Woman playing in snow

Your December 21 Weekly Horoscope Starts Off With A Mega *Bang*

It really is a major week in astrology. In fact, it's quite possibly the most major week of the entire year (and that's saying a lot, considering the type of year 2020 was). You might be getting the sense that the tides are turning and a chapter is coming to a close. Yes, 2020 is nearly over and that's enough reason to celebrate, but the current astrology proves that you're in the middle of something so much more meaningful than that. Fortunately for you, your December 21, 2020 weekly horoscope has all the details.

This week starts off with a mega bang. After all, Dec. 21 is the day the sun leaves behind wild, expansive, and fiery Sagittarius and enters Capricorn. It's also the date of the winter solstice, launching the season of darkness and the symbolic death of the sun. Capricorn is a cardinal earth sign that values structure, tradition, ambition, and discipline. It's a highly dynamic zodiac sign that can overcome insurmountable challenges and plan for every possible outcome. If a zodiac sign could lead the world, it would definitely be Capricorn.

Capricorn season isn't the only thing that's happening this week. Dec. 21 is also the day that Saturn — planet of karma and restriction — and Jupiter — planet of growth and expansion — will meet in the sign of Aquarius, forming The Great Conjunction and initiating a new beginning for the entire collective. If you don't believe me when I say this transit represents a major change, consider this: the last time Jupiter and Saturn formed a conjunction in the sign of Aquarius was in the 1400s, when the Dark Ages came to an end and the Renaissance began. A paradigm shift of the same magnitude may unfold over the course of 2021, affecting you both on a personal level and a societal level.

As if the energy weren't thick and heavy enough, courageous Mars will square off with dark and smoldering Pluto on Dec. 23, tapping into your deepest desires and ambitions. Focus this energy on a task or a project and you'll be shocked by how quickly you're able to reach a transformation. Ideas will take on an innovative and progressive note on Dec. 25, when communicative Mercury connects with electrifying Uranus, leading to spontaneous genius. By Dec. 27, the sun in Capricorn will also connect with Uranus, inspiring expressions of individuality and independence.

Make no mistake, it's not just the holidays — it's also a cosmic adventure, and here's what the zodiac has in store:



It's a game-changing week for your career. You may start thinking about your goals in a new way or rethink projects so you take them in exciting and fresh directions. The level of ambition you have this week is so intense that it may almost feel blinding. Make sure to keep the big picture in mind and snap yourself out of it when your competitive streak does you a disservice.


If you have plans this week, prepare for them to change. Although you may hate the idea of canceling plans, you'll love the opportunities these changes present you with. Follow adventure when it calls. You may feel as though you're being pulled down conflicting pathways, so remember that you do have a say in where you end up. Remember to exert your control over your life when you can.


You're tapping into dormant sources of power and you may encounter unexpected resurrections amongst things you thought were lost causes. Miracles are surrounding you this week, but remember to be patient. You may feel too attached to the situation, encouraging you to sacrifice too much for the sake of the bigger picture. Make sure you maintain your strength so you have enough to give later.


You're being drawn toward relationships with fascinating and eccentric new people. You may find that a relationship even takes on a new tone; one that you've never tapped into before. However, keep in mind that relationships thrive when there is balance. This week, it may feel as though you or a partner are struggling over dominance. Let empathy lead you away from this instinct.



You're making leaps and bounds when it comes to self-care this week. Your routines and regimens are being energized, encouraging you to try new techniques for wellness and productivity. However, a routine that is too rigid may leave you feeling constricted. Instead of feeling like you're chained to a schedule, try something that fuses your love of adventure with your desire to feel accomplished.


You're tapping into new hobbies and artistic forms of expression this week. Give yourself permission to simply explore the feelings that you're experiencing while paying special attention to the things that are bringing you joy. However, the desire to escape from difficult feelings could become an obsession at some point. Remember that the beautiful can only exist alongside the ugly.


You're spending the week shaking up old family traditions and revitalizing your connection to your home. Perhaps this means decorating in a way that makes you feel more inspired or revolutionizing your connection with loved ones. However, if you rock the boat too much, it may lead to misunderstandings. Being right is less important than being there for one another.


Brainstorming sessions will yield powerful results this week. Use that noggin of yours to brush up on subjects you care about and dive into intellectual exchange. You're socializing in a meaningful way this week. With all this excess energy, you might add a lot more to your plate thinking that you can handle it. However, it's better to do a few things extremely well than to half-ass several things.



This week paves the way for unexpected windfalls and fascinating new way to make disposable income. Tap into your resourcefulness and your practicality and negotiate for the pay or the price you truly deserve. However, you might feel tempted to go all out on a gift or a fun time, draining your cash and possibly even leaving you feeling unstable. Keep the future in mind.


Your creativity is bursting in beautiful ways this week. In fact, your creative instincts are deepening your connection to yourself and allowing you to discover who you are. However, who you've become may not fit in with the person you've been or the place that raised you. You may feel pulled away from your progress, so make sure to gently exert your individuality and your boundaries.


This week, you're discovering things about your past you may never have known; things about your ancestry, your roots, and the place that you come from. Although it may feel strange, learning about your spirit will strengthen your sense of self. While you may feel pressed to express yourself and tell your secrets, be cautious with who you tell your secrets to. Make sure you can trust them.


You may be growing closer with a new community this week or tapping into your compassion toward a cause that tugs on your heartstrings. You can make a real difference this week; a difference in a way that no one else can. However, the best way for you to help is by maintaining your peace and solidifying your presence as a shoulder to lean on. Tap into your power as a provider.