young woman wearing a pink hat gazes at the sunset as she thinks about the astrology of may 16, 2022

Your May 16 Weekly Horoscope Is Here To Prepare You For Gemini Season

With the lunar eclipse in the rearview, things are finally moving forward.

by Chelsea Jackson
Originally Published: 
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You can finally breathe a sigh of relief, because the May 2022 “Super Flower Blood Moon” total lunar eclipse in Scorpio has come and gone, marking the end of eclipse season until October. Now that eclipse season is over, the rest of May’s astrology won’t be nearly as intense, and things are finally starting to move forward in a much more lighthearted, adaptable way. With most of the big astrological events of this month in the rearview, your May 16, 2022 horoscope is here to prepare you for Gemini season, offer some Mercury retrograde insight, and much more.

Starting things off on May 18, Mars and Neptune will conjoin in the mutable, intuitive waters of Pisces, bringing a sense of hope and optimism into your active pursuits. Since Neptune tends to be a bit of an illusive planet, however, you may not necessarily feel entirely clear on where you’re headed, but the idealistic nature of this zodiac sign is sure to feel encouraging. This transit is ideal for embarking on endeavors that allow plenty of room to ebb and flow, so really allow yourself to lean into your creative or spiritual endeavors on this day. Anything that requires too much physical energy may fall flat, so be sure to tap into your intuition to fully understand where you should direct your efforts.

On May 20, the sun will shift from the patient, stable sign of Taurus into the curious and communicative sign of Gemini, bringing in a sense of adaptability and change into the air. Gemini season marks the end of spring, and as the weather becomes hotter, you’ll definitely feel inclined to embrace some shifts in your own life. As a sign ruled by Mercury (which is currently retrograde in this Gemini), this season is all about brainstorming, collecting information, and sorting through ideas. While Taurus season was all about maintaining what began during Aries season, now is the time to make the necessary adjustments, especially now that you are equipped with newfound information.

The sun will conjoin Mercury retrograde in Gemini on May 21, highlighting the information you’ve been sorting through in your Gemini-ruled house since the retrograde began on May 10. You may be presented with some new information, or you may feel inclined to share information with others. Either way, you can expect important conversations to be had on this day, so be sure to pay very close attention to what you’re made aware of. Since Mercury retrograde energy tends to be a bit unreliable, you may not want to take any definitive action based on what you discover, but instead, just keep it in mind for later. Once Mercury stations direct on June 3, you’ll have everything you need in order to move forward.

Here’s what every zodiac sign can expect from these events this week:

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Aries May 16, 2022 Weekly Horoscope

Your relationship to money, time, and resources was emphasized quite a bit during eclipse season, but now you’re being asked to direct your focus towards your own unique thoughts, opinions and ideas. With Mercury currently retrograding through your third house, now is the perfect time to review and revise your communicative skills. How have you been sharing information with others? Are you experiencing a shift in perspective? While the Mars-Neptune conjunction in your 12th house on May 18 may bring up some confusion surrounding your inner self, you’ve been doing a deep dive into your subconscious and it’ll aid in communicating your message clearly and effectively once Mercury stations direct on June 3.

Taurus May 16, 2022 Weekly Horoscope

You’ve gone through many big shifts in your life this season, but the good thing is, things will finally start to calm down for you this week. Things start off with a Mars-Neptune conjunction in your 11th house of friends, bringing a sense of hopeful optimism and energy to your social circles. This is a great time to network and mingle, just be sure not to get too wrapped up in wishful thinking. As the sun shifts into your second house of money and resources on May 20, you’ll be called to direct your focus to what you value, and how you’re spending your time and energy — especially since Mercury is currently retrograde here. This is the perfect time to revise and reorganize your possessions, and you may find that things you may have found to be incredibly valuable you’ve simply outgrown.

Gemini May 16, 2022 Weekly Horoscope

This is probably the busiest season for your sign out of everyone else, but in the best of ways. While Mercury retrograding through your first house of self may cause you to feel more scattered than usual, the sun moving into Gemini on May 20 will provide you with a surge of energy and increase the desire to express yourself through your words, thoughts, and ideas. On May 21, when the sun and Mercury conjoin in your sign, you’ll finally experience some clarity when it comes to how you’re feeling called to learn and share information with others.

Cancer May 16, 2022 Weekly Horoscope

This week is bound to be an introspective one for you as Mercury continues its retrograde through your 12th house of isolation, and the sun joins the party on May 20. With the Mars-Neptune conjunction taking place in your ninth house of spirituality and wisdom on May 18, however, you’re not just spending your time in solitude twiddling your thumbs. Instead, you’re being called to review and reflect on your mental health and behind the scenes habits. Has your mindset been helping or hindering you? How does it align with your spiritual beliefs? Now is the perfect time to journal or meditate in order to get a clear understanding of how you’re infusing your spirituality into your mental health practices.

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Leo May 16, 2022 Weekly Horoscope

Once the sun (aka your chart ruler) shifts into your 11th house of friends and social groups on May 20, you’ll begin to notice a surge in your social life this week — but there could potentially be some miscommunication in this area, since Mercury will also be retrograde here. You may find yourself having some very important conversations within your friend groups this week, especially around May 21, when the sun-Mercury cazimi takes place. The good thing is, all of this chatty energy surrounding your social circles is ideal for sharing thoughts and ideas, so be sure to speak your mind as much as possible this week.

Virgo May 16, 2022 Weekly Horoscope

With your chart ruler, Mercury, currently retrograde in a fellow mutable sign, this week may feel a bit all over the place for you, which is sure to feel uncomfortable since you’re the zodiac sign that prioritizes organization over all else. The good thing is, the sun-Mercury cazimi on May 21 will offer a sense of renewal to your chart ruler, as well as towards the conversations you’ve been having within your career and public image. Taking place in your 10th house, the sun and Mercury are highlighting important information here now — and as the messenger of the zodiac, you’re definitely being called to share some details in a very public way. With a Mars-Neptune conjunction also taking place in your seventh house of relationships this week, there will definitely be a need for balance when it comes to your personal and professional responsibilities.

Libra May 16, 2022 Weekly Horoscope

As a fellow air sign, you’re sure to enjoy the lighthearted, communicative energy that Gemini season will bring, but with Mercury retrograde still in full swing, forming connections through your ideas and opinions may be a bit of a challenge. Taking place in your ninth house of spirituality and higher wisdom, the sun-Mercury cazimi on May 21 will invite you to take a close look at what you’re being called to learn right now, as well as what you’re meant to teach and share with others. You have a special way of connecting with people effortlessly, and this week is asking that you step into the spotlight and acknowledge how much wisdom you’ve acquired, while also reminding you that you still have a lot to learn.

Scorpio May 16, 2022 Weekly Horoscope

While this season has required you to do an identity deep-dive, there’s been a lot of emphasis on your personal creative expression and pleasure as of late, and this will become even more of a theme once Mars, your chart ruler, conjoins Neptune in your fifth house on May 18. As this takes place, you’ll feel called to lean into your idealistic creative pursuits, making this the perfect day to focus on any artistic endeavors. There are no limits or bounds when the planets are in the mutable waters of Pisces, and as a fellow water sign, this energy will be right up your alley. Finishing the week off with the sun shifting into your eighth house of shared resources and boundaries, you’ll be called to assess the dynamics between you and others — are you getting the same energy you’ve been putting out?

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Sagittarius May 16, 2022 Weekly Horoscope

As Gemini season begins, you’ll be called to your romantic partnerships and endeavors — especially since Mercury is also currently retrograde in your seventh house until June 3. This is the week where you’ll likely be having some very important, pivotal conversations within your relationships, but not to worry — they’re for the best. The sun-Mercury cazimi on May 21 will offer a new perspective when it comes to how you’ve possibly been viewing things, so this is around the time you can expect conversations to go a bit smoother. Additionally, there will also be some activity in your fourth house of home and family on May 18, causing inspired action and movement here. Finding the balance between your home life and your relationships is the main key this week.

Capricorn May 16, 2022 Weekly Horoscope

This week, your focus will be directed towards your daily habits, routines, and rituals, as the sun and Mercury join forces in your sixth house of work and health. Now is the perfect to review and revise your daily practices — are they making things easier or more complicated? As the goal-oriented sign of the zodiac, you rely heavily on your rituals, so be sure to look them over to assess how they can better assist you. With Mars and Neptune also conjoining in your third house this week, you’ll be overflowing with new, optimistic thoughts and ideas, allowing you to get pretty creative with how you approach work and labor.

Aquarius May 16, 2022 Weekly Horoscope

As a fellow air sign, you’re sure feel aligned with the curious, adaptable energy that Gemini season is bringing once the sun shifts into your fifth house of creative expression on May 20. Accompanied by Mercury retrograde, you’ll be called to consider how you can bring a newfound sense of lightheartedness and curiosity to your fun, spontaneous endeavors. As a fixed sign, you tend to be a bit set in your ways, so this fluid Gemini energy is sure to shake things up for you. Now is the time to let your hair down and enjoy yourself, even if it’s short lived.

Pisces May 16, 2022 Weekly Horoscope

On May 18, Mars and Neptune will conjoin in your first house of self, offering you a surge in energy and self-expression. With Neptune in the mix, you may not necessarily be able to clearly see where you’re headed (especially since Mercury is currently retrograde) but you’ll definitely feel inspired and hopeful. This is a great day to journal, or get clear on what some of your future plans are for yourself. Once Mars moves into Aries later this month, you’ll have the energy to put behind the endeavors, but for now, dreaming and aspiring is more than enough.

This article was originally published on