Here's The Reason Why Each Zodiac Sign Might Be Ignoring Your Text
Their natal chart can tell you more about what’s going on.
Not to be dramatic, but people who don't text back are the bane of my existence. I hate being left waiting, and my mind tends to go into overdrive if I feel ignored. (Yes, I'm a water sign. How did you know?) To be fair, every sign has their own reasons for not answering texts right away. And while I don't condone it, I do understand the reasons why each zodiac sign doesn't text back — or at least why they don't always text back right away.
All the signs of the zodiac have different priorities and different ways of dealing with situations. If you're wondering why someone is ignoring your message, you might turn to astrology for your answer. As dating coach and relationship expert James Preece previously told Elite Daily, "Don't rush to conclusions if this is the first time it's happened. People do get busy, and life can get in the way. Some people are just talkers rather than texters." Whether it's a friend or an SO, everyone has their own reason for leaving you hanging, and chances are that their zodiac sign has something to do with it.
But don’t just look at their sun sign, professional astrologer Taryn Bond says. “These can apply to their dominant big six placements,” she tells Elite Daily, encouraging people to look at the texter’s whole natal chart, specifically the sun, moon, rising, Mercury, Venus, and Mars placements — which could each influence the reason they’re not texting back. Here are some possible explanations for that delayed text, according to each zodiac sign.
Aries usually have no issue getting things done, but if a reply from them lags, it's probably because they don't consider your text a priority. As high achievers, those born under the sign of the ram tend to put their own needs above others. “They had something better to do,” Bond says. “They’re caught up in whatever they’re doing [and] very interested in what’s in front of them in the moment.” Unless your message is super urgent, they see no reason to inconvenience themselves until they're good and ready to respond.
Kind-hearted Taureans don't like to keep people waiting, but oftentimes, their laziness gets in the way of their good intentions. If a Taurus is watching TV and doesn't feel like looking at their screen when they get a text, they won't. And if their phone is across the room when it vibrates, forget about it — they won't be answering you for hours. Plus, if the bull feels like your text doesn’t warrant a reply, they won’t answer. “[Taureans] are not going to text back for no reason,” Bond tells Elite Daily. If they’re not texting back it’s because “you didn’t ask a question or they have nothing important to say,” says Bond. What’s the point of meaningless conversation?
Geminis are major procrastinators and intensely indecisive. When you put those two qualities together, you get notoriously bad texters. People born under this sign constantly second-guess themselves, so even if they start to reply right away, they'll end up drafting a dozen different messages before deleting them all. And since that Gemini is probably juggling five different group chats at once, your text won't be dealt with until much later. “They’re probably very into another app,” says Bond, adding that Gemini is the type to be on their phone but not deeply invested in their messaging app. “Try messaging them on Instagram,” she suggests. You might be more likely to get a response there.
While Cancer is the sign most likely to text you back right away, Cancers can leave you waiting at times, too. This water sign reads far too much into everything, so if their reply lags, it's because they're deconstructing your message and trying to figure out how you feel. And because they're a bit passive-aggressive, they might delay their reply if they find any reason to take offense.
Or, Bond notes that circumstance could have a lot to do with it. “They [probably] have something personal going on,” she says, “especially emotionally or handling family matters.” According to Bond, a Cancer also may not text back when they feel like their emotional energy is drained. They’d rather wait until they’re in the right headspace.
Like their fellow fire sign Aries, Leos are just a touch self-involved. They also thrive on attention, so playing hard to get is one of their favorite pastimes. If a Leo isn’t replying to your message, it’s probably because “the conversation isn’t exciting or engaging,” says Bond, who notes that they’re like Taurus in that they won’t text when they have nothing to say. “But,” she says, “they will send spam texts if something interesting happens or comes up.”
“They were actually doing something,” says Bond. “Virgos are good at texting back, but are also usually fully engaged in the task at hand.” Virgos are pros at balancing their responsibilities, but that often means neglecting their social lives. They’ve likely got other engagements on their meticulously constructed schedule that are higher in priority than answering their phone.
“They’re distracted by something or bored,” notes Bond. “Or, they’re lost in conversation with someone in person.” Libras, like their fellow air sign Gemini, simply can't make up their mind. This sign approaches everything with caution, mostly because they are deeply concerned what others will think. A Libra may not like the idea of inconveniencing others, but their texts take so long to compose that they usually leave people waiting for a reply anyway.
Scorpios tend to be introverts, and they value their alone time above all else. If you send them a text while they're reading or journaling, don't expect a reply for a few hours — their phone probably isn't even turned on. “Similar to Virgo, Scorpio is singularly focused on things,” says Bond. They probably have something else going on, are “totally caught up in something, or not interested,” Bond tells Elite Daily, adding that sometimes they might have ulterior motives. And like all water signs, Scorpios are sensitive and easily offended, so be prepared to have any message you send analyzed down to the last period.
Sagittarians are wildcards, and they're almost always off on a exciting adventure. Even if their phone isn't broken from that time they went cliff jumping in Phuket, this sign is usually too busy to actually read any incoming messages. “[They’re] always doing something fun and exciting,” says Bond. Sagittarians also “probably have a lot of unread messages,” Bond tells Elite Daily. Like Aquarius, Sagittarius takes pride in their independence and doesn't want to be tied down by any responsibilities — even one as small as texting you back.
Capricorns may be incredibly organized and responsive, but they're much more likely to promptly reply to an email from their professor or boss than a text message from you. “They don’t want to waste time with frivolous things,” Bond says. “They’re working, doing something important to them. Texting is usually for functional purposes for them.” Work always comes before socializing in a Capricorn's world. “Testing can annoy Capricorns in a unique way,” adds Bond. Between studying, exercising, and beefing up their resume, how could a Capricorn possibly have time to deal with texts?
Things Aquarians love: conspiracy theories, UFO sightings, and saving the world. Things Aquarians don't love: responsibility. Bond says Aquarians are focused on the bigger vision. “They’re probably working on something … some project or niche or area of research that they're totally into,” she tells Elite Daily. Those born under this air sign are total individuals and willfully independent. At any given time, they're likely working crafting their next masterpiece or taking part in a protest march, so they don't mind leaving you on read until they're free to deal.
Pisceans tend to have their heads in the clouds — and their eyes rarely focused on their phone screens. “They forgot about their phone,” Bond says. “Don't ask where they were — they might not even know. And if anyone is going to not respond because they're in the feels, it's Pisces.” Those born under this sign spend most of their time daydreaming, and answering texts can feel like a real chore for them. They're also deeply sensitive, so they're likely to spend more time analyzing any text they receive than thinking of a reply. “But they tend to know when they're in a bad place and will avoid communication until they feel better,” adds Bond.
Try not to sweat that lagging response — there are plenty of reasons why that person hasn't gotten back to you yet. Just take some calming breaths, keep yourself distracted, and — if that doesn't work — blame astrology.
Taryn Bond, professional tropical astrologer practicing synthesis of evolutionary, modern, traditional, and intuitive techniques rooted in a humanistic, soul-based astrological approach
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