Selena Gomez Gets Honest About Her Real Life: "I Know Everybody, But Have No Friends"
Selena Gomez is on top of the world. With 126 million Instagram followers, her first American Vogue cover on shelves, and amazing new music, it's hard to believe Gomez would be as down to earth as she is successful. She has come to be known as someone who isn't afraid to put it all out there. She's been extremely open about her personal struggles, mental health issues, and heartbreak. To endure all of life's challenges, she relies on very close friendships. Who are Selena Gomez's friends? Actually, she keeps her social circle very tight-knit.
Gomez had a recent interview with Business of Fashion (BoF), where she dug into her personal growth. As one of the executive producers of 13 Reasons Why, a controversial teen-drama on Netflix that centers around a high-schooler's suicide, and being open about her own battle with anxiety, Gomez has become a strong advocate for mental health.
When asked about how young people should educate themselves on these issues, Gomez explained that it's helpful to "ask somebody you respect." She said,
If you're around people who think that stuff is dumb, that think it's ridiculous — 'You're crazy! You're fine!' — but you don't feel that way, then maybe it's time to reevaluate that. It's a lonely journey to really figure out where all this stuff is coming from. And to detach from it ... But it is lonely, I had to lose a lot of people in my life to get there.
Gomez elaborated,
You have to figure out the people that are in your circle. I feel like I know everybody but have no friends. [Laughs] I have like three good friend that I can tell everything to, but I know everyone. I go anywhere and I'm like, 'Hey guys, how's it going?' And it feels great to be connected to people, but having boundaries is so important. You have to have those few people that respect you, want the best for you and you want the best for them. It sounds cheesy, but it's hard.
Gomez's struggles have made her extremely mature for 25. Although, I can't help feeling sad. Is she no longer part of T. Swift's squad? What about her 20 year friendship with Demi Lovato? WHO ARE HER FRIENDS?!
It was rumored that Gomez had lost touch with her most public BFF, Taylor Swift. However, on July 16, Swift broke a two-month long social media silence to congratulate Gomez on dropping "Fetish." The caption read, "Sultry pop magic from this dreamy almost-birthday-girl!" Aw, Tay, you remembered.
It's also been floating around the ol' rumor mill that Gomez and Swift collaborated on a song for Reputation. While that would be amazing and a good sign for their friendship, I don't know if my heart can handle it.
As for Demi Lovato and Selena Gomez's friendship — they're seemingly cool, but not as close as they used to be. Reportedly, Gomez did reach out while Lovato was seeking treatment for eating disorders and self-harm, but they are not seen out together much.
There's one person that I'm certain is in the inner-circle: The Weeknd. Selena Gomez and The Weeknd are one of the cutest couples in Hollywood (and they're not afraid to pack on the PDA). I mean, Gomez's phone background is a picture of The Weeknd. TELL ME THIS ISN'T TRUE LOVE. They definitely aren't shy about their relationship. During the interview with BoF, Gomez gushed,
My boyfriend just got me a beautiful Chanel bag, and [I love it]. It wasn't because it was a Chanel bag, it's because of where it came from and what it meant. So I wear it so proudly, and I feel cute when I have it on. I feel like, 'I love this!' it makes me so happy. It literally just happened so all my friends are laughing because every time I have it on, I feel a certain way. And that to me is an experience.
Seriously, the cutest. Besides the amazing gift giving, The Weeknd is an extremely dedicated and supportive boyfriend. Whether it's support for Gomez's new Coach campaign or a sexy selfie — these two are a match made in a doughnut shop (aka heaven).
Although Gomez keeps her social circle small, it seems like it's benefited her mental health tremendously. I'm happy that she has found her voice, inner-strength, and is prepared to take on the world. Wishing you the best, Selena.