
Side-By-Side Photos Of Trump & Obama At The White House Will Make You So Nostalgic

by Thea Glassman
Win McNamee/Getty Images News/Getty Images

If you're not happy with the Donald Trump presidency — and miss Barack Obama terribly — this post is either going to make you very, very nostalgic, or very, very depressed. Proceed with caution. Side-by-side photos of Trump and Obama at the White House are quite possibly the most stark before/after shots that you'll ever see. Can someone pass the tissues, please?

Trump and Obama present a very different face to the world. For every listicle featuring Obama hugging little kids and doing something cute and bromance-y with Joe Biden, there's about a dozen more of Trump being completely awkward with Ivanka, or totally indifferent towards Melania.

So when it comes to photos of the two at the White House, the comparison is kind of drastic — whether they're with their spouses, coworkers, or foreign heads of state. And we couldn't help putting a few of them together.

To start, there were some very different levels of romance on the dance floor during each president's Inaugural Ball.

In general, most pictures of Michelle and Barack feature the two being adorable and loving and generally looking like a couple we all aspire to be. Pictures of Donald and Melania, however, usually feature the two not holding hands, not really kissing, and generally looking angry and uncomfortable.

Here's Barack and Michelle in 2009, looking sweet and happy and very in the moment. Flip through to Trump, who is doing some sort of weird victory power salute. We get it. You won.

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On to political leaders.

Here's Obama with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in the Oval Office, probably giggling over something delightful.

That legendary bromance sadly wasn't passed down to Trump. Like, at all. Just check out Trudeau's expression in that second photo.

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And then there's Obama and Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel. Here they are in the Oval Office looking so nice and buddy buddy. Look at Obama's hand on Merkel's arm. Look at Merkel's smile. That stands in stark contrast to Trump and Merkel, looking deeply uncomfortable in the Oval Office.

This was the same instance that Trump refused to shake her hand. Still not over that.

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Now, let's look at Obama and Trump's advisers.

Pete Souza, the White House's former photographer, posted an old image of Obama to his Instagram back in February, showing the former president sitting in the Oval Office. It was captioned,

Meeting with top advisors. This is a full-frame picture. I guess you'd say I was trying to make a point.

Point well made, Souza. Point well made.

Meanwhile, pictures of Trump in the Oval Office with his advisors and staff usually show an almost completely male-dominated room.

Pete Souza
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Halloween also made for some pretty rough comparisons.

You know what was a fun photo-op? That time that Obama pretended to get tangled up in Spiderman's web right outside the Oval Office.

Not so fun? When Trump met with The White House Press Corps' children in the Oval Office, it was kind of awkward. Trump insulted their parents multiple times and also congratulated one child for not having a weight problem. Also literally no one (including Trump) looked comfortable.

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Drew Angerer/Getty Images News/Getty Images

For further reference, here's Trump insulting parents.

Annnd here's Obama hanging out with Superman in the White House.

We should also take this opportunity to look at the Obamas and the Trumps together.

On the day of Trump's inauguration, we actually got a literal photo of both Trump and Obama side by side, as the incoming first couple arrived at the White House. And wonder of wonders, they're all smiling.

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And on that unusually positive note, I'll leave you to go re-watch that video of Obama flexing with baby Superman on Halloween. It'll make everything feel a little bit better.