If This Week's Astrology Is Any Indicator, Your Ego Is Going To Take A *Big* Hit
Get ready for the planets to shake the table.
It’s only the second week of August, and the cosmos are already gearing up for some pretty major shifts. Leo season’s been a time where confidence, vitality, and courage have been at an all-time high, but the upcoming full moon in Leo’s sister sign of Aquarius is certain to put all of this to the test. As of late, you’ve been called to step into the limelight and embrace acknowledgement and notoriety, but as Saturn’s influence over the sky begins to become more apparent, it may not be so easy to center your self-expression. With other factors and challenges coming into play, your August 8, 2022 weekly horoscope is all about being reminded of your need for community and collective support, challenging your desire be center stage. With one planet moving into Leo the same day as the full moon, this week’s astrology is full of contradictions — but don’t worry, as long as you continue to honor your authenticity, this week will be a piece of cake.
Aug. 10 is when the astrology of this week starts to get intense, as the sun in Leo squares the South Node in Scorpio, and the North Node in Taurus. On this day, your ego and sense of self will be met with tension when it comes to where you’re heading versus where you’ve been. The square from the sun to the South Node in Scorpio has the potential to bring up old fears, wounds, and suppressed emotions, while the sun’s square to the North Node is challenging you to lean more into long-term sustainability centered around comfort and pleasure in your life. Since this T-Square will be taking place in fixed signs, expect the energy of this day to feel pretty rigid. Don’t expect to feel incredibly open to change, but instead, use this transit as a way to align yourself with the future, while acknowledging what must be left behind.
On Aug. 11, the full moon in Aquarius will take place at 19 degrees, conjunct Saturn at 22 degrees and squaring Uranus in Taurus at 18 degrees. This full moon is intense to say the least, because not only is it occurring in fixed signs, but it’s conjunct a malefic planet (aka Saturn). Typically, full moons reveal to us something that’s been hidden from view, and this lunation is no exception, but it’s likely that what’s revealed to you now will be a little unsettling. Since this lunation is taking place in the fixed air sign of Aquarius, expect the topics around innovation, rebellion, and community to be highlighted, while the need for upheaval and sudden change will also be present. Since Leo season is still in full swing, this full moon is bound to challenge the ego by shifting focus to the collective. You’re an essential piece of the puzzle, but you’re only the center of your own universe — and this full moon is the perfect reminder.
As if the full moon weren’t enough, Venus — the planet of connection, intimacy, and creative expression — will be shifting into the fixed fire sign of Leo on Aug. 11. On this day, your desire for relationships will take a far more expressive, vibrant tone than previously, inviting you to ask for what you want in a bold and expressive manner. With Venus now in a fire sign, your needs are bound to feel more demanding, and while they are incredibly valid, it’ll be important not to neglect to acknowledge the needs of others now. The good thing is, with this collective shift, everyone’s bound to feel a surge in expressing their needs, so you definitely won’t be the only one.
Here’s what each zodiac sign can expect from the astrology of this week:
Aries August 8, 2022 Weekly Horoscope
On Aug. 11, the full moon in Aquarius will illuminate your 11th house of friends, community, and social groups, shifting your attention to your collective pursuits. Now is the perfect time to consider what role you play amongst the collectives you’re a part of. How can you ensure that your voice is being heard? As the independent sign of the zodiac, you may not always feel inclined to join forces with others, but you’re being reminded now that there’s strength and power in numbers. Since this full moon is conjunct Saturn, however, you may be faced with some limits and restrictions in this area, but it’s not a sign to back down. Instead, be patient, and persevere — a strong alliance can’t be built in a day.
Taurus August 8, 2022 Weekly Horoscope
As Venus, your chart ruler, steps into your fourth house on Aug. 11, your desire for connection and unity will be directed toward your home and family. This is the perfect time to host a family gathering or a get-together at your home — anything that allows you to use your social abilities to bring people together. While this isn’t necessarily a time where you’ll be feeling outwardly social, it’s a great time to nurture your connections behind closed doors. Since Venus will be in the vibrant, expressive sign of Leo, you may be called to consider how you express your individuality through your home, making this a great time to do some renovations.
Gemini August 8, 2022 Weekly Horoscope
On Aug. 11, the full moon in Aquarius will illuminate your ninth house of travel, knowledge, and wisdom, spotlighting your desire to expand your mind. With Saturn present with this lunation, you may be feeling restricted when it comes to your pursuits now, but this is the perfect time to incorporate some structure into your belief systems. As the student of the zodiac, you have incredibly strong opinions and world views, but it’s important that they’re built on solid ground. It’s also a great time to join a community that shares the same beliefs as you that can potentially support you in your quest for knowledge.
Cancer August 8, 2022 Weekly Horoscope
As the full moon illuminates your eighth house on Aug. 11, topics surrounding boundaries, money, and shared resources will be highlighted, potentially revealing something here that was previously hidden. You may find that conversations surrounding money owed to you or vice versa arises now, or your boundaries in your intimate relationships with others are in need of some adjustments. What’s good is that the fixed air nature of this full moon will make it easy to make changes that stand the test of time, just be sure that the shifts you make now are ones that honor who you are, and aren’t just about what other people want.
Leo August 8, 2022 Weekly Horoscope
On Aug. 11, the full moon in Aquarius will bring your romantic relationships and partnerships to the limelight, prompting you to assess the boundaries, rules, and structures in this area. As the sun-ruled sign of the zodiac, it’s important that your relationships don’t require you to dim your light, and now is the time where you may be confronted with some themes that have been potentially clashing with you living in your truth. Since this full moon is taking place in a fellow fixed sign, it may be difficult to implement some major changes now, but either way, some strong themes around your relationship dynamics will be revealed to you, so be sure to pay close attention.
Virgo August 8, 2022 Weekly Horoscope
As the full moon in Aquarius illuminates your sixth house of work, routines, and health, you’ll be called to assess your daily rituals and habits. With Saturn conjoining this lunation, however, you’ll be feeling pressure to implement strong boundaries into your new routines. It’s a great time to pay attention to your body and what it’s telling you it needs now, even if it’s something a little out of the ordinary. Since this lunation is taking place in a fixed sign, you may be feeling less inclined to make major changes, but it’s the perfect time to brainstorm different ways you can switch up your self-care.
Libra August 8, 2022 Weekly Horoscope
On Aug. 11, your chart ruler, Venus, will step into your 11th house of community and social groups, bringing a sense of unity and connection to your alliances. Now is a great time to plan a social event that allows you to flex your socialite skills, in a way that allows you to honor your need for self-expression. As a Venusian, you find a lot of pride in your friendships, and as Venus moves into Leo this week, you’ll be prompted to seek out new relationships that align with your authenticity.
Scorpio August 8, 2022 Weekly Horoscope
This week, the full moon in Aquarius will illuminate your fourth house of home and family, shifting your attention to your need for boundaries and structure in this area. Expect this to be a week where you’re reflecting on your desire for community in here, making this a good time to reconnect with family or people who live in your neighborhood. This is an area of your life where you tend to feel a bit isolated, so it’ll be incredibly beneficial for you to reflect on how you can find ways to innovate this area of your life to make room for more opportunities to connect with others.
Sagittarius August 8, 2022 Weekly Horoscope
On Aug. 11, the full moon will illuminate your third house of communication, thoughts and ideas, prompting you to share what’s on your mind. As the knowledge-oriented sign of the zodiac, you’re always eager to share wisdom with others, and on this day, you’ll be inclined to reflect on how you can find community that shares your same opinions. As someone who’s constantly seeking to broaden your mind, it’s important that you surround yourself with like-minded individuals, and this week is a great time to brainstorm different ways you can incorporate these connections into your daily life.
Capricorn August 8, 2022 Weekly Horoscope
As the full moon in Aquarius illuminates your second house of money and resources, your attention will be called to your finances this week. Now is a great time to consider how you’ve been using your finances, and if the boundaries you’ve set here have been supporting or hindering you. Since this lunation is conjunct your chart ruler, Saturn, you’ll be feeling this full moon more than most. How have the rules you’ve been abiding by when it comes to expressing yourself been supporting the expression of your identity? While it’s important to have boundaries when it comes to money, your resources are still meant to be enjoyed, so try not to limit yourself too much.
Aquarius August 8, 2022 Weekly Horoscope
On Aug. 11, the full moon in Aquarius will highlight your first house of self, bringing emphasis to your sense of identity. You’re someone who tends to shy away from the spotlight, but as this full moon takes place, you’ll feel called to consider how you’ve been expressing yourself. Have you been following any unsaid rules that have been prompting you to suppress parts of yourself? If so, this full moon is the perfect time to reflect on how you can honor yourself in your own unique way. You’re being called to embrace what makes you different now, even if it’s unconventional, so don’t hesitate to focus on yourself now. It doesn’t make you selfish, in fact, a strong relationship with the self is essential.
Pisces August 8, 2022 Weekly Horoscope
As the full moon illuminates your 12th house of isolation and withdrawal this week, you’ll be called to draw your energy inward and reflect on your mental health practices. Now is the time for you to recharge your batteries, and consider how you can improve or innovate the ways that you care for yourself behind the scenes. With Saturn co-present, you may feel as though you’re up against some strong limits now, but the full moon gives you the opportunity to acknowledge what was previously hidden from your subconscious mind.
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