
If You're Moving In Together In The Summer, Here's Everything You Need To Know

by Rebecca Strong

Moving in together is already super exciting for obvious reasons, but moving in together in the summer — a season we associate with carefree, spontaneous adventures and nonstop action — is a whole different brand of thrilling. Of course, there is a multitude of pros and cons to moving at this time of year. While you can avoid the snow and rain that tends to come with moving in the winter and spring, you have to prepare to potentially deal with some intense heat. Plus, there are some challenges that stem from the fast that summer happens to be peak moving season. Indeed, moving in together in the summer demands certain considerations to ensure it goes as smoothly as possible, from the time you start packing up your belongings to the time you toast with some sparkling rosé on your dope new roof deck. That said, it's a stellar time to take your relationship to a new level.

First and foremost, you’ll need to accept the fact that summer is the most popular time of year to move due to a combination of factors. That means movers tend to get booked up more quickly and may cost more as well. Since it’s a busy time, you’ll definitely want to plan well in advance. Moveline recommends starting your research in the spring and booking your moving company at least six weeks before your move-in date. Not only are you more likely to get a mover for your desired date/time that way, but you could also save some money. According to the United States Census Bureau, June is the most popular month for moves, followed by August, July, and then May. So if you have some flexibility, you may want to consider moving in May or July, as there’s less demand during those months. Additionally, since more people tend to move on the weekends since they don’t have to work, you may want to try to plan your move for a weekday. Moveline advises avoiding Memorial Day weekend, as it’s the busiest moving day of the year, followed by the last weekend in July. According to Unpakt, the beginning and end of the month tend to be a little more chaotic, so you may want to consider moving during the second or third week of the month when business is a bit slower and therefore, you’ll likely snag a better deal.

Alto Images/Stocksy

When it comes to timing your move, it’s important to take the summer weather into account. Since the temperature will rise into the afternoon, it’s a good idea to schedule your move for the early morning or early evening hours. The sun is at its peak strength between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., so aim to move between 7 a.m. and 9 a.m. or between 5 p.m. and 8 p.m. in order to ensure the experience is as comfortable as possible. Lugging around boxes is brutal enough without sweltering heat adding to the hassle. Be sure you have a plan for the air conditioning upon arrival, particularly if you notice that the forecast on your moving day involves 90-degree temperatures. If it’s possible to turn the AC on in your new abode before you move in, that’s ideal. If not, though, just make sure you either turn it on as soon as you arrive, or have your movers bring in your window unit first to get it cranking ASAP.

Speaking of heat, you should plan your moving day outfit just as carefully as you plan that #OOTD you post on Instagram. Dressing appropriately means avoiding heavy, dark clothing, so skip the black skinny jeans. Instead, slip on something lightweight and light in color — these kinds of garments are more breathable and less likely to absorb the sunlight. Also, if you’re planning on rocking a tank or shorts, be sure to slather on the sunscreen 30 minutes or so before you head outside to avoid getting a sunburn during your summer move. TBH, that’s the last thing you need to deal with while unpacking and settling in with bae.


If you’re moving in the summer, you’ll definitely need to make hydration a priority. Lifting boxes, repeatedly walking up and down stairs, and dealing with the stress of coordinating the whole ordeal is a lot of work. So, while you’re sweating up a storm, you should make it a point to guzzle a steady stream of H20. With so much going on, it’s possible you may forget to drink water, so if you think it will help, set hourly reminders on your phone. Not only do you want to ward off the unpleasant symptoms that come with dehydration, but you also want to be sure you have enough energy to plow through the moving process, and hydration plays a part in that. Have a water bottle on hand for both you and bae, and if possible, keep a couple in your bag for your movers as well — they’ll definitely be grateful AF.

Extreme heat can also take a toll on some of your belongings, which means you’ll have to take some special considerations while packing. For example, Moveline reports that candles are prone to melting, leather furniture can get damaged, and CDs/DVDs can get warped. It’s best to use climate-controlled storage for any of these items if they are traveling a long distance. And even if you’re only moving a short distance, you should avoid leaving them in a moving truck for too long. Keep all of these heat-sensitive belongings in the same (marked) moving box, transport them in an air-conditioned vehicle, and prioritize bringing them inside once you arrive at your new abode.


While there are obviously some pitfalls to moving during the summer, there are plenty of perks as well. Perhaps one of the biggest benefits of moving in with your boo during this season is that the weather is prime for exploring. When you move to a new place, you and your partner will probably be eager to hunt down your new go-to dive bar, coffee shop, etc. Warm, sunny days mean you’ll have plenty of opportunities to get to know your new ‘hood. If you and bae are itching to spend as much time as possible outdoors, scope out The Outdoor Collective, which offers a curated list of local tours and adventures in or near to your location. If your new digs happen to have some outdoor space, you can totally take advantage of that by enjoying some romantic dinners on the roof deck or picnic lunches on the patio. And you definitely won't have any shortage of date ideas in the summer, either — between outdoor music festivals, moving screenings, and fitness classes, there are plenty of options for keeping the spark alive.

Real talk: Summer is the busiest, as well as obviously the hottest, time of year to move. But despite those disadvantages, it’s still a phenomenal time to start a new chapter with your boo. As long as you take the necessary precautions to protect your possessions and ensure you have a safe, comfortable move, you’ll surely kickstart this new phase on a stellar note. Besides — there’s hardly a better time of year to throw an epic housewarming bash.