This Will Be The Most Exciting Day In May For Aries
Being born during springtime definitely has its perks, especially for fiery, ambitious Aries individuals. The warm and abundant energy that this season brings will benefit you all year round. On a special day this month, that energy will reach its peak. As the go-getter of the zodiac, your top priority has been all about getting your financial affairs in order, which is why May 11, 2021 will be the best day this month for Aries.
As an Aries, your first house of self gets lit up in the spring, fueling your desire for assertion and achievements. Your cardinal energy is similar to a flame: It burns fast and hot, but it can fizzle out just as quickly as it was ignited. Having the fixed earth sign of Taurus follow Aries season isn't a coincidence, as there's definitely a need to solidify the initiations you began the previous season. Taurus season brings stabilizing energy to your life, and can prompt you to approach things from a long-term standpoint. The inspiration comes first, but the fixed sign energy is what can really push things forward.
As a whole, Taurus season promises long-term new beginnings in your life. However, there's one day this month that'll be the most promising for this exciting new chapter. Here's why that day is May 11:
Why May 11, 2021 Will Be So Exciting For Aries
On May 11, the sun and moon will conjoin in Taurus, prompting a new moon in your second house of money and possessions. Since the moon is exalted in Taurus, this day will initiate long-term growth in the realm of finances for you. New moons mark the beginning of a new lunar cycle, so this fresh energy will provide you with the stability you instinctively crave. During Aries season, you worked hard to get your lucrative endeavors off the ground, and during this time, you'll begin to notice new financial opportunities starting to come your way. The new moon in Taurus on May 11 is very much aligned with what you've been striving for, so it'll be the optimal time to set intentions regarding your money, possessions, and values.
The new moon in Taurus is also accompanied by Venus — planet of love, unity, and relationships — and Uranus — planet of sudden shocks and upheavals. With Venus present in its home sign of Taurus, you'll also be called to take a close look at your values as they pertain to relationships, while Uranus is asking that you allow room for change since it's essential for romantic and financial growth.
With four planets traveling through this area of your chart this month, the fixed energy of Taurus will provide some much-needed grounding spanning over many different areas of your life. You may feel inclined to make necessary adjustments to previous unhealthy habits pertaining to managing money, especially with Uranus present. Ultimately, though, the changes and shakeups taking place pertaining to your second house will be for your greatest good.