21 Tweets About Hooking Up Will Make You Say, "Damn, That's Me"
Anyone who's ever been even remotely involved with hookup culture can attest to the fact that the experience of hooking up with people comes with its own unique trials and tribulations. Some experiences within hookup culture are so weird and so inexplicable that you're left thinking that you must literally be the only person on the face of the Earth who has ever gone through anything even remotely like this. But, alas, my friends, you are not alone. In fact, these tweets about hooking up with people and all of the awkward, embarrassing, sad, and sometimes hilarious experiences that come along with it prove that we're all in this together.
Read along as people recount their most memorable hookup stories like the story of the girl who made a really long, drawn-out pun during pillow talk and never heard from the dude (who she had been hooking up with for THREE MONTHS) ever again. Or the person who thought they were finally moving on from their ex... and then almost yelled out their ex's name during sex with a random person. Oooh! Or the person who woke up with a feeling that today was finally going to be the day he was going to get some only to find that, yet again, it was not. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. Read along and prepare to say "same."
When you're going through a breakup and think that hooking up with someone will help you move on but you just end up missing your ex more than you did before.
As someone who spent the first 23 years of her life **very** single, I can safely say that I'm extremely familiar with the hookup culture and all of its many ins and outs. Up until my current relationship, the only "romantic" experiences I had to show for were those long drawn out hookup buddy type situations that eventually fizzled out on their own.
So, yeah, I know how the story goes. In fact, I have a theory that when you're a single and active member of hookup culture, your life is constantly going one of two ways: you're on a hot streak or you're in a dry spell. You're either swimming in an endless sea of romantic promise or sitting at home alone picking crumbs off your pajamas while you start The Office all over again. Of course, this isn't to say that during either of these two phases that you aren't actually pining over one special person who you, for some reason or another, cannot fully have. But, for the most part, these are your two options.
And I know that, especially when you're in the sitting-at-home-alone-picking-crumbs-off-your-pajamas phase, it's easy to fantasize about having a special someone to sit home and watch Netflix with. Someone who actually cares about you. But please allow me to leave you with this silver lining: all of your best stories and experiences are going to come from this stage of your life. Embrace it!
Laugh at the bad dates and the awkward encounters and really dive into getting over your ex and take all the time that you need to do that. This is all part of the human experience and, if you ask me, it's one of the best parts of it so don't let it slip away without fully embracing it.
OK, I promise I'm done with my spiel. Now time for you to go SLAY the hookup scene like you were born to do.