Don't Tip The Scales
a young couple embraces as they consider the spiritual meaning of the 2023 "ring of fire" solar ecli...

The Spiritual Meaning Of The 2023 "Ring Of Fire" Eclipse, Explained

It’s all about balance within your relationships.

Ever since Libra season began, the likelihood of people trading in their independence for balanced, reciprocal, and supportive relationships with others has been at an all-time high. There’s just something about this time of year that heightens the desire for human connection, thanks in large part to the sun traveling through this Venus-ruled air sign. Rather than opting for solo ventures, you’ve probably been feeling compelled to reach out for social interactions that feel mutually beneficial. (Yasss to the lovey-dovey cuffing season vibes.) With that in mind, the spiritual meaning of the October 2023 annular solar eclipse (aka a “ring of fire” eclipse) will be all about balancing the scales in your relationships. No more one-sided situations, fam.

What Is An Annular Solar Eclipse?

Annular solar eclipses take place when the moon is at its farthest point in its orbit, as it passes between the sun and Earth. At this point in the sky, the moon only partially blots out the sun’s rays, creating a “ring of fire” effect.

When Does The 2023 “Ring Of Fire” Solar Eclipse Take Place?

On Oct. 14 at 9:20 AM PST, the annual solar eclipse will be visible in many states on the West Coast (mainly Oregon, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico, and Texas). At this time, the sun and moon will exactly conjoin at 21 degrees of Libra, initiating powerful new beginnings in the birth charts of every zodiac sign.

This particular “ring of fire” moon moment is so rare, hence its ~spicy~ nickname. The next one won’t happen until 2046.

Jorge Villalba/E+/Getty Images

This special event will bring forth new opportunities for partnership, restored balance, and justice, but may also require you to do some releasing. Taking place near the South Node, this lunation could mark a time when past relationships resurface, or outdated themes pertaining to the Libra-ruled house of your birth chart come back to life. Eclipses tend to signify beginnings and endings, and since this will kick off a new lunar cycle, it’ll be an opportunity to lay the groundwork for more supportive, healthy dynamics.

If you’ve been engaging in bonds that’ve felt draining or unfair, this will be the time to rebalance those scales. Maybe you’ve been overly investing in something and not getting enough in return or vice versa. Sometimes, you may feel like in order to keep the peace, you have to accept whatever’s being offered to you. However, as this eclipse unfolds, you’ll come to realize that both parties must be willing to tend to the relationship and the responsibility can’t entirely fall on you. Though this may lead to some endings, eclipses are meant to clear away what’s no longer serving you in order to align you with what’s better aligned. Walking away from someone isn’t always easy, but you deserve relationships that are equally satisfying. Sometimes, in order to restore balance in your own world, someone may need to be removed from your life. You deserve better.