The Color Of Your Aura, According To Your Zodiac Sign
Energy speaks louder than words, and your cosmic DNA is no different.
Having your aura photographed is basically a rite of passage. If you haven't heard of this Instagrammable phenomenon, you must be living under a rock. Celebrities like Emma Roberts, Zosia Mamet, and Gwyneth Paltrow have all hopped on the trend over the years, and if you haven't had your aura photographed yet, you should get it done ASAP. Besides getting to see your money-making face flushed in vibrant colors, what color your astrology aura is says so much about the person you are and the way you've been feeling lately. It's no surprise that there are a variety of unique colors associated with each zodiac sign.
If you consider yourself to be an astrology enthusiast, then chances are you’ve done your fair share of research, which then probably led you down an endless rabbit hole of information… and yet, many wouldn’t have it any other way. Studying astrology can take things to a whole other level, because the power that each sign in the zodiac holds can also reveal itself in various forms of energy, and this is especially true when considering the seven chakras of your spirit. For instance, when your aura is photographed or deciphered by someone who is a clairvoyant, you will be able to see which parts of your birth chart you're utilizing most.
For example, when I first had my aura photographed, the most prominent colors present in my energy were bright red and violet. At that moment in my life, it meant I was most in tune with my Mars sign, which is in Aries, and my moon sign, which is in Pisces. Fascinating, right? And hey, maybe your aura colors currently have nothing to do with your birth chart, which can also happen. Although, in that particular case, it would mean you're ~transcending~ it, which is probably even more fascinating. After all, we are ever-changing beings, but getting acquainted with your astrology aura can also help validate your connection to the color spectrum. Energy speaks louder than words, and your cosmic DNA is no different.
If you don't know the details of your birth chart, use this calculator to find out. Then, get your aura photographed immediately and see what parts of your personality are strongest lately.
Aries Aura Color: Bright Red
Of course fiery and intense Aries expresses itself in a bright and vivid red. This color signifies passion, sexuality, aggression, competitiveness, and a strong will — all of which are major characteristics of an Aries. Your ruling planet is also Mars, in case you need more proof of your red-hot persona.
Taurus Aura Color: Forest Green
Could you have guessed that sensual and nature-loving Taurus would show itself in a forest green? This color indicates the power of a healer, someone who brings out the best in people. It also signifies determination and having a down-to-earth attitude. Green is also the color of money and Mother Nature’s abundance, which goes hand in hand with your planetary ruler, Venus.
Gemini Aura Color: Yellow
Bright and sprightly Gemini would definitely reveal itself through yellow, the happiest color of all. This indicates optimism, positivity, playfulness, and being in touch with one's inner child. It also reveals an enthusiastic energy about life.
Cancer Aura Color: Pink
When is a Cancer not in love? Of course their aura color would be pink. This color signifies romantic feelings, love, affection, compassion, empathy, and a softness toward everyone they meet. Pink is gentle and comforting, just like you.
Leo Aura Color: Reddish Orange
Leo rules the world with a lion's energy, which is why it makes total sense that they'd have the most confident aura color of all. A reddish-orange aura indicates a healthy ego, a confidence in one's power, and the desire to win.
Virgo Aura Color: Royal Blue
Highly intellectual and communicative Virgo would definitely reveal itself in a vivid royal blue. This aura indicates seriousness, a logical and rational approach to life, and the desire to communicate clearly and truthfully with everyone around them. This color also epitomizes clarity and confidence.
Libra Aura Color: Bluish Green
Harmonious and beautiful Libra would obviously be a gorgeous combination of blue and green. This aura reveals someone who cares about the people around them and shows it by remaining calm, objective, and diplomatic in every situation.
Scorpio Aura Color: Indigo
Dark and mysterious Scorpio would obviously evoke an indigo aura. This color signifies intense emotions, intuition, wisdom, sensitivity, and the ability to see the naked truth, no matter what.
Sagittarius Aura Color: Bright Orange
Wild and philosophical Sagittarius is never afraid to try something new. This is why their orange aura color signifies expansion, creativity, stamina, and a deep-seated confidence. It also expresses an insatiable appetite for life.
Capricorn Aura Color: Deep Red
Determined and strategic Capricorn would definitely reveal itself in a deep red aura. This color expresses someone resilient, someone who can stay strong when times get rough. Those with deep red auras are resourceful, ambitious, and skilled at survival.
Aquarius Aura Color: Bright Green
Aquarians are the most forward-thinking in all the zodiac, so they emit the most healing aura color of all. A bright green aura indicates someone who spearheads change for the better, someone who places the needs of others before the needs of their own.
Pisces Aura Color: Violet
Deeply intuitive and magical Pisces would obviously express itself through a violet aura. This color signifies psychic tendencies and a vibrant imagination. Those with this aura love to daydream and escape through artistic visions. It’s also the color of spirituality.
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