March 2022 will be a retrograde-free month.

Get Excited — March Will Be A Retrograde-Free Month

Here’s how you can take advantage.

If you’re a student of astrology, then you know all about the dreaded retrograde. Although not every planetary retrograde is an inherently difficult experience, some retrogrades — *cough* Mercury *cough* — have a way of getting under your skin. As a planet stations retrograde, it begins to slow down in its usual trajectory through the zodiac before it finally appears to be moving backward, retracing its steps across the degrees it just passed over. When this happens, it can kick up drama from the past and make it harder to focus on the future. And if you’re wondering which planets will retrograde during March 2022, you needn’t worry, because you’ll like the answer.

Drum roll, please? This month is filled with good juju, because there will be no planetary retrogrades to speak of. However, even if there were, it would be no big deal. After all, retrogrades are a part of life, because that’s just how astrology (and astronomy) works. In fact, a lot of the time, a retrograde can actually be a positive experience. If a retrograde takes place in one of the outer planets — aka Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus, or Pluto — it’s not usually a noticeable transit, because these planets are already retrograde around half of the time.

However, if a retrograde takes place in one of the inner planets — aka Mercury, Venus, or Mars — it tends to be a more dramatic experience. After all, these planets deal with your day-to-day life and they span anywhere from a brutal few weeks to a strange couple of months, making these retrogrades far more turbulent.

Either way, you have nothing to worry about, because the astrological forecast for the month of March says that you have absolutely no retrograde planets on your radar. And because this year’s Pisces season is more beautiful than it’s ever been, you have a lot to look forward to. Here’s why:

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During March 2022, You Have Exactly 0 Retrogrades To Worry About

Yes, you heard that right. During March, there are no retrogrades to speak of, and because the sun will be moving through spiritual, empathetic, and imaginative Pisces, this month will reward you beyond belief. This Pisces season is particularly special, because it will take place while Jupiter — planet of expansion, adventure, and wisdom — is also moving through this mutable water sign. Because Jupiter literally rules over Pisces, Jupiter can function at its highest expression, making this a month filled with positive vibes and beautiful experiences.

In fact, on March 5, the sun will form a conjunction with Jupiter in Pisces, bringing you a surge of exciting energy. Follow this energy wherever it takes you, because Jupiter wants you to grow beyond your confines and break away from what’s been holding you back. Pisces is associated with the ocean and the ocean never it ends. It merely continues in its constant loop of ceaseless currents. During this time, allow yourself to be pulled away by the surf as you embrace a sense of boundlessness that’s as wide and unwavering as the ocean.

By March 13, the sun will also join forces with Neptune in Pisces, which will evoke purifying spiritual vibrations and heighten your psychic senses. This will encourage you to let go of your ego and let love lead the way, because at the end of the day, love is the beginning and the end of everything. At the core of being human is a desire to be loved, so let kindness, compassion, and generosity intensify your connection with the world you share with others.