Elite Daily Newsletter: December 5, 2022
Your weekly horoscope is all about curiosity, the best “digital lavender” manicure trends, and more.
A version of this content appeared in Elite Daily’s newsletter on Dec. 5, 2022. Why wait? If you like what you see, sign up to receive it in your inbox right here.
Your Weekly Horoscope Wants You To Ask The Tough Questions
Though you may be reluctant to open up, this week’s horoscope is encouraging you to ask questions and embrace whatever answers come your way. To paraphrase Taylor Swift: It’s time to quit staring at the sun and start looking in the mirror. Anyway, better to do it now under mutable Sag before Capricorn gets here and sends you into a productivity spiral. READ MORE
Try Out The “Digital Lavender” Trend With One Of These Fun Manicures
A lavender manicure is undeniably chic, and one of my absolute favorite nail polish shades of all time falls into this category. Whether you and your lover are currently enveloped in that enviable “lavender haze” or you just want to switch up your tried-and-true blue mani, these are all super fun — maybe squeeze one in now before you do your holiday nails? READ MORE
Fans Are *So* Confused After Britney Spears Dedicates Her Birthday Post To Jamie Lynn
Forget Soccer, We’re All Watching Cho Gue-Sung
The Harry & Meghan Trailer Draws Harrowing Parallels To Princess Di
12 Home Decor Items To Shop Inspired By Pantone’s Color Of The Year
Jenna Ortega’s Zodiac Sign Explains Why She’s A Perfect Wednesday Addams
If you consider yourself an astrology enthusiast (hi), you might assume that Wednesday is a Scorpio, which was my personal guess. I mean, it doesn’t get more moody and goth than a sign that literally rules the sky during Halloween, right? However, this is incorrect! But! There is something even more interesting going on: Oftentimes when an actor plays a role incredibly well, you’re able to find some big similarities to the character they’re portraying when you pull their chart (Penn Badgley is a perfect example of this), and Ortega’s astrological makeup strongly confirms that it was written in the stars for her to play this role. READ MORE
I Taste-Tested Buddy The Elf’s Breakfast Spaghetti So You Don’t Have To
I need you to be honest with yourself (remember what your weekly horoscope says!) and admit that you have always been a little bit curious about what Buddy’s, uh, creative combination of spaghetti, chocolate syrup, marshmallows, and Pop Tarts tastes like. Luckily for you, one of our writers was, too. READ MORE
Selena Gomez Just Jumped On The Skittles Mani Trend
The Best Celebrity Reactions To Their Spotify Wrapped
Oxford Dictionary Declared Their “Word Of The Year” For 2022
All The Best Breakup Songs For The Newly Single
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