What TikTok’s Favorite Witches Are Manifesting For 2025
It’s all about setting boundaries and keeping your vibe protected.
If you thought 2024 was a wild ride, it’s probably time to hit the energetic reset button. New Year’s is basically the holiday of manifestation, and this year, there’s quite the cocktail of energies on the horizon to influence your intentions. Luckily, professional manifesters — aka IRL witches — are sharing their manifestation plans so you can heed their advice for your best year yet.
First, a quick astro forecast: The progression to 2025 is likely to stir up extra chaos, emotions, and confusion compared to the typical new year. (Not to stress you out.) January’s astrology coupled with the upcoming presidential transition is... a lot. Mars, the planet of action, will be retrograde until February, so don’t be surprised if things feel slow or even on pause until then.
However, since it’s Capricorn season, there’s a “get your life together” attitude in the air to support all your planning and magical plotting. It’s the perfect time to create a vision board or work through energy blocks so you’re ready when the vibes pick back up. The spring equinox on March 21 will mark the start of Aries season and the astrological new year, amping up the action-oriented steps in your manifesting. In other words, start making intentions now, but there’s no rush in getting to your goals.
In the meantime, to make sure your manifestations are truly aligned with your best life, where better to turn than WitchTok? Elite Daily spoke with some of TikTok’s favorite witches about what they’re calling in for 2025, their go-to rituals, and how to employ magic to protect your energy.
Prioritizing Creativity And Expansion
Jaclynn Moss (@jaclynnswitchinghour), a 29-year-old Los Angeles-based art witch and creator, regularly shares her artwork and lifestyle content with her 34,400 followers on TikTok. Moss is using the new year to get clear on her desires, honor endings, and align with the energy of new beginnings. “I’m ensuring everything I nurture aligns with my values,” she says. This means manifesting growth in her creative pursuits, deepening connections, expanding her self-love, and teaching others to do the same.
Megan Archer (@instantwitch), a 30-year-old Maryland-based witch known for sharing her beginner tips to her 253,300 TikTok followers, is manifesting more witchy travel. “I recently traveled to Salem, and I’m looking forward to maybe doing even more destinations like New Orleans, maybe anywhere that’s haunted,” she says.
Lilly Statham, @mysticprimrose on TikTok, is a 27-year-old U.K.-based witch influencer and the owner of an online witch shop, Mystic Primrose. With a following of 271,200 on TikTok and 1.1 million on Instagram, plus a book and an oracle deck in the works, she’s aiming for continued success in 2025. “I’m manifesting for that to go really smoothly and work out well,” she tells Elite Daily. “Also overall abundance, not just financially, but getting along with family, everyone being healthy and doing well, and general happiness.”
Setting Boundaries
With the current energies in mind, Archer is focused on saying “no” to things that don’t align. “Even canceling plans you might have already agreed to is a release for things that no longer serve you so you can make space for new and better things,” she says.
To ensure her energy remains sacred amid uncertain times, Moss is also reinforcing her boundaries and practicing mindful media consumption. “I’m being careful with what I engage with as far as the news and social media,” she says. “I stay informed, but I limit my doomscrolling and take breaks when it feels overwhelming, and sticking to my spiritual practice helps a lot, too.”
According to Statham, setting boundaries should be the main focus for everyone right now — not just the witchy girlies. “I think boundary-setting is what people need to be doing, especially with social media at the minute,” she says. “It’s important to learn how to do that and put yourself first.” Boundaries could be physical, or, she says, “You could do spells to help remove negative thoughts or people around you.”
Decluttering Spiritual And Material Junk
One mundane approach to removing and releasing old negative energy? Physical decluttering. “This is a really good way to declutter your mind — it’s the idea of ‘as above, so below,’” Archer says. “If your physical space is cluttered, your mind is probably a bit all over the place.” Before every new moon, she gets rid of at least one garbage bag of old stuff to make way for new blessings and fresh energy.
The practice of tidying up the mind is anything but a one-witch-wonder — the mode varies from one practitioner to the next. For Moss, the new year is a big, sacred reset. “I’m taking time to reflect on what worked, what didn’t, and what lessons I can carry forward,” she says, adding, “Journaling has been helping me mentally declutter.”
Statham is also focusing on nixing stale energy and starting fresh. “My plan is to do a cleansing new beginning spell, so every negative thing that’s happened in 2024 isn’t brought into the new year,” she says. One method she employs is writing everything down and burning the paper either safely in a fire-proof vessel or with a bonfire outside. “That way, it’s like you are letting those things go and cleansing all negative energy from it.” Plus, who doesn’t love to light things on fire every once in a while?
Getting Serious About Ritual Work
Staying on the intended energetic track is easier said than done. Luckily, much of the challenge can be alleviated with the help of a few witchy tried-and-trues, like vision boards, candle work, and shadow work journals.
“I love to dive into rituals at the end of the year such as tarot, sacred bathing, and altar work,” Moss says. “My tarot practice feels extra special during this time.” For her, pulling cards around the new year harnesses an extra powerful transitional energy. “The cards offer insight, clarity, and guidance for the path ahead. It’s a sacred practice for me that creates a space for reflection.”
Statham recommends welcoming in a fresh start with fresh lemons, peppermint, and salt in a spell candle or ritual bath. “You could get in on the 31st, then get out when it’s past midnight,” she suggests. The bath is a physical representation of purging away old energy and emerging into 2025 clear (as possible) of 2024’s undercurrent.
Energy Protection
Another central theme for all three witches is protecting their energy. Mentally preparing for any negativity or stress in January and beyond will help keep vibes high and outlook positive. “Take time in nature away from screens,” Archer says. “If you have animals, hang out with them because they’re more naturally in tune with grounded earth energy.” Additionally, Archer recommends meditating, journaling, steering clear of energy-draining people, and grounding rituals. One simple grounding ritual that Archer suggests is called earthing, or standing barefoot outside. “This is especially beneficial if you spend a lot of time indoors, as it helps connect you with the energy of the earth,” she says.
Of course, it’s not always possible to avoid all low vibes. One witch trick Archer employs when entering public places is creating a small protection braid at the nape of her neck. Focusing her intention into the plait as she braids, Archer speaks affirmations like “I am protected” and “No one’s energy can affect mine.” Then, she anoints the braid with a protective oil like rosemary and is on her way. As she undoes and brushes the braid out upon her return, she visualizes any negative energy being released.
One of Statham’s go-to energy-guarding rituals is quite simple. After a shower, she likes to stay a little longer under the stream of water with protective additives like eucalyptus, an obsidian crystal, salt, or essential oils. “Visualize the water adding that protection to you,” she says. No witchy ingredients? Just do the visualizing under the cleansing trickle of water.
If pruning in the shower isn’t your thing, Statham suggests an easy candle spell. “Light a candle within a ring of salt every evening or couple of evenings,” she says. Write your name and some affirmations down on a small piece of paper, then sit with the candle as it burns.
Protecting your mental space doesn’t have to be an enormous ordeal. “Carrying anything that represents protection that you connect with is great,” Statham says, recommending obsidian or small spell jars.
Take it from the witches and get the most out of 2025 by allowing yourself rest, getting clear on your goals, and most of all, protecting your sacred energy.