Good Vibes Only
Young couple holding rainbow flags during Pride Month, ahead of being named the luckiest zodiac sign...

The Luckiest Zodiac Signs In July 2023 Are The Main Characters

Self-care is the vibe.

by Chelsea Jackson
Originally Published: 

With the summer solstice now underway, you’ve probably been spending a lot of time outside, and even more time in your feelings. Not to worry though — if your emotions have been running at an all-time high, feel free to blame it on the sun traveling through the cardinal water sign of Cancer. Ruled by the moon, this season’s asking that you actively take care of your emotional needs, regardless of how often they may change. While the moody vibes of this season may not exactly align with your Hot Girl Summer festivities, it’s allowing everyone to nurture themselves in ways that feel safe, supportive, and comforting. While everyone can expect to feel more connected to their intuition now, there are four lucky zodiac signs that’ll live it up in July 2023.

As the cardinal signs of the zodiac, Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn individuals are always eager to initiate new endeavors, and as Cancer season continues, they’ll be the signs most capable of keeping up with the constant ebb and flow. While this season is about establishing emotional security, it’s also a time when wants and needs can be pretty fleeting. Since the moon is the swiftest planet in the sky, la luna’s always up to something, which is something the cardinal signs each have in common. As the sun continues to travel through this Cancer this month, these four will be actively tapping in to their emotions in new, intuitively led ways.

Here’s how the luckiest signs of July 2023 will be affected by this month’s astrology:

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Aries Zodiac Signs (March 20 - April 19)

This month, the sun will continue through your fourth house of home and family, bringing heightened awareness to your private life. Although you share some similarities with Cancer, you’re far more interested in taking action than pausing long enough to feel things out, Aries. As a result, this season is prompting you to lean into your emotions a bit more, especially in your environment behind closed doors. You may find yourself spending more time with family, or seeking new ways of making your domain more homey. Either way, this month will be less of a physically active month, and instead, a time to lean into the comforts of your private life.

Cancer Zodiac Signs (June 21 - July 22)

It’s your season, Cancer, so naturally, you’ll be feeling all the feels — but honestly, you wouldn’t have it any other way. You’re always in touch with your emotions, but this month, it’ll be easier for you to go with your gut without too much external influence. This season is all about you and your needs, so don’t be afraid to put yourself first. Consider what you require in order to feel safe, supported, and secure, and actively pursue those things, even if they may seem irrational to the outside world. You know your needs better than anyone, especially during this time of year.

Libra Zodiac Signs (Sept. 22 - Oct. 21)

As the sun continues through Cancer, you’ll be setting your sights on your career and professional endeavors this month. This is a fortunate time for showcasing anything you’ve been working on that you’re ready to share with the world, especially if it’s something that emotionally fulfills you. It’s important that your vocation feels like a home away from home, and this season is an opportunity to create a safe space for yourself and others at work. You may even be acknowledged for your ability to care and nurture others now, something that others often admire about you. Don’t be afraid to step into the limelight now, Libra.

Capricorn Zodiac Signs (Dec. 20 - Jan. 21)

This month, the sun continues through your seventh house of romantic relationships and partnerships, highlighting your need for emotional support and security through your connections with others. Although you tend to prioritize rationality over all else, this season is inviting you to tap into desire to feel comforted and nurtured by the people around you. While this may be uncomfortable initially, it’s a great time to lean into intimacy, Capricorn. Being vulnerable is the only way to develop the deep, intimate bonds you crave with others.

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