It’ll Be A Big Week For The Cosmos, Which Means It’ll Be Even Bigger For You
The planets are here to lead the way.
It’s safe to say that the month of May will be busy; I would even go as far as to say it’s one of the busiest months of 2022, considering Mercury will station retrograde and a lunar eclipse is on its way. With so much taking place in the cosmos now, you’re bound to feel these shifts — but not to worry, because your May 9, 2022 weekly horoscope is here to offer you all insight you need on the big shifts your zodiac sign can expect. Change isn’t always easy, but you’re definitely ready for it, and the planets are here to lead the way.
On May 10, Jupiter will shift from the dreamy, optimistic sign of Pisces and into the action-oriented, cardinal sign of Aries, bringing in some pretty astronomical changes into the Aries-ruled house of your birth chart. You can expect a lot of dynamic and speedy growth in this area until July 28, when Jupiter will station retrograde. This is Jupiter’s first time being back in Aries since 2011, so you may see similar themes of that period of your life show up again.
That same day, Mercury will station retrograde in the curious, communicative air sign of Gemini and eventually step back into the stable, calm sign of Taurus on May 22 to bring ideas down to earth in a practical manner. Since Mercury will be moving through two different signs during its retrograde, you can expect the Taurus and Gemini-ruled houses in your birth chart to be affected until June 3, so be sure to consider how you may to renegotiate or reorganize something in these areas.
By May 13, the sun will conjoin the North Node in Taurus, illuminating the newfound opportunity for security and pleasure that the solar eclipse that took place here on April 30 may have initiated. This is a great time to consider how leaning into the Taurus-ruled house in your birth chart could potentially aid in your personal identity and self-expression, just in time for the lunar eclipse in Scorpio on May 15. The comfort you’ve found solace in during Taurus season will be confronted with some pretty intense feels on this day, as the Earth blocks the sun’s light from reaching the moon. Lunar eclipses tend to feel a bit more intense since they’re basically super-charged full moons, so you can expect to feel pretty emotionally charged on this day. Now is the time you’re being called to release some outdated feelings or pain in order to align better with your destiny. Are you ready to take the plunge?
Here’s what your zodiac sign can expect from the cosmos this week:
Aries May 9, 2022 Weekly Horoscope
You’ve been doing a lot of inner work over the last six months, and now is the time where you’ll finally begin to see the fruits of your labor. With Jupiter shifting into your first house of self this week, you’ll feel a major surge in energy and inspiration to go after the dreams you’ve been sitting on for quite some time. You’ve done a lot of work behind the scenes, and now you’re embodying that growth externally. While the lunar eclipse may bring some fears you’ve buried to light, it’s not a sign to give up — it’s an opportunity to let go of the one thing that’s been holding you back.
Taurus May 9, 2022 Weekly Horoscope
It’s been a pretty jam-packed season for you this year, but the good thing is it’s coming to an end in an amazing way. You’ve been called to embrace more of your autonomy this season, and with the lunar eclipse in Scorpio bringing great endings to old connections that have been holding you back, you’ll finally feel freed from what you’ve outgrown. While change is something you tend to resist at first, you know that it’s for the best. It’s time embrace who you are, no matter what may have to get left behind.
Gemini May 9, 2022 Weekly Horoscope
This week is sure to shake things up for you as your chart ruler, Mercury, stations retrograde, but you tend to roll with the punches pretty well, and this time is no different. A retrograde in your own sign may hit a little close to home though, and it’s a great time to consider how you share your ideas with others, and whether or not your current plans are ready to be put out there. You’re not one to sit on ideas for long, but this retrograde could give you the opportunity to slow down and plan your strategy in peace.
Cancer May 9, 2022 Weekly Horoscope
Your spiritual journey has been a major priority for you for quite some time, and you’re now being called to infuse the valuable lessons you’ve learned into your career and public image. While you tend to have a love/hate relationship with the limelight, this is the perfect time to share your newfound wisdom with the world, so be sure to seize the opportunity to teach others what you’ve learned. Your presence within your alliances and social circles is also being illuminated now, so be sure to pay close attention to who you form new relationships with, they’re likely to be significant.
Leo May 9, 2022 Weekly Horoscope
As a fixed sign, you tend to resist change that you don’t feel ready for, which is precisely why the lunar eclipse in Scorpio on May 15 is so important for you. This eclipse will highlight what you’ve been needing to let go of when it comes to your home and family life, so that you can successfully embrace the newfound career opportunities waiting for you. Be sure to lean into letting go as much as you can now — there’s no room for old pain and emotions where you’re headed. You can also expect some opportunity to grow spiritually once you release what’s been holding you back, so it’s a win all around.
Virgo May 9, 2022 Weekly Horoscope
Having your chart ruler ,Mercury, station retrograde in the midst of eclipse season can be a little chaotic, but you tend to work very well under pressure. You’re a bit in the spotlight now though, as Mercury paces back and forth between your ninth and 10th houses, but you’re on a mission, and you’re sure to get the job done. Your professional life is where you’ll be called to do some reviewing, while at the same time being called to do some reviewing of your own personal thoughts and ideas. As a Mercurial, your mind is your most powerful tool, and this week you’re considering how you’ve outgrown certain mindsets you’ve found comfort in for so long. Push yourself to look at things a little differently now, you won’t regret it.
Libra May 9, 2022 Weekly Horoscope
Your personal relationships tend to be a pretty major priority, and with Jupiter shifting into your Aries seventh house this month, I doubt this will change anytime soon. Be mindful of the growth your connections experience now, because it’s sure to be significant — just pay attention to the boundaries you’ve been setting for yourself and others as the eclipse comes around. As a Venusian, you love to indulge, but when it comes to your personal resources you tend to be far more cautious. Now is the time to release any fear you’ve been holding onto when it comes to time and money — there’s no need to operate from a place of lack.
Scorpio May 9, 2022 Weekly Horoscope
The biggest event this month for you by far is the lunar eclipse in your sign, so be sure to mark your calendar for May 15. As the protective, private sign of the zodiac, a lunar eclipse in your first house of self is sure to make you pretty uncomfortable as it shines a light into all of your darkest secrets, but trust me — it’s for the best. You tend to heavily identify with the pain from your past, but the lunar eclipse is encouraging you to leave it behind. You don’t want to carry old experiences into new connections, so be sure to consider leaving those at the door.
Sagittarius May 9, 2022 Weekly Horoscope
Your chart ruler is going through some major shifts this month as it shifts from Pisces to Aries, but as a fire sign, you’re sure to enjoy this ingress. As Jupiter steps into your fifth house of pleasure and creativity on May 10, you’ll be introduced to new, exciting ways to experience fun in your life, while at the same time being called to take a look at old relationship themes as Mercury stations retrograde the same day. While you may have some unfinished business to attend to this week, it won’t prevent you from finding ways to cultivate joy in your life.
Capricorn May 9, 2022 Weekly Horoscope
You’re big on networking and staying plugged in, but as eclipse season closes out, you’ll be called to consider what alliances have possibly reached their end this week. You tend to find a lot of security in your friendships, and while it may be hard to see some dynamics come to and end, it’s necessary. If you’re harboring any feelings of fear around not finding connections better suited for you, not to worry — this eclipse is making all of the necessary room for better things to come in, all while Jupiter in Aries shifts into your first house of self, bringing growth and expansion to your private world.
Aquarius May 9, 2022 Weekly Horoscope
With the lunar eclipse in Scorpio taking place in such a fundamental area of your chart this week, it’ll be imperative that you gear up for some big emotional releases, specifically pertaining to your career and public image. This is the area where you exercise a lot of control, but it also has the tendency to become stagnant here as a result. If you’ve found that something has to give here, the eclipse is sure to reveal to you what needs to be removed from your path in order to transcend.
Pisces May 9, 2022 Weekly Horoscope
As your chart ruler, Jupiter, makes its way into your second house of money and resources on May 10, you’ll notice your desire for growth and expansion shift more toward your own personal financial security, and in the best way. You’ve experienced a lot of personal growth over the last several months, and now you’re considering how it’s affected the things you value (and the things you don’t). As your perspective shifts this week, you’ll be exercising a lot of independence when it comes to what belongs to just you. As a water sign, knowing how to put yourself first when necessary is important, and this transit will able to assist with that.