Not The Vibe
Young woman walking in winter snow during 2023's final Mercury retrograde on December 13.

How 2023's Final Mercury Retrograde Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

Just in time for the holidays.

by Chelsea Jackson

The vibes have been anything but serious since the sun shifted into the light-hearted sign of Sagittarius on Nov. 22 — and it’s been well-deserved. After a *very* intense eclipse season, there’s been more of a focus on taking big risks and releasing your inhibitions, all for the sake of having a good story to tell. Sadly, the carefree energy of this otherwise magical holiday season is about to be interrupted by everyone’s favorite astrological event, Mercury retrograde. (Thank God it’ll be the last one in 2023.)

On Dec. 13, Mercury will slowly begin to retrace its steps through the cardinal earth sign of Capricorn. Stationing at 8 degrees, this three-week period will offer everyone a chance to attain some much needed clarity around any future pursuits. As the planet of communication prepares to moonwalk through the cosmos, every zodiac sign will be encouraged to regain focus on their current goals and ambitions just in time for the new year. If you’ve been struggling to muster up the self-discipline required to secure the stability you crave, allow the final Mercury retrograde of 2023 help you out.

Here’s how every zodiac sign will be affected once Mercury stations retrograde on Dec. 13:

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Aries Zodiac Signs (March 20 - April 20)

On Dec. 13, Mercury will station retrograde in your 10th house of career, allowing you to rework any plans or endeavors you have in mind for your profession. When it comes to work, you’re all about carving out a clear path forward — but as Mercury reverses through the cosmos, you’ll be more inclined to press pause on any business deals currently in the works. Don’t worry, though — it’s only temporary.

Taurus Zodiac Signs (April 20 - May 20)

As Mercury stations retrograde on Dec. 13, you’ll be reevaluating the beliefs you currently abide by. Are you feeling content with the current philosophies and viewpoints you live by, or is it time for a changed perspective? While you’re typically slow to switch sides, now is a great opportunity to educate yourself on a study or interest you’re eager to know more about.

Gemini Zodiac Signs (May 20 - June 21)

On Dec. 13, Mercury, your chart ruler, will station retrograde in Capricorn, offering a change in perspective when it comes to your money and shared resources. If you’ve been investing your time or funds in ways that haven’t been paying off, now is a good time to reassess your efforts. You may also be paying off debts or taking care of financial responsibilities this month, allowing you to feel more prepared for the year ahead.

Cancer Zodiac Signs (June 21 - July 22)

As Mercury stations retrograde in your seventh house of relationships, you’ll be engaging in some important conversations about the nature of your connections with others. You may find yourself thinking more about the future with a current love interest, which may lead to some significant a-ha moments about your union. Be on the lookout for potential misunderstandings between yourself and others now, Cancer — it’ll be easier than usual for the people in your life to take your words out of context.

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Leo Zodiac Signs (July 22 - Aug. 23)

As Mercury stations retrograde in your sixth house of productivity and routines, you’ll be figuring out more efficient ways to handle your responsibilities. As this transit unfolds, you may be incorporating new habits into your day to day, or experimenting with a new wellness regimen. These new practices may not stick just yet, but switching things up in this area will offer you a much-needed change in perspective.

Virgo Zodiac Signs (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)

On Dec. 13, Mercury, your chart ruler, will station retrograde, inviting you to reevaluate the hobbies and creative pursuits you’ve been partaking in. You may have some artistic ideas you’ve been mulling over that aren’t quite yet ready to be pursued, or a love affair that requires some clear-cut communication. Either way, you’ll be setting your sights on letting your hair down a little more this month — even if the lines are a bit blurred.

Libra Zodiac Signs (Sept. 22 - Oct. 21)

During this month’s Mercury retrograde, you’ll be having some important conversations with family member and living mates. You’ll want to get more of your domestic affairs in order as this retrograde plays out, allowing you to implement more structure into your private life. If you’ve been thinking about relocating, you’ll want to make sure you’ve taken care of any necessary obligations in your current household before exploring your options.

Scorpio Zodiac Signs (Oct. 21 - Nov. 22)

As the Mercury retrograde takes place, you’ll be rethinking your current thoughts, opinions, and ideas. During this time, you’ll want to surround yourself with people, places, and things that stimulate you mentally. While you won’t want to venture too far out of your comfort zone, you’ll be more inclined to engage in conversations that challenge your typical way of thinking.

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Sagittarius Zodiac Signs (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)

On Dec. 13, Mercury will station retrograde in your second house of personal assets, offering you a closer look at your current budget and spending habits. Now’s a good time to identify what your financial goals for new year are, Sagittarius — and they may require you to tighten your belt. While you may be feeling more frugal, it’s serving a purpose, and will help you establish the stability you’ve been looking for.

Capricorn Zodiac Signs (Dec. 19 - Jan. 20)

As Mercury retrograde takes place in your first house of personal identity and self-expression, you’ll be experimenting with different forms of communication. While you may not be as inclined to share your thoughts and ideas with the world this month, you’ll gain some clarity around any ideas you have for yourself and your identity. While you may not see immediate progress, this retrograde will help to get the ball rolling.

Aquarius Zodiac Signs (Jan. 19 - Feb. 20)

On Dec. 13, Mercury will station retrograde in the cardinal sign of Capricorn, thrusting you into a period of introspection. During this time, you’ll be more inclined to reflect on your current ways of thinking. What does your current mindset look like, and is it constructive? If not, now is a good time to make some changes. Start with confronting any negative self-talk, Aquarius — it’s not doing you any good. What you dwell on, can ultimately shape your reality.

Pisces Zodiac Signs (Feb. 20 - March 20)

This month’s Mercury retrograde on Dec. 13 invites you to reevaluate your current friendships and social networks. Are you surrounding yourself with people that will be around in the long-run, or are these connections only temporary? It’s important that your inner circle is consistent and reliable, and as this retrograde unfolds, you’ll receive clarity around whether or not they are worth the investment.