For These 4 Zodiac Signs, This Week's Full Moon May Be More Low-Key
Chill out, y’all.
All you have to do is gaze up at the moon hanging in the night sky to comprehend its power. As its glowing light washes over you, it leaves you feeling rejuvenated in some indescribable way. However, nothing compares to the way a full moon can penetrate your soul. After all, this is the most climactic moment of the 28-day lunar cycle, and the experience can lead to pivotal changes in your life. Be that as it may, not every full moon will have a major impact on you. In fact, the March 2022 full Worm Moon in Virgo will affect these zodiac signs the least — Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn — but that doesn’t mean it won’t be an incredible experience.
The sun is moving through spiritual, empathetic, and imaginative Pisces, a water sign that encourages you to immerse yourself in your dreamworld and connect with your internal self. Because a full moon always rises in the zodiac sign that opposes the sun, this full moon takes place in Virgo. Unlike the mystical and emotional energy of Pisces, Virgo is rational and analytical. This mutable earth sign much prefers to deal with facts rather than fiction, which means this full moon could likely bring some valuable information to the surface that clarifies a deeper truth. However, as this full moon opposes indulgent Jupiter and illusive Neptune, there may be much more to the story that you should take into consideration.
Taking place on March 18 at 3:17 a.m. ET, this full moon might not mark a profound turning point in your life if you’re a cardinal sign. However, it will raise your awareness and show you something that you may have been overlooking. It will also encourage you to learn more about yourself and the world you live in. Here’s what you should know:
Aries: You’re Improving Your Daily Routine And Your Productivity
This full moon is encouraging you to make smarter, healthier, and more practical decisions. After all, this full moon is taking place in your sixth house of routine and wellness, shining a light on your day-to-day activities. Check in with yourself and discover what habits and regimens are no longer serving you. It’s time to improve your self-care game, because you’re worth it.
Cancer: You’re Opening Your Heart To Adventure And Expansion
You may not know where you’re going, but you don’t care as long as you’ve got a window seat. As this full moon rises in your ninth house of adventure and wisdom, it’s encouraging you to take a step out of your usual norm and embrace something totally difference. Revel in the spice of life, because as you discover the world, you’re also discovering yourself.
Libra: You’re Exploring Your Inner World And Embracing Healing
You may feel somewhat introverted and withdrawn during this full moon. After all, it’s taking place in your 12th house of spirituality, highlighting the part of you that is neither seen nor understood by others. You have your secrets, and on this full moon, you may feel ready to finally come clean. Let go of any guilt and resentment you’ve been holding onto, because you deserve to be free.
Capricorn: You’re Learning How To Speak Your Mind And Listen
This full moon is tapping into the power of your voice and urging you to talk about what matters to you. As it rises in your third house of communication, you may feel compelled to share your brightest ideas and your edgiest theories with the world. Let this full moon is reminding you how powerful the human mind truly is, because your brain a muscle that needs exercising.