young woman sits on her skateboard and smiles with her arms open as she thinks about how the novembe...

How The November 2022 New Moon Will Affect Every Zodiac Sign’s Luck

Dream big.

by Chelsea Jackson
Originally Published: 
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If you’ve been feeling like packing your bags and embarking on an impromptu road trip, Sagittarius season is likely to blame. The sun officially stepped into this jaunty, free-spirited sign on Nov. 22, bringing optimism and excitement to the cosmos after a pretty intense eclipse season. As a mutable fire sign, Sagittarius is all about exploring the possibilities that exist outside of the confines of your comfort zone, encouraging everyone to think outside the box and embrace new philosophies. While Scorpio season was all about resisting change, this season is encouraging every sign to embrace flexibility. As the sun and moon prepare to link up in this fiery sign, the November 2022 new moon in Sagittarius will impact every sign’s ability to dream big, without any bounds or limitations. It’s safe to say this year’s Thanksgiving will be full of surprises.

As the sun and moon link up in this Sagittarius on Nov. 23, new beginnings will officially be underway in the birth charts of every zodiac sign. This lunation will highlight what’s possible once you allow yourself to step back and embrace the bigger picture. As Jupiter, the ruler of this new moon, stations direct on this same day, it’s the perfect time to take action. Jupiter stationing direct in Pisces, one of the signs of its rulership, marks the perfect time to manifest or set intentions around your hopes and dreams. No desires are off limits.

Here’s what every sign can expect from November’s new moon in Sagittarius:

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Aries (March 21—April 19)

On Nov. 23, the sun and moon will come together in your ninth house of knowledge, wisdom, and travel, offering hopeful new beginnings regarding your personal philosophies. Now is a great time to explore the world, Aries, in whatever way you see fit. Whether it’s through a spontaneous trip, embarking on an exciting new study, or engaging in a passionate debate with a friend, you’ll be eager to speak your truth and prioritize liberating experiences today. With Jupiter stationing direct, it’ll be easy for you to move any hopes and dreams you’ve been holding onto forward.

Taurus (April 19—May 20)

As the sun and moon conjoin on Nov. 23, new beginnings will ensue regarding your money and shared resources. This fiery lunation will encourage you to dream big in this area, and consider the possibilities available to you if you allow yourself to step outside your comfort zone. This may look like trusting the support a loved one’s offering you, or embarking on a new financial opportunity. Either way, you’re being called to expand your horizons, Taurus, so don’t be afraid to step a little outside your comfort zone.

Gemini (May 20—June 21)

On Nov. 23, the sun and moon will conjoin, ushering in new beginnings within your romantic relationships and partnerships. Your connections have the potential to teach you so much, Gemini, and while it may not be in the way you typically like to learn, these experiences are still pretty impactful. Now is the perfect time to envision what’s possible within your relationships. What could this connection potentially turn into, once you allow yourself to dream big? Now is the perfect time to take a look at the big picture. Your connections may be able to offer you more than you ever imagined.

Cancer (June 21—July 22)

As the sun and moon conjoin in your sixth house of routines, habits, and rituals on Nov. 23, you’ll be encouraged to consider the possibilities that your day to day activities can offer you. What does your ideal daily life look like, Cancer? You’re someone who benefits from maintaining freedom within your routines, and this new moon is the perfect time to start fresh. Consider what new habits could liberate you instead of limit you, and trust me, it’ll make all the difference.

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Leo (July 22—Aug. 23)

On Nov. 23, the sun and moon will bring hopeful new beginnings to your fifth house of creative pursuits, fun, and pleasure. If you’ve been waiting for the right time to embark on a new passion project, now’s the time, as long as you keep it lighthearted and enjoyable. Now isn’t the time to take yourself too seriously, Leo, so don’t worry if the activities you embark in now don’t appear to have an end in sight. Allow yourself to live in the moment, and explore all the things that make you feel good. There are currently no limits in sight.

Virgo (Aug. 21—Sept. 22)

It’s time to let loose, Virgo, and while this may be an unfamiliar energy for you, it’s definitely necessary. As the new moon in Sagittarius ushers in new beginnings within your home and private life, you’ll be eager to explore new opportunities in this area. Now is the perfect time to implement creative renovations, or consider what relocating altogether would look like. If you’ve been feeling restless, maybe it’s time to incorporate some fresh, exciting energy into your household. It’s essential that your home feels free of any limits or restrictions, so don’t hesitate to free up some space by giving away items or having a garage sale. Anything that creates more space here now is incredibly beneficial.

Libra (Sept. 22—Oct. 23)

On Nov. 23, the sun and moon will link up in your third house of thoughts and ideas, you’ll be eager to express your opinions and ideas with others. As the peacemaker of the zodiac, you’re not typically a fan of sharing perspectives that others may disagree with, but you’ll be feeling far more assertive and honest today than usual. Others are eager to listen. If you’ve been itching to embark on a new study or hobby, today is the perfect day to hit the books. Anything that allows you to explore your mind is a good idea.

Scorpio (Oct. 23—Nov. 23)

You’re finally getting a break from all the chaos, Scorpio, as the new moon in Sagittarius brings optimistic and hopeful new beginnings to your money and resources. It’s a great time to consider the opportunities your money may offer you, whether it’s through a new job opportunity, or making an important purchase. Don’t be afraid to lean into any kind of freedom that you’re feeling now in this area — as the cautious sign of the zodiac, it’s essential that you let loose every now and then. Treat yourself.

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Sagittarius (Nov. 22—Dec. 21)

It’s your season, Sagittarius, and this new moon in your first house of self is starting things off with a bang. As your chart ruler, Jupiter, also stations direct on this day, you’ll be feeling a boost in energy as this planet speeds up in the sky. If you’ve been waiting for the right time to embark on a new adventure, the time is now. It’s time to prioritize your personal journey, so don’t be afraid to be a little spontaneous. This new moon is allowing you to gain clarity around your current hopes and dreams, so if you’ve felt uncertain, expect some clarity now.

Capricorn (Dec. 21—Jan. 19)

On Nov. 23, the sun and moon will conjoin in the freedom-oriented sign of Sagittarius, bringing hope and the desire for expansion to your inner world. Before your season can begin, it’s important that you check in with yourself. How is your current mindset propelling you forward? Consider the dreams you have for yourself that you may not share with others; they’re not too far-fetched, Capricorn. While you may appreciate discipline externally, it’s essential that you feel freedom internally. Don’t be afraid to let loose.

Aquarius (Jan. 19—Feb. 22)

As the sun and moon link up in the free-spirited sign of Sagittarius on Nov. 23, new beginnings will be initiated within your friendships, community, and social groups. It’s a great day to socialize, Aquarius, and while you tend to be the loner of the zodiac, you’re bound to be yearning for connection today. It’s essential that your relationships liberate you, and on this day, you may meet someone who brings out your spontaneous side. As a Saturnian, you’re not always someone who makes impulsive decisions, but today is the perfect day to so. The good thing is, no matter what you end up doing, you’ll be in good company.

Pisces (Feb. 21—March 20)

On Nov. 23, the sun and moon will conjoin in the hopeful, optimistic sign of Sagittarius, bringing promising new beginnings to your career and professional life. With your chart ruler, Jupiter, also stationing direct on this day, the sky is the limit, Pisces, so don’t be afraid to take up space. Allow yourself to envision what’s possible for you in your career, regardless of how unrealistic it sounds to others. If you can dream it, you can make it happen.

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