5 Things The Kardashian-Jenners Have Taught Us About Being Good Sisters

by Marisa Casciano
Frazer Harrison/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

Confession: There was actually a point in my life when I didn't keep up with the Kardashian-Jenners. *Cue the gasps.* I didn't watch their television show, follow them on Instagram, or take the time to learn about their sister squad and how their empire came to be. But times have changed, and now I'm casually thinking about all the lessons about sisterhood we've learned from the Kardashians (in addition to living our best lives). Ugh, what would we do without them?!

To be honest, I really can't imagine what the world would be like without their sponsored posts, ad campaigns, products, and — dare I say it —drama. These sisters have single-handedly (with the help of their momager, Kris Jenner, of course) started so many fashion and beauty trends, and broken social media records time and time again. Nowadays, you would have to be living on another planet to not know about all the hype and suspicion behind Kylie's pregnancy with Stormi, or the existence of a lip kit.

Thankfully, though, we don't have to imagine or experience that world. We'll always be able to keep up with the Kardashian-Jenners and get their lessons on how to be good sisters. These five lessons, in particular, are my favorite to date.

01You Should Support Each Other Through Thick And Thin


It may seem pretty obvious that you and your sister should support and love each other. But, the Kardashian-Jenners have taught us that it's important to be that shoulder to cry on or listening ear always. Through thick and thin, you have to be each other's cheerleader or the one to bluntly declare, "This is so much teenage dramz."

Are you up to the task? I think so! I think you just need to channel your inner Kardashian-Jenner. Picture any runway show Kendall has ever walked, and be the smiling face and a couple of waving arms you always see on the sideline.

Encourage your sister to do what's best for her, and cheer her on when she's 100 percent slaying the game. You got this.

02You Can Be Super Close, Even If Your Personalities Are Different


One of the reasons why the Kardashian-Jenner squad is so interesting is because they're related, yet so different. They each have their own personality, business venture, fashion sense, and catchphrase.

It also proves that you and your sister can be close, even if you're not the exact same person. Sure, some siblings have a lot of the same interests, passions, and dreams. But, it doesn't have to be that way and you can still be bonded for life, which is really comforting.

You can still enjoy getting piggybacks from each other, and making memories over lunch dates or pool hangs. Most importantly, you can still offer each other some solid advice on relationships, friendships, clothes — whatever it may be!

03When You're Giving Each Other Advice, Be Honest And Blunt


As you get older, you may realize that it's much easier and #necessary to be completely honest and blunt. It's simply a waste of time or energy to beat around the bush, or sugarcoat a situation to your sister when you know the hard truth.

The Kardashian-Jenners can remind you of this, in case you ever forget. They're pros at telling it like it is, and being unapologetic with their advice, opinions, attitudes, and thoughts.

For example, Khloé will capture Kourtney's embarrassing or hilarious moments and put them in a birthday Instagram post to remind her to never take life too seriously. That's what sisters are for, you know?

04It's OK To Get Frustrated With Each Other Sometimes


Whether you and your sister are as close as Kim and Kylie are, or just living and breathing in the same house, it's natural to get frustrated with each other. You're sisters, and sometimes that means saying things like, "I love you, but please stop."

It's normal to get annoyed when she walks into your closet and borrows your clothes without asking, or when she asks a million questions about your life because she's feeling curious AF (Sorry, sis. I know you mean well!) At the end of the day, you unconditionally love each other, and that's all that matters.

You would do anything for each other, just like the Kardashian-Jenner sisters. You would throw each other's kids a lavish birthday party or post #fire comments on each other's selfies. The works!

05When You're Together, Always Be Unapologetically Yourself


I think the real reason why I started to get so involved and interested about the Kardashian-Jenners is because they're so confident. Every sister is unapologetically herself, and even more so when they're together. They truly bring out the best in each other, from the perfect poses for Instagram pictures to pieces of advice.

It's a lesson you're taught multiple times within one episode of KUWTK: Especially when you're with your sister, be you. After all, your sister won't, and should never, judge you or your amazing quirks. She'll instead use them to fuel the fire within you, and make you feel like you're capable of anything.

She'll remind you that you're more than worthy of your "self-made" billionaire title, and people in your life who are genuine and True. See what I did there? Sweet! Now, go be a good sister and find your inner Kardashian-Jenner, please!