Young woman with her arms in the air the week of October 25, 2021, having the best time per her zodi...

The First Week Of Scorpio Season Will Be Bright For 3 Signs

Embrace the idea of making new friends and falling in love with new things.

by Roya Backlund

Scorpio season has just begun and this fixed water sign prefers knowing exactly what to expect. That’s why the beginning of this week might feel so confusing. As Venus — a plant that loves security — squares off with disorienting Neptune on Oct. 26, the week may be off to a strange start. This could make you feel unsure of where you stand, both in your relationships and with your finances. However, in spite of the weirdness, water signs will have the best week of October 25, 2021, so if your sun sun or rising sign happens to fall under Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces, you’ve got a lot to look forward to.

Luckily, the weirdness won’t last forever. On Oct. 28, romantic Venus will form a pleasant sextile with expansive Jupiter, encouraging you to embrace adventure and open-mindedness in your life. You may find that pleasure feels easier to obtain, encouraging you to enjoy whatever brings you closer to your own sensuality. Embrace the idea of making new friends and falling in love with new things.

The energy could take a sharp turn by Oct. 30, when the sun in Scorpio forms a square with cold and inhibiting Saturn. This can feel a bit isolating and unnerving, as Saturn has a tendency to evoke harshness instead of softness. Saturn can bring out your inner critic, encouraging negative self-talk and criticism when it’s not always warranted. However, this can also be a motivating moment, encouraging you to call attention to what needs fixing. Just remember to be kind to yourself in the process, because no one’s perfect.

Here’s why water signs are bound to have a beautiful week, one way or the other:


Cancer: You’re Letting Loose And Embracing The Idea Of Fun

You’re approaching what could possibly be the most enjoyable time of your entire year. The sun just entered your fifth house of fun and pleasure, tapping into your desire to let go of whatever may be holding you back from having a good time. Perhaps self-doubt inhibits your ability to truly love yourself. Maybe fear holds you back from taking a risk. Either way, the present moment is calling to you, wanting you to fully inhabit the beauty that is at your disposal. Remember, the world can be a playground, so long as you’re willing to play in it.

Scorpio: You’re Embracing A More Mature Version Of Yourself

In life, you can’t always control how you feel, but you can learn to react to your feelings in a more mature and healthy manner. This week, you might find that you’re embracing the wiser and more patient part of your personality. This Scorpio season may reveal to you all the ways you want to improve, but seeing your progress will only gratify you and encourage you to keep working hard. If you’re not satisfied with something in your life, trust in your ability to change it. You have so much more power than you may realize.

Pisces: You’re Tapping Into Your Ability To Be Wild And Free

Spontaneity is calling your name, and this week, you may feel a desire to shake yourself free from your constructs and do things differently. The sun has just entered your ninth house of adventure and expansion, encouraging you to spread your wings and take advantages of opportunities to explore the world. There is so much you have yet to see and so much you have yet to experience. Don’t expect everything to change overnight, but take comfort in the fact that so much is on the horizon.