The Emotional Meaning Of January's Full Moon Has A Lot To Do With Courage
With another potent full moon ahead, it's important to reflect on the unique symbolism stemming from this lunar phase, as it typically brings things to fruition. Highlighting something that's been hidden from your conscious mind, the emotional meaning of the January 2021 full moon has a lot to with courage. Whether it be the vigor and spirit to move forward during these tumultuous times, or the courage you have as an individual in the community, it's about time you tap into the fire in your hearts.
As you may know, every full moon has a different essence and cosmic symbolism. The full moon "mood" and/or "theme" depends on the sun and the moon, along with any other prominent aspects that are taking place at the moment. More importantly, the sun and moon are the protagonists of this lunar phase, as they make an exact opposition to each other, activating an astrological axis in the zodiac. Having said that, January's full moon will adorn the velvet night in the theatrical sign of Leo, which means the sun will be igniting Leo's polar opposite, Aquarius.
Happening on Thursday, Jan. 28 at exactly 2:16 p.m. EST, it's no coincidence this lunation is so heavily aspected. In addition to being an emotional trigger to Leo's fixed fires — which can be incredibly overwhelming, hence the theatrics — the first full moon of the year will also be challenged by a stellium of generational, powerhouse planets amidst Mercury's pre-retrograde shadow.
The Emotional Meaning Of The January 2021 Full Moon In Leo
Not that there's ever been such thing as coincidences, let alone in astrology, but what are the odds that the first full moon of the year lands in the fiercely protective sign of Leo? Courageous and highly passionate, the essence of Leo represents everything from your unique individuality to your inner strength, which can feel pretty non-existent these days given the circumstances. Though everyone is entitled to stand firm in their unique truth and/or political preference, themes revolving around the country's leadership (Leo), as well as the group of individuals (Aquarius) you surround and associate yourself with will be pivotal all throughout 2021.
Just two days before Mercury stations retrograde in Aquarius, the full moon in Leo will be dominated by a harsh T-Square that's being led by Mars-Uranus in Taurus. With the god of war in its sign of exile while sitting alongside change-maker Uranus, there's no denying the unmoving chaos and friction. Keep in mind, Mars-Uranus will not only square off with the moon, but also with the sun-Jupiter-Saturn in Aquarius amidst directly opposing this lunation. Tension is an understatement, but it's what's necessary to create a breakthrough. Intense, disruptive and volatile, this lunation will highlight the friction that exists between the need for individual freedom versus human consciousness.
How can you cultivate your unique talents for the greater good? How can humanity adjust to this new way of living? This T-Square aspect is comprised of fixed signs, which means they're all incredibly stubborn in their ways. Something certainly has to give, but this is where the full moon reminds the collective to have courage. Though the thought of following your heart and spreading the love may seem unrealistic during tumultuous times like these, it's precisely what will empower us to move forward. This is especially significant to consider now that the sun joined Jupiter and Saturn in innovative Aquarius for the first time since The Great Conjunction.
When you think of the next couple of years, where do you see yourself? It's time to be the divine master of your own fate. Change is inevitable, so don't hesitate to find comfort in the chaos.
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