6 Ways To Tweak Your Tinder Profile & Get More Matches, According To An Expert

by Rachel Shatto

If you're single and aren't reading this from under a (Wi-Fi enabled) rock, you probably have a dating app or two on your phone. And why wouldn't you? Who doesn't appreciate the convenience of having the very real possibility of finding love in their pocket? No one, that's who. But still, tell me if this sounds familiar: You’re amazing (because duh, of course you are), but for some reason you're just not getting many right swipes. In that case, having some tips on how to get more Tinder matches by making minor tweaks to your profile is exactly what you need to level-up your online dating game.

According to data by Tinder, there are 1.6 billion (yes billion) swipes in the app and 26 million matches every day. So, why shouldn't you be getting more of those right swipes? You can, it's just a matter of making some small changes on your profile picture and in your bio that show off what makes you special and makes it easier for would-be swipers to strike up a convo. Because right swipes are nice, but they are really just the first step to finding romance. Here are the changes you should make on your profile today.

01Never Skip The Bio


For me, the hardest part of online dating is writing the profile bio. I always feel awkward and like I'm "selling" myself, so in the past I would breeze past the bio or include as little detail as possible. Big mistake. Huge. According to a Tinder spokesperson, including the bio is "highly critical." She explains that user's bios "not only benefit at the matching but later at the messaging level.” So if you are having "About Me" writer's block, power through it and write something short and sweet!

02Focus On What Makes You Original In Your Bio


If you're still not sure what to include in your "About Me," take the lead with what's unique about you. “Include information in your profile that allows you to appear original,” the spokesperson says. “For example, a photograph of a man surfing in Los Angeles is fairly common and does not allow users to understand how you differ from the 60 other men in your area that have photos of themselves surfing." Not only is this more eye-catching for would-be swipers, but it’s going to make it easier for them to to take the next step and send you a message.

"Around 20 percent of men and women prefer to send an observation about a person as their opening line, so give them something to talk about!” says the spokesperson.

03Skip The Sunglasses In Your Profile Pic


If your profile pic is currently along the lines of you looking adorable on vacay rocking a cute pair of sunnies, it's time to switch it up with a new spectacle-free pic. Tinder tells Elite Daily that something as simple as wearing glasses in a picture — sunglasses or even prescription — can reduce your chance of being right-swiped by 15 percent.

04Ditch The Hat In Your Profile Photo


Much like wearing glasses in your profile photo, wearing a hat may be the surprising culprit in your lack of right swipes. Tinder stats show that hat pictures can decrease your chances of getting a right swipe by up to 12 percent.

05Lead With A Smile


That sexy, sultry profile pic may look hot, but it’s also cutting down on your connections. Tinder stats show that you are 14 percent more likely to be swiped right on if you are smiling in your profile photo. So, goodbye duck face and/or mysteriously staring off into the distance — it was cute, but it was also killing your vibe.

06Give Them Face


Last but not least, stats shows that if you want to catch the eye of right-swipers, you need to give them face. By that, I mean you need to face the camera. No more side angles (even though they're fierce AF). According to Tinder, profiles featuring face-forward photos are more than 20 percent more likely to be swiped right on.

It's so crazy how such little things can really improve your chances of right swipes, but hey, if it works, it works! Finding love is often just a numbers game, and now you have an edge on beating it with just a few little tweaks.

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