Young woman with a headache after reading her October 31, 2022 weekly horoscope.

Your October 31, 2022 Weekly Horoscope Is A Little Messy

Ugh, so not cool.

by Chelsea Jackson

If the astrology of the final week of October had you ready to throw in the towel, you’re not alone. With a solar eclipse and Mars retrograde taking place within days of each other, you’ve experienced quite a bit of astronomical changes, but your October 31, 2022 weekly horoscope is here to pick up the pieces. Though the dust has yet to completely settle, the biggest shakeups of the fall season are (mostly) in the rearview.

As Halloween kickstarts the week, oppositions based around the themes you became acquainted with during the powerful eclipse on Oct. 25 will be your new besties. As the first week of November unfolds, the sun will oppose the North Node in Taurus, prompting you to leave your fears behind and embrace comfort and security, but not without hesitation. With Venus also gearing up for an opposition to Uranus, your desire for balance, connection, and harmony is bound to experience some upheaval. By week’s end, though, you’ll be a pro at rolling with the punches.

On Nov. 5, the sun will oppose the North Node in Taurus, centering the need to leave caution, fear, and hesitance behind in order to fully embrace connection, intimacy, and pleasure. Up next on your to-do list: embarking on a new chapter.

Venus will also oppose Uranus in Taurus on Nov. 5, bringing disruption and upheaval to your romantic connections. Since Venus is in Scorpio, the sign of her detriment, relationships have been approached from a place of caution, but on this day, an unexpected turn of events may take place when it comes to how you’ve been navigating your connections. With so many oppositions on the horizon, you’ll need to keep an open mind, especially when it comes to relationships.

Here’s what your sign can expect from this week’s cosmic weather:

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Aries October 31, 2022 Weekly Horoscope

Your money and resources are a top priority this week, Aries, as oppositions take place between your second and eighth house on Nov. 5. Now is the time to consider what you must let go of when it comes to the time, energy, or resources you share with others, in order to lean into the autonomy that your own possessions provide you with. Boundaries are essential now, but they don’t mean that you can’t rely on the support from others. Instead, consider what you’re willing to share with others versus what you prefer to keep for yourself. Prioritizing your needs doesn’t make you selfish.

Taurus October 31, 2022 Weekly Horoscope

Your relationships are a top priority this week, Taurus, as the sun forms an opposition with the north node in your first house this week. Now is the time to consider the fears or drawbacks you may have regarding your relationships. Have you been holding on to someone or something for fear of being alone? If so, this week is the perfect opportunity to find balance. As your chart ruler, Venus, opposes Uranus on Nov. 5, you’ll be called to embrace the inevitable changes that the eclipses may have brought to your attention. In order to move forward in your romantic endeavors, something has to give — and it likely starts with you.

Gemini October 31, 2022 Weekly Horoscope

On Nov. 5, the oppositions taking place in Taurus and Scorpio will prompt you to embrace necessary changes when it comes to your health, routines, and habits. As Venus opposes Uranus in Taurus on this day, you’ll be called to consider how your need for control in your daily routines is potentially in need of some shifts. Prioritizing your mental health is essential right now, Gemini, and while you may be far more interested in maintaining your productivity levels, this opposition is a reminder that rest is also a beneficial use of your time.

Cancer October 31, 2022 Weekly Horoscope

Your creative pursuits and social life is a top priority this week, Cancer, as the sun opposes the north node in Taurus on Nov. 5. If you’ve been hesitant to lean into embracing community, or displaying any passion projects, now is the perfect time to share yourself or your creations with others. Keeping this part of yourself hidden is only keeping you from developing the deep, intimate connections you crave with others, so be sure not to allow fear to prevent you from making new connections. Your artistic endeavors deserved to be seen and appreciated.

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Leo October 31, 2022 Weekly Horoscope

On Nov. 5, the opposition between Venus and Uranus will bring disruption and upheaval to your career and public image. You’ve been attempting to play it safe in this area, Leo, but the unpredictable nature of Uranus is calling for you to step out of your comfort zone and embrace these shifts. If you’ve been struggling to let go of fears and doubt regarding where you’re headed in your career, now is the perfect time to switch up your approach. Sometimes all you need is a change in perspective, so don’t be afraid to do something a little differently this week.

Virgo October 31, 2022 Weekly Horoscope

This week, you’ll be prompted to consider releasing some of the ideas and opinions you’ve adhered to that are no longer serving you, as the sun opposes the north node in Taurus. If you’ve been feeling inclined to embrace newfound beliefs that aren’t rooted in fear, now is the perfect time to do so. Whether you’re being called to sign up for a retreat, or pick up a book on a new spiritual practice that has peaked your interest, this week’s astrology encourages you to think outside of your familiar box.

Libra October 31, 2022 Weekly Horoscope

On Nov. 5, your chart ruler, Venus, will oppose Uranus in Taurus, encouraging you to lean into the shifts that are taking place regarding your shared resources with others. With Venus currently in Scorpio, you’ve likely been feeling a sense of caution or fear regarding your personal resources and possessions. Now is the time to lean into the help and support that your relationships with others is potentially offering you, Libra — a scarcity mindset will only keep you stagnant.

Scorpio October 31, 2022 Weekly Horoscope

It’s a pretty big week for you, Scorpio, as Venus continues through your sign and forms an opposition to Uranus on Nov. 5. You’re being called to release any fears you have regarding connection and vulnerability now, and while it may feel uncomfortable at first, it’s ultimately necessary. Uranus is encouraging you out of your comfort zone, and while the changes may be quite sudden, they’re for the best. Relationships with others can be unpredictable, yes, but they’re almost always worth the risk.

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Sagittarius October 31, 2022 Weekly Horoscope

On Nov. 5, the sun will oppose the north node in Taurus, bringing forth the need to lean into the comfort and security you’ve been seeking in your daily habits and routines. While you tend to spend plenty of time prioritizing your mental health, now is the time to listen to what your body is telling you. Your mind is an incredibly powerful tool, but there may be some fears and reservations that have been preventing you from making changes in your reality. This day is the perfect opportunity to embrace change and put your best foot forward.

Capricorn October 31, 2022 Weekly Horoscope

As Venus forms an opposition to Uranus on Nov. 5, you’ll be encouraged to embrace the shifts taking place regarding your passion projects and creative pursuits. The community you’re apart of is where you’re most comfortable, but this week, you’re being pushed to step out on your own. Consider this transit the beginning of your solo career, Capricorn. Your creative side is asking for your full attention now, so don’t be afraid to go for it.

Aquarius October 31, 2022 Weekly Horoscope

On Nov. 5, Venus will oppose Uranus in Taurus, bringing significant changes to the forefront in your home and family life. You’ve been aiming to maintain a firm sense of security in your professional world, but now is the time to embrace the changes that are taking place when it comes to your foundation. If you’ve been hiding behind your work, this week is the perfect opportunity to consider how you can relax into your private world. The need for rest and recovery doesn’t make you any less ambitious, Aquarius.

Pisces October 31, 2022 Weekly Horoscope

As the sun and the north node form an opposition on Nov. 5, the belief systems you’ve found comfort in will be disrupted. While your philosophies have provided you with plenty of security, you’re being called to consider different perspectives and opinions now. While shifting your mindset isn’t something that happens overnight, this transit is certain to encourage you to broaden your views. Sticking to what you know isn’t always what supports growth, Pisces. Don’t be afraid to get curious.