope
This week, your chart ruler, Venus in Leo, will form a trine with Jupiter in Aries, offering newfound growth and expansion to your home life and private matters. It’s the perfect week to infuse some of your creativity into your living space, or organize a get-together with your family. Your connection-oriented nature will be getting a supportive boost this week, but since Venus will be tucked away in your fourth house, you’ll probably be feeling the desire to withdraw and nurture your relationships behind closed doors. Your home tends to be where you feel the most like yourself though, so some quiet time will definitely do you a world of good.
Gemini August 15, 2022 Weekly Horoscope
As Mars shifts into your first house of self on Aug. 20, you’ll be hit with a major boost in self-assertion and vitality. Since Mars will be spending quite some time in your first house, it’ll be important to pace yourself now, so that you don’t burn yourself out once Mars stations retrograde. With all of your increased energy, you’ll likely be prompted to tackle as many mentally stimulating endeavors as possible, making this an ideal time to launch a new project or endeavor, but since you’re a mutable sign, it may be hard to finish every task you begin. Remember to take your time this week. You’ll have plenty of time to get everything done with this long-term transit in place.
Cancer August 15, 2022 Weekly Horoscope
On Aug. 18, Venus in Leo will form a trine to Jupiter in Aries, bringing opportunities for growth and expansion regarding your money and resources. Since Jupiter is transiting your 10th house, it’s likely that career endeavors will support newfound financial gain, making this an ideal time to ask for a raise, or launch a new money-making pursuit. With all of this fiery, assertive energy at play, however, it’s important that you’re mindful of how much you’re spending; it could be very easy to go overboard. Treat yourself, but make sure that you have some boundaries in place.
Leo August 15, 2022 Weekly Horoscope
As Venus in your first house of self forms a trine to Jupiter in Aries in your ninth house this week, you’ll be inspired to embark on a newfound journey or mentally expansive endeavor. With potential travels on the horizon, you’ll be called to prioritize your need for unity, pleasure, and creativity over all else, and with Jupiter in the action-oriented sign of Aries, you’ll be eager to set your sights on a new adventure. As this transit takes place, it’ll be easy to overindulge this week, so be mindful of rushing into things without creating a plan first. No matter where you end up, you’re bound to have a good time.
Virgo August 15, 2022 Weekly Horoscope
This week, your detail-oriented nature will be met with fogginess and confusion on Aug. 21, as Mercury (your chart ruler) opposes Neptune in Pisces. Since Mercury’s currently traveling through your first house of self, the need to communicate effectively is essential to you now, but as Neptune challenges how you share information, you may find it more challenging to get your point across, especially in your relationships with others. It’s important to double-check any information you receive this week, as well as the information you’re sharing with others. As much as you prioritize logic, it may be more difficult to tap into this week, so try your best to be patient with yourself as well as others.
Libra August 15, 2022 Weekly Horoscope
On Aug. 18, your chart ruler, Venus in Leo, will form a trine to Jupiter in Aries, offering growth, expansion, and opportunity in your connection-oriented endeavors. With Venus currently traveling through your 11th house of friends, you’ve been prioritizing unifying your community, and with Jupiter’s support this week, you may find that the possibilities to network and deepen relationships is on the horizon. With a booked social calendar this week, it’ll be important that you pace yourself, especially since Jupiter has a tendency to exaggerate and cause excess behavior.
Scorpio August 15, 2022 Weekly Horoscope
This week, your chart ruler, Mars, will be stepping out of your seventh house of relationships and into your eighth house of boundaries, shared resources, and secrets, where it will remain for the next seven months. Moving into the mutable air sign of Gemini, you’ll notice a surge in mental stimulation around financial affairs, as well as the obligations you have towards others. You may find that others are coming to you more with private information, and seeking advice or counsel from you now, so it’ll be important to set some healthy boundaries with others. Since this will be a long-term transit for you, it’ll be beneficial to pay close attention to the themes that arise in your life this week, because you’ll likely be prompted to revisit them once Mars stations retrograde here in October.
Sagittarius August 15, 2022 Weekly Horoscope
Your chart ruler, Jupiter in Aries, is forming a trine with Venus in Leo this week, bringing opportunities for growth and expansion to the forefront regarding your creative pursuits. You’ll be feeling inspired by your philosophies now as Venus travels through your ninth house, and with Jupiter in your fifth, you’ll initiate passion projects as a result. Since you’re a fellow fire sign, this assertive, expressive energy is right up your alley — just be sure to not overdo your desires for pleasure, intimacy, and exploration now, since Venus and Jupiter are both prone to prompting excessive behavior.
Capricorn August 15, 2022 Weekly Horoscope
On Aug. 20, Mars will shift into your sixth house of work, routines, and health, accelerating these matters in a way that’s curious, communicative, and mentally stimulating. As a goal-oriented earth sign, it’s important that you pace yourself during this transit, because it can easily become a recipe for burnout. Try to tackle one thing at a time this week, and keep a list of things you need to get done so you don’t become too scattered and distracted. Since Mars will be in this area of your chart for the next seven months, you’re certain to get plenty done, so there’s no need to rush.
Aquarius August 15, 2022 Weekly Horoscope
As Mars shifts into your fifth house of creativity, pleasure, and fun on Aug. 20, you’ll notice an urgent need to prioritize what brings you fulfillment in life. As a fellow air sign, this energy will inspire you to learn new things, engage in mentally-stimulating conversations, and pick up new hobbies or artistic endeavors. Since the fifth house is also commonly associated with love and intimacy, you may notice that your romantic relationships get a boost now, but it’s bound to be in more of a playful, light-hearted way. During this transit, you’ll enjoy yourself, which you 100% deserve, considering the heavier, more intense transits you’ve been subject to as of late.
Pisces August 15, 2022 Weekly Horoscope
On Aug. 21, Mercury in your seventh house of romantic relationships will form an opposition to Neptune in your first house of self, causing fogginess when it comes to communicating clearly this week. It’ll be important to double-check any information that comes your way now, especially regarding your relationships with others, just to be sure that it’s accurate. Neptune as a tendency to skew reality, and since it’s traveling through your first house, it may be challenging for you to effectively absorb information this week. Be sure to take your time processing important details; it’s better to wait for clarity than to make a decision before receiving clarity.