A few happy woman do outdoor fitness activities.
12 Fun Outdoor Winter Fitness Activities You Can Do In Your Own Backyard

by Marisa Casciano
Elite Daily

Keeping up with your workouts in the winter can be tough, since it's pretty cold outside to go for a run and too cozy inside to want to do anything other than drink hot cocoa. But, if you're willing to bundle up in a puffer coat and fleece-lined leggings, you'll find that these fun outdoor winter fitness activities at home are worth ditching your mug and marshmallows for. Not only are they a great way to get some fresh air, but they can also feel adventurous. The best part is, they can all be done right in your own backyard with your roommates, pups, or alone.

You may need to break out your snowshoes for some of these at-home outdoor winter fitness activities, and for others, you'll channel your youth as you make an obstacle course out of freshly-fallen snow. None will feel like your average workout — that's for sure.

These at-home outdoor winter fitness activities are undeniably fun, which means they trade in the reps for really cute snow pants, and the push-ups for hanging out with your adorable pup. To get started, read up on all the necessary details, grab any equipment (including mittens) you may need, and head outside for a winter fitness activity you won't want to flake on.

01Pull Your Winter-Loving Pup On A Sled

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If your pup loves to play in the snow, encourage them to come outside with you for a fun afternoon of sleigh rides. Place them on a plastic tube or sled — complete with cozy blankets, of course — that's attached to two ropes you can pull while getting that upper body workout going. Bring your pup on a tour of your backyard, and don't forget the treats.

02Have A Snow Shoveling Race

You and your roommates may not like shoveling snow on an average winter day, but you'll adore racing to complete your section of the driveway during this fun winter fitness activity. To play, decide where each of the sections begin and end. On the count of three, get to shovelin' and see who can lift all the snow in their section onto the yard first. No missing spots is allowed.

03Make A Snowy Obstacle Course

Making a snowy obstacle course is snow much fun, because it makes you feel like a kid again and only requires a little time to set up. To make your obstacle, you'll need a phone timer, gloves, and a shovel. The steps of the obstacle course will include: starting a timer, rushing to make and throw five snowballs, shoveling five medium-sized piles of snow into a new pile, doing 10 jumping jacks, and then stopping the timer.

See how fast you can complete the list of tasks. You can even film a fast-paced TikTok video while you do it to give other people a bit of #inspo.

04Create A Winter-Themed Dance Challenge

There are so many dance challenges circling on TikTok, but that doesn't mean you can't make up your own to an upbeat song of your choice. To do so, imagine some of your favorite moves and see how you can connect them to each other.

Bring on the white fairy lights, dress up like a cozy snow bunny, and get groovin' in your backyard. (Major bonus points if you do this while it's snowing.) Once you've created the dance, post it on the app with a new hashtag and see if you can get your BFFs to do it in their own homes.

05Snowshoe In Circles Around Your House

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Snowshoeing can be such a great workout and a great way to get some fresh air. So, strap on your own, and do a few laps around your house to get your winter workout in. If you want some company while you do so, listen to a podcast, FaceTime a friend, or recruit one of your housemates to join you. It'll make the experience so enjoyable.

06Play Backyard Basketball With Snowballs

Did you know that you can play basketball with snowballs? Just set up two large bowls, garbage cans, or containers that can be "baskets," and make a bunch of snowballs. Then, while listening to your upbeat workout playlist, try to shoot the snowballs into the DIY baskets. Add some competition to the game by asking your roommates to play, too.

07Go On A Nature Walk

Don't underestimate the power of a nature walk. It can be such a refreshing activity to do after sitting at your laptop for hours or finishing up an ab workout indoors. Of course, to do this, you'll need a good pair of sneakers and a backyard with trees or a little brook. If you don't have this kind of area, walk around your house while listening to a meditation series.

08Pretend You're Speed Skating On Your Patio

Turn your patio into a skating rink of sorts for this fun winter fitness activity. Find a flat and dry area to stand on, and then pretend you're a skater who's rushing to the finish line. Jump from side to side, alternating which leg you swing back as you do. Check out this winter sports-inspired workout on TikTok to see how the move should look.

09Do Some Snow-ga

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Winter is typically a time of reflection, and yoga (or snow-ga) can be a great way to turn inwards. So, find a flat patch in your snowy backyard where you can flow into moves like downward dog, mountain pose, and tree pose, or follow along with a simple yoga video on YouTube. Do this while listening to the natural sounds around you.

10Set Up Your Own Bowling Alley

Going bowling in your backyard is a real thing, and you need to know about it. To play, you'll first need to set up your alley. This should consist of pins, which can be created with cans, bottles, or tall containers, and balls.

From there, try to roll the ball and see how many pins you can tip or knock down. If you get a "strike" or "spare," be sure to give yourself a pat on the back. You'll have lots of laughs and get some unique outdoor content for your Insta.

11Make A Bunch Of Snow Angels

Growing up, you may have made snow angels while your siblings helped shovel the driveway. As an adult, you can still have some fun in the snow by making a bunch more in the spirit of winter fitness.

Find empty plots of snow where you can sprawl your arms and legs out, and then move them side to side. Appreciate your snowy artwork from a window the next day.

12Have Sledding Races Down A Big Hill

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Sledding will always be a fun winter activity. But, it can also be looked at as a workout, especially if you have to hike up a super big hill in your backyard after riding all the way down it.

For this activity, you'll need to recruit your housemates. Have everyone grab a sleigh and see who can complete going up and down the hill five times the quickest. You'll be sure to get a quality workout in and rack up some new mems.