I Tried...
I tried the 'Gilmore Girls' coffees from the Warner Bros. Studio Tour in Hollywood.

Luke From Gilmore Girls *Finally* Has His Own Coffee Blends

Lorelai would be so proud.

If you love coffee as much as Lorelai and Rory do, you’re in luck. Scott Patterson (aka Luke Danes) just released three Gilmore Girls-themed coffee blends that fans of the series can brew at home.

24 years after the show’s initial release, the caffeinated beverages from Luke’s Diner, the Dragonfly Inn, and Stars Hollow are available exclusively at the Warner Bros. Studio in Hollywood and you don’t even need a ticket to the tour to purchase them. I actually stopped by the Warner Bros. Studio Store on my day off to pick up all three of the new Gilmore Girls blends, because like Lorelai and Rory, I am coffee-obsessed and was eager to try them.

I need coffee in an IV.

(This quote could be attributed to Lorelai, but also me.)

Each one of the Gilmore Girls coffees is inspired by a different location in the show:

  • Luke’s Diner Blend — a medium roast with subtle flavors of dried figs and walnuts.
  • Dragonfly Inn Talk Fast Blend — it has double the caffeine of the Luke’s Diner Blend, and is a dark roast that seems to be heavily inspired by Lorelai, who not only runs the inn, but needs “coffee in an IV.”
  • Stars Hollow Signature Blend — a light roast with hazelnut flavor.

These new blends — which are $20 for a 12 oz. bag — are a collab between Patterson’s Scotty P’s Big Mug Coffee brand and Warner Bros. He exclusively tells Elite Daily, “Branding our exceptional coffee blends this way allows the fans a unique connection to their favorite memories of the show.”

Now, you can sip on Luke’s Diner coffee as you’re watching (or rewatching) Lorelai and Rory enjoy some as well.

Warner Bros. Studio

Getting to try each of the Gilmore Girls coffee blends was an experience that brought me back to when I first started watching the show. My love of coffee began in high school, because I wanted to be more like Rory Gilmore. Each morning, I brewed an entire pot before class, and the scent of coffee filled the kitchen as I was getting ready.

Nowadays, I just make a quick single-serve cup and get to work, so having to take the time to brew a full pot again was nostalgic AF. These Gilmore Girls coffees from Patterson are very aromatic, and made my apartment smell like what I imagine Luke’s Diner smells like.

“I Am All In” On The Luke’s Diner Blend

Warner Bros. Television
Rachel Chapman

Out of the three, I would recommend the Luke’s Diner Blend for any regular coffee lover. It was a delicious medium roast that wasn’t too flavorful or strong. I can understand why Lorelai loves it so much.

My favorite part about the Luke’s Diner Blend: the packaging. On the back of the bag, there are some adorable cartoon drawings of Luke and Lorelai with a description filled with references to the show, like “we’re ‘all in’ on this beautifully complex medium roast.” Since it’s the most generic (and who doesn’t want to try Luke’s official coffee?), this is the blend to get your Gilmore Girls-loving bestie as a gift.

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

I Like The Stars Hollow Blend “Only With My Oxygen”

Saeed Adyani/Netflix
Rachel Chapman

My personal fave of the group was the Stars Hollow Signature Blend, because my go-to coffee flavor is hazelnut. If you’re also a fan of hazelnut, you’ll love this one on its own or with your choice of milk. I poured my Stars Hollow blend over some ice with milk and added a homemade cold foam on top. To my surprise, I made an iced coffee as good as something I usually order from my local cafe.

The best part was, since I made it at home, it was a lot cheaper. If Luke needs a new barista, I’m ready to throw my resume into the mix.

Rating: 5 out of 5.

The Dragonfly Inn Blend Will Keep You “Words-Putting-Into-Sentence-Doing”

Warner Bros. Television
Rachel Chapman

Someone who needs that extra boost in the morning may want to try the Dragonfly Inn Talk Fast Blend. The double-caffeinated coffee is a dark roast that’s so strong, you’ll be able to talk a mile a minute à la Lorelai.

Since I have coffee almost every single day, I’m not as affected by caffeine. I can even have coffee with dessert for dinner and still go to bed on time. However, this blend kept me awake way past my bedtime. It’s a great choice for those late-night study sessions, like what Rory had at Yale.

Rating: 4 out of 5.

TL;DR: These Gilmore Girls Coffees Are Like Luke And Lorelai — Worth The Wait

Overall, I’m a big fan of Patterson’s Gilmore Girls coffee blends, and can’t believe it took 17 years since the show’s original run ended for fans to finally get their hands on a bag of the same Luke’s Diner coffee that Lorelai and Rory love so much.

If you happen to be visiting SoCal and want to check out the Warner Bros. Studio Tour to visit the Stars Hollow set or snap a pic in front of the gazebo, don’t forget to pick up a bag of coffee on your way out. You can find them in the main store before you go on your tour or as you exit. Bonus: If you buy all three bags, you get $5 off a large Luke’s Diner mug ($17).