young woman smiles as she shakes out her hair, thinks about her june 13, 2022 weekly horoscope

This Week Will Be Equal Parts Overwhelming And Rewarding For Every Sign

Flexibility is key.

by Chelsea Jackson
Yana Iskayeva/Moment/Getty Images

What are you most looking forward to now that June is in full swing? Is it the official start of summer? The fact that it’s Pride Month? Is it Cancer season? The list of good things on the horizon goes on and on, and your June 13, 2022 weekly horoscope is only here to add to the fun. With Mercury reentering Gemini for the first time since its retrograde, and the full moon in Sagittarius preparing to light up the sky, this week is all about following your curiosity in order to obtain the wisdom, knowledge, and freedom that you seek.

On June 13, Mercury will make its way back into its domicile sign of Gemini, the airy, mutable place where the planet of communication stationed retrograde back on May 10. As Mercury reenters this sign (with a plethora of new information), you’ll now feel as though you have all of the necessary tools in order to share and express your thoughts and ideas. You may even find that you’re almost overwhelmed with what you know now, and may find it a bit challenge deciding between which mentally stimulating interest you want to pursue first. This is a good problem to have though, considering the stagnation Mercury retrograde caused over the last month. This is the perfect time to speak up, spark conversations, and share the ideas you’ve been sitting on for quite some time; your words are guaranteed to be well-received now.

Following Mercury’s shift into Gemini, a full moon in the exact opposite sign of Sagittarius will light up the night sky on June 14, bringing a need for balance between what you’re eager to learn with what you’re meant to teach and share with others. The Gemini-Sagittarius axis in astrology is all about taking in and transmuting information and knowledge, but since these are both mutable signs, it can oftentimes be challenging maintaining consistency in beliefs and opinions. However, in order to reach full enlightenment, it’s important to be flexible, which is what this full moon is all about. Now is the time to embrace the freedom and liberation that comes from being openminded, and based on where this lunation is taking place in your chart can provide insight into where you can expect your focus to be called.

Here’s what every zodiac sign can expect from this week’s astrological events:

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Aries June 13, 2022 Weekly Horoscope

You’re overwhelmed with newfound information now, Aries, but as the fiery, cardinal sign of the zodiac, you’re soaking it all in. As the full moon in your fellow fire sign of Sagittarius illuminates your ninth house of travel and knowledge on June 14, you’ll be called to consider what your current belief systems and spiritual practices look like. You’ve got all the details, now how do you implement them into your personal philosophies? Now is the time to take a trip or enroll in a new course. You’re more receptive to learning new things now than ever.

Taurus June 13, 2022 Weekly Horoscope

There’s plenty of activity going on in your second house of money and resources now, and you’ve likely been doing plenty of brainstorming when it comes to these topics as of late. As the full moon in Sagittarius shines a light into your eighth house of shared resources and boundaries on June 14, you’ll feel inclined to consider how the time and resources you’ve been sharing with others has either helped or hindered you. As the fixed earth sign of the zodiac, you look for freedom in your finances, and now is the perfect time to consider whether or not how you’ve been managing your resources supports this.

Gemini June 13, 2022 Weekly Horoscope

This is a pretty big week for you, Gemini, with your chart ruler shifting back into your first house and all, so it comes as no surprise if you feel as though you have a lot you want to say. With Mercury back in your first house of self beginning on June 13, you’ll be engaging in plenty of conversations with yourself, as well as others. You’ve finally got the mentally energy needed in order to engage in the important discussions you’ve been craving, so be sure to speak up. The full moon in your seventh house of relationships on June 14 will shine an important light on how you relate and connect to others, so be sure to listen now just as much as you’re speaking.

Cancer June 13, 2022 Weekly Horoscope

With your season right around the corner, you’re feeling like it’s time to assess your behind the scenes habits and routines, and for good reason. With Mercury stepping into your 12th house of isolation and seclusion on June 13, you’ll feel inclined to get curious and ask yourself important questions regarding your mental health. As the full moon illuminates your sixth house the next day on June 14, you’ll be called to find balance between work and rest. How have you been prioritizing self-care, and do your current routines support these needs? Be sure to keep an open mind, because you tend to thrive when you give yourself space to switch up your rituals on a daily basis.

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Leo June 13, 2022 Weekly Horoscope

Get ready, Leo, because your social life is beginning to really thrive now as Mercury makes its way into your 11th house of friends on June 13. Expect to be engaging in plenty of mentally stimulating conversations this week, while also being called to assess your own independent needs for creative expression and pleasure as the full moon lights up your fifth house the next day. Taking place in a fellow fire sign, the full moon in Sagittarius calls for you to lean into your personal creative pursuits, which may mean that you may have to find some balance between collaborative efforts and passion projects. Not to worry though, because whatever you’re producing now you’re certain to be proud of.

Virgo June 13, 2022 Weekly Horoscope

Your chart ruler, Mercury, is finally back in the other sign of its domicile, Gemini, providing you with a sense of ease when it comes to communication, especially when it comes to your professional endeavors. With Mercury now in your 10th house, you’re able to effortlessly tap into your knack for organization and details in your professional life, so don’t be surprised if colleagues are looking to you for assistance now. You may also find that you’re being called on to speak and share your ideas, so don’t hold back. Your voice deserves to be heard.

Libra June 13, 2022 Weekly Horoscope

You’re learning a lot of new things right now, Libra, but as an air sign, you prefer it this way. As Mercury shifts into your ninth house on June 13, you’ll be eager to dive into newfound knowledge and wisdom, and as the full moon illuminates your third house the next day, you’ll be reminded of how much wisdom you gather in your daily life. Finding a balance between what you know and what you still have to learn is key right now, but not to worry, you tend to be a master at maintaining equilibrium.

Scorpio June 13, 2022 Weekly Horoscope

On June 13, Mercury will shift into your eighth house of shared resources and boundaries, bringing to your attention some important conversations you may need to have between yourself and others. While these conversations may be a bit heavy, the lighthearted energy of Gemini will keep things from becoming too bleak, and the full moon in the optimistic sign of Sagittarius the following day will help to keep you openminded, especially when it comes to how you’re using your resources. This is a great time to evaluate the energy you’ve been putting into relationships versus what you’ve been getting in return. Do some changes need to be made?

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Sagittarius June 13, 2022 Weekly Horoscope

With the full moon illuminating your first house of self on June 14, your sense of autonomy and identity will be highlighted this week, prompting you to consider who you are outside of your connections with others. Gemini season has brought plenty of attention to the important people in your life, but how are you incorporating your need for personal freedom into these dynamics? This is a great day to spend some time alone, so be sure to reflect on how your relationships with others do (or don’t) align with who you are now.

Capricorn June 13, 2022 Weekly Horoscope

You’re being called to do a deep dive into your psyche this week, Capricorn, as the full moon on June 15 prepares to light up your 12th house of isolation and withdrawal. You tend to exercise plenty of discipline in your external life, but how can you achieve freedom and enlightenment in your inner world? Your alone time is where you tend to experience the most liberation, and now is the time to prioritize this. This full moon serves as the perfect time to recharge your batteries, so don’t allow yourself to feel guilty for going off the grid.

Aquarius June 13, 2022 Weekly Horoscope

With Mercury shifting into your fifth house of pleasure and creativity this week, you’ll be called to get curious about the ways that you’ve been cultivated joy into your life. As a fellow air sign, you’re always eager to pursue mental stimulating endeavors, and now is the perfect time to do so. The following day, the full moon will shine a light on your friends and alliances, prompting you to consider how your social circles support your desire to feel good.

Pisces June 13, 2022 Weekly Horoscope

On June 14, the full moon in Sagittarius will illuminate your 10th house of career and public image, highlighting your desire for freedom and liberation in your professional world. As a fellow Jupiter-ruled sign, you look for the space to continuously grow and expand in every aspect of your life, and this week you’ll be called to consider how you can further incorporate your quest for knowledge and understanding into your vocation. It’s the perfect time for you to share wisdom with your peers. Trust me, they’ll be listening.