Young woman leaning on table during lunch break after reading her November 7, 2022 weekly horoscope.

Your November 7, 2022 Weekly Horoscope Prioritizes Pleasure & Comfort

It’s time to treat yourself.

by Chelsea Jackson
Klaus Vedfelt/DigitalVision/Getty Images

Halloween’s in the rearview, which means the astrology of the rest of 2022 is far less spooky. From an astrological standpoint, October was the most chaotic month of the year. The solar eclipse, Mars retrograde, and direct Saturn station all happened within a week, so if you’re head is still spinning, you’re not alone. The bright side is that your November 7, 2022 weekly horoscope isn’t nearly as hectic, but it does include the final eclipse of the year, so it’s bound to bring some shakeups.

On Nov. 7, Venus in Scorpio will form a square to Saturn, bringing tensions around the need for privacy and caution within relationships to the forefront. Since Saturn is all about boundaries, it’ll be a time to consider how you may be holding yourself back from deep intimacy.

By Nov. 8, the lunar eclipse in Taurus will take place, shifting focus to longterm security, comfort, and pleasure. Conjunct the North Node, this eclipse will prompt you to leave any emotions rooted in fear or scarcity behind, to fully allow yourself to indulge in what life has to offer.

Though it may sound like a lot, you’ve gotten through far more cosmic events, so you’ve got this. Here’s what your sign can expect from this week’s astrology:

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Aries November 7, 2022 Weekly Horoscope

On Nov. 8, the lunar eclipse in Taurus will invite you to embrace comfort and security when it comes to your money and resources. This week, you’ll be called to consider the kinds of fear-based emotions you may be holding onto regarding your possessions, and how they may be potentially keeping you from enjoying the fruits of your labor to the fullest. While it’s not necessarily a time to over-indulge, this week is an ideal time to treat yourself — even if it’s just something small.

Taurus November 7, 2022 Weekly Horoscope

This week’s astrology is wrapping up some major themes for you, Taurus. Taking place in your first house of self, this lunar eclipse is encouraging you to lean into the ways you provide comfort and security for yourself, outside of your relationships with others. As a Venusian, exercising your independence isn’t always easy, but this lunar eclipse will bring forth powerful themes surrounding how you prioritize yourself. There’s nothing wrong with putting your needs first, Taurus — even if it means walking away from relationships that can’t support you.

Gemini November 7, 2022 Weekly Horoscope

On Nov. 8, the lunar eclipse in Taurus will usher in powerful shifts regarding how you prioritize comfort, rest, and pleasure behind the scenes. It’s essential that you give yourself enough time to rest and recharge, Gemini (especially now, since Mars is currently retrograde in your sign). This eclipse is the perfect time for you to consider what slowing down looks like for you — is it a cozy movie night at home? Is it cooking your favorite meal? Whatever you do, now is the perfect time to lean into any self-care practice.

Cancer November 7, 2022 Weekly Horoscope

As Venus squares Saturn in Aquarius on Nov. 7, you’ll be prompted to consider the boundaries within your romantic dynamics. How have you potentially been keeping your cards too close to your chest when it comes to experiencing intimacy? This week is the perfect time to let your guard down a bit, Cancer — especially with the lunar eclipse in Taurus taking place the next day. If you can’t trust the people around you, it’s a sign that they no longer deserve access to you.

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Leo November 7, 2022 Weekly Horoscope

On Nov. 8, the lunar eclipse will take place in your 10th house of career and public image, calling for you to embrace the comfort and security that your profession provides. Scorpio season has been a time that has revealed plenty of fears surrounding lack, but this week, you may realize that you have more of a foundation to stand on in this area than you may have realized. Long-term security within your career is essential, and this eclipse is a reminder that you have something to rely on here.

Virgo November 7, 2022 Weekly Horoscope

As the lunar eclipse takes place on Nov. 8, you’ll be called to lean into the comforts and pleasures of your belief systems. The solar eclipse back on Oct. 25 encouraged you to leave opinions and perspectives you’ve outgrown behind, and this week, you’ll be called to lean into any newfound philosophies that center what makes you feel secure, safe, and comfortable. It’s the perfect time to attend a yoga class, join a support group, or flip through the pages of a new book. Anything that allows you to expand your mind in a way that centers support.

Libra November 7, 2022 Weekly Horoscope

On Nov. 7, Venus (AKA your chart ruler) will form a square to Saturn in Aquarius, bringing tensions surrounding the boundaries you have regarding your money and resources to the forefront. This week is the perfect time to consider how you may be exercising too much control in this area, for fear of overindulging. Remember that your resources are meant to be enjoyed, Libra, and trust that you’ll never go without what you need — even if you do decide to treat yourself from time to time.

Scorpio November 7, 2022 Weekly Horoscope

As the lunar eclipse in Taurus culminates in your seventh house of relationships on Nov. 8, you’ll be prompted to take a close look at how you allow yourself to indulge and experience comfort within your connections. As the cautious, reserved sign of the zodiac, you don’t always allow yourself to enjoy life’s pleasures to the fullest, but on this day, it’s important that you lean into your established connections instead of away from them. Allow your loved ones to support you, Scorpio. They’re in your life for that very reason.

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Sagittarius November 7, 2022 Weekly Horoscope

On Nov. 8, the lunar eclipse in Taurus will shed light on your daily habits and routines, and how you derive comfort and security from these practices. Whether it’s preparing your meals, going for a walk, or taking a midday power nap, it’s essential that your rituals support your desire for pleasure in your daily life. This week is the perfect time to consider how important it is to take the time to care for yourself on a consistent basis. You definitely won’t regret it.

Capricorn November 7, 2022 Weekly Horoscope

As the lunar eclipse takes place on Nov. 8, you’ll be called to embrace comfort, security, and pleasure when it comes to your creative pursuits and romantic endeavors. As the traditional, disciplined sign of the zodiac, you may not typically allow yourself to savor things to the fullest, but this week, you’re being called to work less and play more. Enjoy whatever it is that’s making you happy right now, Capricorn. You deserve it — and it’ll make life far more enjoyable.

Aquarius November 7, 2022 Weekly Horoscope

On Nov. 7, Venus in Scorpio will form a square to Saturn in Aquarius, bringing tensions around how you connect and build relationships within your career to the forefront. As a Saturn-ruled individual, you tend to prioritize practicality and strong boundaries, but on this day, you’ll be called to consider how this is separating you from others, particularly in your career. Don’t be afraid to let people get close to you, Aquarius. Connections will always benefit you in the long run.

Pisces November 7, 2022 Weekly Horoscope

As the lunar eclipse takes place on Nov. 8, you’ll be called to embrace new thoughts, ideas, and opinions that support you in a way that’s stable and comfortable. During the solar eclipse back on Oct. 25, you were encouraged to release any fears regarding stepping outside your comfort zone within your spiritual beliefs, and this week is the perfect time to hit the books. If there’s anything you’ve been curious to learn more about, now is the perfect time to immerse yourself in a new study, and it’ll be rooted in pleasure instead of uncertainty.