April 2021 Will Be The Best Month For 3 Zodiac Signs

The Month Of April Will Be Exciting For These 3 Zodiac Signs

by Chelsea Jackson

As the height of springtime makes its way to the spotlight (literally), the list of things to look forward to is endless: warmer weather, longer days, and a sun that welcomes you with open arms into a newly blooming world, to name a few. Spring kicked off with the sun in Aries, the sign of its exaltation. When a planet is exalted, its expression is held in high esteem, allowing it to operate in the best way possible. With the sun now being able to shine its rays for longer during the day, you may have felt new ideas starting to bloom within you. As you gear up for Taurus season, it's time to properly care for what you've started, in a more patient and stable manner. Planting the seed is the first step, but tending to it has to come next. The collective is feeling inclined to tend to what they've begun, but the zodiac signs who will have the best April 2021 will resonate with this on another level.

The month of April starts out with Mercury moving into Aries on April 3, adding a direct expression to your communicative style. You'll be inclined to speak your mind in an honest and straightforward way, but be sure to take the time to pause and reflect before speaking during this time. As Aries season commences, Venus will join Mercury in Taurus on April 14, softening and stabilizing your desire for unity and relationships, as well as shifting your verbal dynamic to a more subtle mode of expression. Mercury in Aries will conjoin the sun on April 18, doubling down on your inclinations to push things forward with enthusiasm, right before Taurus season begins. Things will take a turn on April 24, bringing sudden disruptions to your thoughts and ideas when Mercury conjoins Uranus, possibly sparking rebellious new conversations and ideas in your life.

April's energy will usher some much needed stability, after a fast-paced start to Aries season. Here's why this energy will be positively impacting Aries, Taurus, and Scorpio individuals this month:

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Aries: You're Directing Your Newfound Energy To Something More Substantial And Long-Term

Since Aries season will continue throughout the first half of April, your surge of energy will reach a peak, prompting you continue navigating this time full of energy and excitement. This boost will taper off a bit on April 19, when the sun moves into the fixed earth sign of Taurus, lighting up your second house of money, values, and possessions. Your desire for starting new projects and endeavors will take a turn to highlight the resources you have access to so you can keep your exciting new endeavors going. While your money and possessions will ask for your attention, you'll discover new ways of using your newfound surge in energy to really benefit you long-term.

Taurus: You're Stepping Out Of Your Comfort Zone And Into The Spotlight

After a withdrawn and self-reflecting start to spring, you're looking forward to stepping out into spotlight with productive new ideas rooted in your desire for comfort and security. On April 14, romantic eyes will likely be on you, as Venus shifts into your first house of self. The sun will follow on April 19, highlighting your self-expression and ambitions. This is your time to get things going in a steady and relaxed manner, without as much urgency and impatience as Aries season might have brought. Allow yourself to ease into this stabilizing new season with an open-minded outlook, because changes and disruptions may take place on April 24, when Mercury and Uranus conjoin in Taurus. Allow yourself to lean into these new opportunities, so they can help you make the most of this new chapter.

Scorpio: Your Relationships Are Calling For Your Immediate Attention

Aries season was all about getting your daily routines and activities in order, and much of the astrological new year for you was about doing some spring cleaning. When Venus moves into Taurus on April 14, your time and attention may shift to personal relationships and partnerships, asking that you take the time to grow them in a slow and steady manner. Your role in your relationships may be particularly emphasized once the sun moves into Taurus on April 19, and there could be romantic relationships that blossom for you during this time. Despite a heightened social life, it'll still be imperative to prioritize self-care during this month.