Andy Cohen Keeps Getting Kicked Off Dating Apps & The Reason Is Actually Hilarious
There are plenty of perks that come along with being a rich and famous person. For starters, there's the whole being rich and being able to buy whatever you want whenever you want thing. Then, of course, there's the fame that makes it so that you don't even have to buy anything, as everyone's just dying for you to try their products for free. But being rich and famous does, unfortunately, have its drawbacks as well. For instance, being on dating apps is apparently more difficult. In fact, rich and famous person Andy Cohen is getting kicked off dating apps a lot recently.
For most of us normal people, it takes doing something pretty reprehensible to actually get kicked off of a dating app. But it seems all Andy Cohen has to do to get kicked off of dating apps is just be himself. No, seriously. That's literally the only reason he keeps getting kicked off, according to him. Apparently, the Watch What Happens Live host is so famous that a particular gay dating app he uses simply doesn't believe that he is, in fact, the Andy Cohen. Super relatable problem, amiright? LOL JK, I know this might just be the most unrelatable issue any celeb has ever had.
Cohen talked about his issue with dating apps on his recent appearance on an episode of The Ellen Show. On the episode, the 49-year-old told Ellen that he actually enjoyed being single and on the dating scene. (This is following his split with 30-year-old Clifton Dassuncao.) As part of embracing his single life, he explained to Ellen that he has enlisted the help of a few dating apps.
While we would expect a star like Cohen to be on an ultra-exclusive app like Raya (the dating app many celebrities use), Cohen revealed that he actually likes more normal-people apps. Yes, that's right. Even Andy Cohen prefers Tinder. But it's not Tinder that's giving him trouble. No, instead, it's an unnamed dating app.
“There is a gay dating app that I’m on that I keep getting kicked off of because they think I’m impersonating Andy Cohen,” he told Ellen. “They’re like, ‘Your photos don’t meet our guidelines,’ and I’m like, ‘It is me!'”
Ah, the classic "you're too hot and famous that too many people have already created catfish accounts using your pictures so now we can't tell who's actually you" conundrum. Been there. Oh, wait, I really definitely have not been there.
Ellen did warn him that now that he's put the idea out there, he might have more people using his picture to get matches than he did to start off with. She explained, "Now, by doing that, anyone watching is gonna try to do that because now you've given them that idea."
In general, Cohen seems to have a positive outlook on his post-breakup life. When asked by Ellen whether or not his breakup was a good thing, he responded, "You know what? Every day that I'm alive is a great thing and, yeah, it's fine."
In fact, even when he's not swiping through Tinder, he has suitors hitting him up IRL. One time, Cohen revealed on Ellen, a younger dude made a move on him while he was filming an episode of Watch What Happens Live this week. It could've been the beginning of a great love story if only the guy wasn't so dang young, according to Cohen.
“I was like, ‘Are you even over 25?’ And he was like, ‘Almost,'” he recalled to Ellen. “And I said, ‘I think you might be too young.’”
But, don't worry. That isn't making him lose hope quite yet. “Somebody is going to get up [on TV] and ask me out someday and we’re going to end up getting married,” he continued to Ellen. “And we’ll have met so cute!”
Do you think you're Andy Cohen material? Well according to the man himself, that would mean you're “strong, independent, funny and handsome." Oh! Also, he explained, "I want someone who has their own thing going on.” Hopefully, this unnamed dating app lets Cohen back on soon so he can get back to finding just that.