5 New Year's Resolutions For College Students Who Want To Make This The Best Year Yet
Let's talk about next year. Normally, I wouldn't encourage focusing on the future and making concrete plans for the months ahead. You just can't control life that way, and don't know what opportunities are waiting for you. But, with 2019 right around the corner, it's time to start making some goals for yourself. So, consider these New Year's resolutions for 2019 for college students who want to live life to its absolute fullest. That's you, right?
First things first: The key to making resolutions and sticking to them is ditching that "all or nothing" attitude. There will be days when you don't complete your task or feel like you're making progress. That's OK, assuming you try your best again tomorrow.
You also want to make sure that the resolutions you're setting for yourself are attainable. As great as it would be to travel every day out of the year, or save $10,000 by midterms, it's just not realistic. Set yourself up for success, while challenging yourself to goals that will create good change. Giving yourself the proper time is essential.
By this time next year, you might turn your passion into your paycheck or check something new off your bucket list. To live your #bestlife as a college student, these are five resolutions that you should make for 2019.
01Stop Making Excuses For Yourself And Others
Right now, you may be wasting a lot of time and energy on making excuses. You're covering up for your best friend who's been flaking on plans, or giving in-depth explanations as to why you haven't taken the leap into your passion projects. What would it be like if you didn't look up at the ceiling and start your sentences with, "Well, here's what happened."
Yes, facing these situations can be a little intimidating. But, they're not impossible. With some kindness, respect, and courage in your corner, you can tackle whatever comes your way. Set a resolution for next year that you'll stop making excuses and be more honest with yourself and others, and then see how much you and your life grow.
02Face Your FOMO For The First Time
Next to making excuses, your "fear of missing out" — otherwise known as FOMO — has been keeping you from living your best life.
Imagine this: It's a Saturday night at school and all of your friends are going out to a new restaurant. You could really use a night in because you're exhausted from dance practice, homework, and your other extra-curricular activities. But, you go out anyway, knowing that you'll probably miss out on an inside joke. That can never happen, right?
Wrong. It's OK to take some time to yourself, especially if you need to recharge. It's really easy to spread yourself too thin in college and lose sight of your priorities and wellness. In order to live your best life, make a resolution that you'll stand up to your FOMO for the first time, and find a nice balance between your social life and solitude.
03Be More Confident In Your Decisions
One of my favorite movie scenes of all time comes from The Holiday. Iris, played by Kate Winslet, vacationed in Los Angeles for the holidays and dealt with a toxic relationship that had been going on for too long. When she finally faced the situation, she discovered this beautiful thing called "gumption" — which is basically the same thing as confidence or bravery. Her entire face glowed, as she realized her #bestlife was right there waiting for her.
Going into the new year, channel her character. Find confidence in yourself, and most importantly, your decisions. Part of being an "adult" is owning your choices, and making good ones, too. Go with your gut feelings, embrace your opinions, and become the leading lady in your life. Got it? Good.
04Learn To Appreciate And Celebrate Every Victory, No Matter The Size
When it comes to navigating life and being a college student, learn to appreciate and celebrate everything. You woke up before you alarm and made it to class five minutes early? Give yourself a pat on the back, and then soak in that extra time. You got accepted to your dream study abroad program? Girl, treat yourself to your favorite pizza for dinner!
The truth is, finding appreciation and reasons to be happy puts you in the mindset to live your best life. It allows you to see the bright side of sticky situations, and truly enjoy what's around you — even if it's the same 'ole people, places, and things. You can create a #bestlife for yourself anywhere and anytime (even in the library during finals week) after tackling this resolution.
05Find Time In Your Schedule To Relax
Being a 20-something in college is a whirlwind. So many good things are happening for you right now, that you can't even keep track of it all. Sure, you have your days when you grab coffee at the cafeteria and accidentally spill it on your new shirt. It happens. But, overall, life seems to be pretty sweet.
Amongst all the good, though, remind yourself to relax. Make a resolution for the new year that you'll hit pause on everything going on around you, and just recharge. You may meditate for five minutes in the morning, or put down your phone before going to bed. That sort of thing!
It's #necessary to getting in touch with your priorities, passions, and pillow. (Let's be honest: You could easily take a nap, right now.) And if you stick to it in the new year, then you'll absolutely be living your best life.