Young woman outdoors, looking over shoulder at camera

St. Patrick's Day Won't Be All Sunshine & Rainbows For These 3 Zodiac Signs

by Valerie Mesa

Besides being a cultural and religious holiday, March 17, 2020 also happens to be a day marked by many astrological shifts. So don't be surprised when I say St. Patrick's Day 2020 won't be so lucky for some zodiac signs, regardless of its celebratory significance.

The lucky vs. unlucky St. Patrick's Day superstition is pretty much all in the mind, though, so instead of panicking about what could go wrong during the Irish celebration, consider the astrology. For instance, the moon sets the emotional tone of the day and the moon is going to be in harmony with Venus, so it's not the end of the world.

Something else to look forward to is, Mercury will be direct, which always feels like a breath of fresh air, after a long perplexing retro phase.

As for the bad news, Mercury — the planet of communication — will have already re-entered Pisces. Swift and savvy, the clever messenger planet doesn't feel comfortable while traveling through Pisces' mutable waters. That's why Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius are bound to have the worst March 17 — but, again, it doesn't signify anything bad about St. Patrick's Day itself.

Gemini: You Could Feel Restless And Insecure

Overthinking is probably one of the things you struggle with the most, Gemini. The good news is, you're a professional at detaching from your emotions. However, things change when the moon's traveling through your eighth house of sex, transformation, and intimate unions. There's a cluster of celestial energy here, so you're somewhat used to the feels, but even then, it's a challenging lunation for a day like St. Paddy's when everyone's out celebrating.

In harmony with Venus — via your secretive 12th house of secrets and karma — you could be dealing with some unfinished relationship business, despite Mercury stationing direct. Get it over with and take it easy. There's always next year.


Libra: You Probably Won't Be In The Mood To Go Out

Home is where you heart is this St. Patrick's Day, Libra. There's a lot happening on the home front for you these days, and with the moon lingering over this area of your chart, hanging at the local bar for green beer will probably be the last thing on your mind. Don't sweat it. I know how much you enjoy being around your tribe, but if there's anything this moon is trying to show you, it's put your emotions first.

Your planetary ruler, Venus, will be in harmony with the moon, which isn't bad news. Although, it's important to recognize her positioning. In this case, she will be traveling through your auspicious eighth house of intimate unions and all things taboo. Face your fears once and for all, Libra.

Aquarius: You're Likely Feeling More Introspective

Everyone always expects you to show up, Aquarius. Your eccentric and freedom-loving spirit is naturally magnetic, but more importantly, it always brings everyone together. I'm not saying your St. Patrick's Day celebration is canceled, but you might want to do something more intimate at home where you have control of the situation. Tell your closest besties to bring the drinks and hook it up with the snacks and food coloring.

Venus will be in harmony with la luna, and sitting over your domestic fourth house of home, family, and emotional foundation. You're not necessarily the emotional type, but you may very well give everyone a glimpse of your softer side.