How Many Items Can You Check Off Elite Daily's Summer Bucket List For Single Girls?
Sun-kissed cheeks, sandy feet, and sugary drinks — summer, the best season of all, is finally here. If I were still in high school, now would be the time to bust out my pink, spiral-bound journal and come up with a list of things to do that I'd probably only ever seen in movies. Think High School Musical 2 and The Last Song. Now that I'm in my 20s, I'm still making lists (in the Notes app on my iPhone, whatever) but my summer bucket list for single girls is a lot less Hannah Montana and a bit more "Wrecking Ball." It's basically the best of both worlds.
Even if you don't get through everything on your list, the idea is to challenge yourself to have the summer you've always imagined. With your list as validation, you'll be ready to get over your last breakup, experiment with new partners, and celebrate the most important relationship of all: the one you have with yourself. More than just a list of to-dos, it's an agreement you make with yourself to reject mediocrity and go after the movie-worthy excitement you deserve in your life. You don't need a partner. You don't need a travel buddy. You don't need anyone's permission but your own. All you really need is a list, so you've come to the right place. Here are 50 things you can add to your summer bucket list if you're single.
01Go On At Least One Date A Week
You owe this to yourself. You worked hard this past academic year, putting your social life on the back burner every Friday night to write lab reports instead. Now, it's time to get back out there. Trust me. This is the push you need. You'd hate to leave anything on your list unchecked, right?
02Kiss Someone New
This dare's for the girl who never makes the first move. What are you waiting for? You'll know they want to kiss you too if they've been leaning in your direction the whole time, maintaining eye contact, and playfully touching your arm whenever you say something funny. Go for it!
03Hook Up In A Hot Tub
How steamy! You'd be lying if you said you've never thought of doing this before, especially since you saw that Riverdale scene with Jughead and Veronica. Find out for yourself if it's as hot as it looks in there.
04Go On A Double Date
Speaking of Jughead and Veronica, the two were technically on a double date with their significant others before they decided to kiss each other. Nothing like a little friendly competition between couples to ignite a spark.
05Make Out With Someone At The Top Of A Ferris Wheel
OK, this is definitely taken right out of a movie script (Love, Simon, anyone?). That doesn't mean it's not doable, though. Summer fairs are ideal date spots. Picture it. Your date buys you a tub full of donut holes, you kick their butt in ring toss, and then you get in line for the Ferris wheel for the grand finale. See you at the top, lovebirds.
06Take Cute Polaroids On A Date
If you find someone who's down to do this with you, you're going to want to remember them. Plus, this is a great way to remember your single summer forever.
07Take Your Date On A Beach Picnic
All your years on Pinterest have prepared you for this moment. You'll need an Instagrammable beach blanket, sunscreen, and pizza and strawberries (because Gabriella and Troy shared this and you're still not over it).
08Go On A Road Trip With Someone You Just Met
Talk about an adventure. If you've never been one for spontaneity, summer is the time to test the waters (or the roads). Ask that person you just started texting to go on a short road trip with you. Then, delegate snack and music duties and hit the road!
09Make A Summer Sex Playlist
Let's be honest. Your last sex playlist had all the cozy vibes of a fall hookup by the campfire. It's time to mix it up with some summer favorites.
10Go On A Date Every Night For A Week
It beats watching Netflix for hours from your couch. Plus, now you have a reason to shower.
11Sext Your Crush
They've been flirting with you for weeks but nothing has happened. You can turn things around with one quick text: "I'm so hot today. Come cool me down?"
12Share An Ice Cream Cone On A Date
TBH, it really is hot. This is an adorable, budget-friendly date idea that almost anyone can execute.
13Re-Download That Dating App You Gave Up On
Giving up on love (or lust) already? Think again. Re-download that app for an exciting round of Summer Swipes.
14Make Out On An Instagrammable Pool Float
Wondering how you can reinvent your pool float Instagram posts from last year? Easy! Add another person and a passionate kiss. You might not want to share this on the 'Gram if your mom follows you.
15Ask Someone Out For The First Time
Maybe it's the heat. Maybe it's the fifth strawberry daiquiri you just downed. Either way, you're ready to make your move. Don't hold back.
16Watch The Sunset On A Date
This is quite possibly one of the most romantic date activities I can think of. You don't even have to speak to each other.
17Get A Bikini Wax For The First Time
Since you're probably going to spend your days lounging by the pool anyway, why not try your first bikini wax this summer? I find that bikini waxes are more about me than they are about any of my partners. I always feel more confident, in and out of the bedroom.
18Have Sex On The First Date
Hey, here's an idea. You should have sex whenever you want to have sex, even if that's on the first date.
19Ask Each Person You Go Out With To Recreate One Viral Meme With You
I think this is pretty epic. Right away, you'll know how much you have in common with your partner based on the meme they choose to recreate. If they don't enjoy doing this, they don't have a great sense of humor.
20Invite Someone Out On A Breakfast Date
I'd like to start a formal petition to make breakfast dates a thing. I look good in the daylight, too. And I just really like pancakes, OK?
21Use A Dating App While On Your Family Vacation and Actually Meet Up With Someone While You're There
You can only listen to your great-aunt tell that story about how you threw up on her 22 years ago so many times. Social interaction (beyond the branches of your family tree) is important for your growth and development.
22Swipe Right On Every Person With A Puppy In Their Profile Photo
This is a foolproof strategy. I anticipate only positive results.
23Do The 36 Love Questions On A First Date
Supposedly, if you answer these 36 questions on a first date and then stare into each other's eyes for four minutes, you'll fall in love. Worth a shot.
24Post An Instagram Photo Of Every Date You Go On For The Summer
These posts don't have to be photos of the people you go out with. They can be of your fancy cocktail or a funny sign you see on your way to the bar, like a secret digital scrapbook of your single summer.
25Buy Matching Swimwear With Your Date For A Day Of Laying Out By The Pool
This is either super cute or super creepy. You've never been on a date like this before. But the Instas will be lit.
26Do A Bar Crawl With Your Dating App Match
This is perfect for the girl who has trouble letting her guard down since it's a fun, casual, low-key event.
27Tag Your Crush In Your Instagram Selfie
What happens in the DMs doesn't have to stay in the DMs.
28Challenge Your Date To A Cherry-Stem-Knotting Competition (Drinks Included, Of Course)
Your kissing ability has absolutely nothing to do with your ability to knot a cherry stem with your tongue. That doesn't make this challenge any less fun, though.
30Replace All Of The Photos On Your Dating App With Photos Of Animals Living Their Best Summer Lives
That's right, you're a catch.
31Host A Singles-Only Party
Things you'll need:
- Chips and guac
- Alcohol
- Name tags
- A piñata filled with condoms, dental dams, and low-budget sex toys
Be safe, kids.
33Message Everyone In Your Dating App Queue, Even If You Haven't Spoken To Them In Months
"Hi, remember me? Last we spoke, you said you were new to the app. How's it working out for you?"
35Call Out That Person Who Ghosted You Last Semester
It's time they know what you really think about them.
36Put In Your Dating App Bio That You're Looking To Learn A New Skill This Summer And Go Out With The Person Whose Offer Is Most Appealing
Who says you can't keep learning during summer? Just beware of your matches turning this into a dirty joke.
37Have A One-Night Stand With A Stranger In A New City
You'll be telling this story of your one-night stand all the way through your fall and spring semesters next year.
38Ask Your Dating App Matches How They'd Feel About Being Handcuffed To You For A Day, Then Try It Out With A Brave Volunteer
I imagine this going one of two ways. Ideally, you and your prisoner will get so wrapped up in getting to know each other that you'll forget all about the hostage situation. More likely, you annoy the heck out of each other and abort the mission before 30 minutes have passed. Basically, it's the ultimate compatibility test.
39Go Skydiving On A First Date
Which is riskier? Dating or jumping out of an airplane? I've done both and I'm still not sure.
40Join The Mile-High Club
You're going to be up there anyway. You might as well get something out of it other than a sh*tty Instagram Story of the plane taking off.
41Write Your Name And Number On The Check For That Cute Waiter
Have you ever done this? Is it just something that happens in the movies? Try it and let me know.
42Try Every Sex Move From The Fifty Shades Movie Franchise
You wanted an excuse to add this to your to-do list and now, you have one. I'm ordering you to. Here's your guide.
43Split A Plate Of Spaghetti Lady-And-The-Tramp-Style With Your Date
Totally messy and impractical. Totally worth the laughs. Anyone you can goof around with and not care about what other people think is probably worth your time.
45Get Matching Mani-Pedis On A Date
Especially fun if this is your date's first time setting (unpolished) foot in a salon.
46List Your Favorite Hollywood Couples In Your Dating Bio And Only Go Out With People Who Agree
Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds. Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth. Chrissy Teigen and John Legend. Agree with me or, in the immortal words of Beyoncé, to the left, to the left.
47Show Up To A Date In A Trench Coat With Nothing Underneath
The obvious question is, "Why are you wearing a trench coat in the middle of summer?" The response is entirely up to you. Get creative.
48Ask Your Date To Meet You At Target, Then Choose Outfits For Each Other Without The Other's Input
The trick is you have to wear the outfit your partner picks out for the rest of the date.
49Pretend To Be A Couple And Get A Psychic Reading On The First Date
It'll be interesting to hear what the psychic has to say about the strength of your (non-existent) romantic relationship.