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4 Personality Types Who Take Long-Term Relationships Seriously

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Long-term relationships aren’t for everyone. For some, they can feel downright stifling, but for others, they can be the epitome of romance, security, and fulfillment — and your personality plays a significant role in which category you fall under. As a general rule, the Myers-Briggs personality types who take long-term relationships seriously tend to be more commitment-oriented in general and place a value on stability and planning over spontaneity and flexibility. That doesn’t mean they aren’t adventurous, or value independence, however. In fact, many of the MBTI types who prefer long-term relationships are introverts, meaning they need plenty of space and alone time.

Not only can your MBTI reflect how you process information and events in your life, but it can also factor into how you respond. For example, while Thinking dominant individuals may be just as inclined to enter long-term relationships as Feeling individuals, Judging and Perceiving can have more weight. While Perceivers prefer to explore all of their options and fly by the seat of their pants,” so to speak (potentially drawing them to casual dating), Judgers like to have a plan, and stick to it (making them more well-suited to serious LTRs).

Knowing which personality types are in the same boat can prove helpful because it allows you to gauge whether or not you and any prospective bae have the same romantic goals. Looking to lock down a long-term love? These personality types will eagerly join you in building a lasting bond.


The ISFP’s dating philosophy could be described thusly: slow and steady wins the race. They’re in no rush to get serious with bae, in part because TBH, they’re perfectly content being single. When they do feel a connection with someone, they’ll typically take things super slow, building a strong foundation that’s built to last. In other words, the Adventurer isn’t really a “love at first sight” kind of dater, but their patience can certainly pay off.


The Logistician is all about predictability and stability, so it totally makes sense that this personality type would thrive in serious relationships. ISTJs are all about showing your love through caring and supportive actions, and they seek out partners that are willing to put in the same level of continual effort. This type sees dating as a long-term investment, meaning they don’t take their commitments lightly.


As an intuitive feeler, the Advocate is big on fostering emotional intimacy, something that can typically only be achieved in long-term relationships. In fact, this type doesn’t really tend to get involved with anyone they can’t see a future with, so once they have found someone who makes them feel appreciated, loved, and emotionally safe, they’ll often start fantasizing about their happily ever after. Like ISFPs, INFJs have a tendency to move slowly with matters of the heart, but once they’ve found “the one,” they’re in it for the long haul.


The Executive values tradition and order, and while their practical mindset may not seem romantic in the traditional sense, it’s well suited to lasting relationships. After all, the ESTJ is organized and detail-oriented, which comes in handy in terms of planning for the future, and their hard-working nature translates well in serious relationships, where they can continually improve upon their contributions as a partner. Ultimately, the ESTJ shines in a committed relationship where they know that their SO is just as dedicated to building mutual trust and respect as they are.

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