Mercury Retrograde Ends Today & Every Zodiac Sign Will Be Affected
After a three-week retrograde journey through Libra and Scorpio, Mercury will finally station direct on Nov. 3 at 12:49 pm EST. Before I reveal what's in store for you when Mercury retrograde fall 2020 ends, however, let's take a closer look at the astrology for the day, which just so happens to be Election Day in the U.S.
Mercury will station direct in justice-seeking Libra, all the while building toward a square to Saturn that will be exact on Friday, Nov. 6, which means there will be tensions rising. Given that Mercury is stationing direct in a Venus-ruled sign, it's important to acknowledge the presence of Venus, which just so happens to be transiting through its sign of rulership, Libra. Revolutionary Uranus is also retrograding through a Venus-ruled sign (Taurus) and together, both of these planets challenge the collective to hold space for value in every relationship. If you and a significant other have opposing political views, for instance, this would be the perfect time to discuss your differences. There is an immense amount of power in balance, compromise, and negotiation, so find the will to keep an open mind during this time.
Mercury will form an exact square to Saturn on Nov. 6, which serves as a reminder to cultivate fairness, and honor other people's points of view. Beware of restlessness and overthinking. Whether you're in the middle of signing an important contract, or making financial arrangements on paper, indecision is likely during this time. The results of the election may also have something to do with it.
In the meantime, here's what you can expect once Mercury stations direct, according to your zodiac sign:
Aries: Things Will Finally Start Making Sense In Your Relationship
Whether it be romantically or professionally, Mercury retrograde challenged everything from your ability to meet a significant other halfway, to the value and integrity of your connection. Once the messenger god stations direct, you'll have the opportunity to take another look at everything you've been second-guessing as of late. It's time to make it or break it, but know it's all for the best.
Taurus: You're Restructuring Your Schedule To Be More Efficient
You're crossing your t's and dotting your i's, Taurus. Savvy Mercury will station direct via your dutiful sixth house of health, mindfulness, daily due diligence, and work environment, which will automatically help you get your ducks in a row. For instance, if you've been experiencing delays, miscommunication, or perhaps feeling low on energy, Mercury direct helps you pick things up right where you left off.
Gemini: You're Getting Creative, And Gaining Romantic Clarity
Rekindle the relationship you have with your inner child, Gemini. There's no better feeling than the one you get once your planetary ruler stations direct, but in your expressive fifth house of romance, creativity, and authenticity, you'll likely experience the effects in terms of the heart, whether it be romantically or because it simply inspires you. Once this retrograde transit comes to an end, you'll be ready to shift your focus.
Cancer: You're Starting Over, And Feeling Like Yourself Again
You're an emotional being, and Mercury direct will only emphasize this part of you, Cancer. The messenger god has traveled through your expressive fifth house of love, and it's now back in your cozy fourth house of home, family, and emotional foundations, where it will begin to move forward. Relationship themes — both romantically and with your relatives — will come up for review, but this time you'll know what to do.
Leo: You're Feeling Clarity And Confidence With Your Approach
It's time revisit conversations you initially swept under the rug, Leo. The messenger god began its retrograde journey in your emotionally driven fourth house of home, family, and soul foundation, and then reached your intellectually driven third house of communication before going direct. This helps you put things in perspective and move forward without any road blocks, literally and figuratively.
Virgo: You're Making The Necessary Financial Adjustments
Your planetary ruler is finally stationing direct, Virgo. Given that it's been traveling in and out of your second house of comfort, finances, and money-making abilities, its shift direct becomes that more potent. For instance, your self-esteem and values play a significant role in your communication style, but your state of mind can also influence your self-confidence. Mercury direct is here to help you expand your horizons.
Libra: You're Focusing On Your Appearance And Aesthetic
Mercury direct isn't the only thing working in your favor, Libra. Your planetary ruler, Venus, is back in your sign, which helps soothe any tensions you may have experienced. With the savvy messenger planet traveling back and forth through your second house of self-esteem and values, and now stationing direct in your sign, you're finally ready to take the lead. Color your world, and be unapologetically yourself.
Scorpio: You're Learning To Lean On Yourself And Your Intuition
Mercury will station direct in your secretive 12th house of solitude, spirit, and everything behind the scenes, Scorpio. Given that the messenger god traveled out of your sign and into your unconscious 12th house before going direct, something could suddenly be brought to your conscious awareness during this time. Perhaps you'll finally start seeing things from a different perspective.
Sagittarius: You're Reconnecting With Friends And Goals
It's time to lean on the right group of individuals, and for the right reasons, Sagittarius. With the messenger god reentering your socially conscious 11th house of hopes, wishes, dreams, and friendship circles, there's an opportunity for you to rekindle the relationship you have with certain individuals, as well as the visions you have for yourself in the long run. People need people, and it's time to put your ego aside and ask for help.
Capricorn: You're Focusing On Your Professional Reputation
What did you learn about yourself during Mercury retrograde? Given that the messenger god traveled through your socially conscious eleventh house of friendships, visions, and networks, but reentered your ambitious 10th house of career, reputation, and authority figures, you're likely seeing things in your career with a new set of eyes. Now it's time to focus on your public image, even if that means tweaking a few things that could benefit you in the long run.
Aquarius: You're Looking Toward The Future In A Different Way
What do you see when you look over the horizon, Aquarius? Mercury the messenger kicked off its retro journey through your ambitious 10th house of career, but reentered your expansive ninth house of education, opportunity, and personal philosophy before going direct. Maybe you've decided to take a different direction in terms of career, or perhaps begin to cultivate open-mindedness when communicating with your superiors.
Pisces: You're Rethinking Your Commitments And Intimate Partnerships
You learn something new every day, Pisces. This is especially significant for you during this time, as the messenger God began its retrograde via your wisdom-seeking ninth house of perspective, and reentered your intimate eighth house of commitments before going direct. The things that bring you closer to your highest self will enter your life when you least expect it, and now that you've explored other outlets — of income or romance — you're able to seal the seal, or put an end to things.
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