Truth Hurts
Young woman on top of a mountain during the June 2023 full Strawberry Moon, which will affect every ...

How The June 2023 Full Strawberry Moon Will Affect Every Zodiac Sign

God, it's brutal out here.

by Chelsea Jackson

The chaos of the last few months is in the rearview (well, at least most of it). While many would describe Gemini season as anything but chill, this curious, conversational time of the year is lightening the mood for everyone. As the sun travels through this Mercury-ruled sign, you’ll be called to get curious about the opinions and outlooks of those around you without judgment or scrutiny. While definitive answers may have been few and far between over the last few weeks (thanks, Mercury retrograde), you can expect some of your burning questions to be answered as the full Strawberry Moon unfolds and impacts every zodiac sign. Be sure to brace yourself, though, because Lizzo’s right: truth hurts.

Taking place in the mutable fire sign of Sagittarius on June 3 at 11:41 p.m. EST, the 2023 full Strawberry moon will illuminate your desire for radical honesty, freedom, and enlightenment. If you’ve been feeling overwhelmed by an abundance of details, triviality, and information, this lunation will shed light on the big picture, reminding you what really matters. With so many discussions taking place this season, it can be challenging to know what’s worth paying attention to, but the upcoming full moon marks an opportunity to embrace the true knowledge that you’ve been craving.

What Is A Strawberry Moon?

The term “Strawberry Moon” is not only a nickname for the June’s full moon, but it also refers to this time of year being the most fortunate for harvesting strawberries. The last full moon of spring and first full moon of summer signaled “that this was a great time to harvest the strawberries because this is when they reach their peak ripeness,” Beverly Francis, astrologer of Elevation 44, previously told Elite Daily, noting that it’s not just the strawberries that are ripe. “It's pretty much all berries [depending on location and tribe],” hence one of its other names, the Berries Ripen Moon.

Here’s how each sign will be affected by June’s Strawberry Moon:

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Aries (March 20 - April 20)

Prepare for a major aha moment this month, Aries, as the Sagittarius full moon unfolds in your ninth house on June 3. Now is the time to free yourself from any belief systems or philosophies that have felt stifling or limiting, while also embracing truths that better align with your desire for ultimate freedom and liberation. Go on a spontaneous adventure today, or take a risk when it comes to pursuing wisdom or education. Anything that pushes you out of your comfort zone today is a good idea.

Taurus (April 20 - May 21)

On June 3, the full moon in Sagittarius will illuminate your desire for truth, knowledge, and enlightenment in your shared resources and responsibilities. You tend to be incredibly generous with what you have, Taurus, and while others greatly benefit from this, this may be a time to consider just how much access you’re allowing others to have to your time, energy, and possessions. While the truth may be challenging to accept now, it’s important that you’re honest with yourself about how much of yourself you’ve been giving away.

Gemini (May 21 - June 21)

This month, you’ll be called to embrace unfiltered honesty when it comes to your romantic relationships and partnerships. Expect others to enlighten you today with their own truths, Gemini — you may find that the people around you have more to say than usual. While you’re typically the one informing others, your loved ones have plenty to teach you now. Be sure to remain open-minded to their advice or guidance, and be sure to ask plenty of questions if you feel inclined. You learn the most from the people around you.

Cancer (June 21 - July 20)

On June 3, your routines and daily habits will be placed front and center as the Sagittarius full moon unfolds in your sixth house. As the moon-ruled sign of the zodiac, you thrive when your schedule allows you to change and adapt, and on this day, you’ll be eager to invite more adventure and spontaneity into your day to day. If things have been feeling too stagnant or mundane, now is a good time to break out of your usual schedule. What activities make you feel the most liberated? Be sure to implement them, regardless of how inconsistent they may be.

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Leo (July 20 - Aug. 21)

Your passions and hobbies are liberating you this month, Leo, as the Sagittarius full moon takes place in your fifth house. As a fire sign, expressing yourself as boldly as possible is a must — and this lunation is encouraging you to showcase your creations in a big way. Don’t be afraid to take up space today, whether it be in relationships, or in your leisure activities. Allow yourself to be spontaneous and put yourself out there. It’s bound to pay off.

Virgo (Aug. 21 - Sept. 22)

You’ll be called to explore adventurous new horizons in your home and private world this month, Virgo, as the full moon unfolds. While you’re typically a creature of habit, this month’s lunation is encouraging you to explore different possibilities in your environment. Whether you’re considering living abroad or simply making some changes in your family, now is a fortunate time for dreaming big.

Libra (Sept. 22 - Oct. 21)

On June 3, the Sagittarius full moon will thrust you in to your studies, hobbies, and skills, inviting you to gather an abundance of knowledge and truth. This is a time for expanding your mind, and it may show up in the form of a new friend, podcast, or online course. You may even discover something groundbreaking in your current studies and be called to share it with the people around you. Now is the time to share knowledge, and if anyone’s equipped to be the bearer of good juju, it’s you. Others are always eager to listen to what you have to say, and today is the ideal moment to enlighten.

Scorpio (Oct. 21 - Nov. 22)

Freedom and the opportunity for expansion in your finances will be highlighted on June 3, as the Sagittarius full moon unfolds. It’s important that your money and resources leave you with plenty of room to grow, and on this day, you’ll be feeling inspired by what you currently have. Now is the time to embrace the endless possibilities you have here, particularly the ones you have yet to consider. Once you allow yourself to think outside the box, the possibilities are endless, so try your best to keep an open mind when considering how to maximize what you have.

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Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)

Expect to be thrust into the spotlight on June 3, as the Sagittarius full moon shines a light on your identity and self-expression. Not only is this a moment of recognition for you, but it’s illuminating your desire to spread wisdom and knowledge with the world around you. As a truth-seeker, you’re always eager to share your findings with others, and this full moon is your time to take up space, and direct the attention that’s presently on you to what really matters. This is also a time for you to prioritize yourself and your needs, so feel free to engage in spontaneous activities that support your desire for freedom.

Capricorn (Dec. 21 - Jan. 19)

You’ll be feeling the urge to retreat on June 3, as the Sagittarius full moon unfolds. While you’re typically someone who enjoys plenty of structure and discipline, this full moon is illuminating your desire to dive into the liberation that comes from unplugging from the rest of the world. You don’t always have to be hustling toward a goal. Sometimes rest and recovery is the most productive thing that you can indulge in. Try to engage in activities that liberate you, and don’t worry too much about following the rules. Most of them are made up, anyway.

Aquarius (Jan. 19 - Feb. 20)

Your social life will be front and center on June 3, as the Sagittarius full moon lights up the sky. This could be a moment where you’re forming pivotal bonds and alliances, or putting the finishing touches on a group project or collaboration. You may also find yourself lending a helping hand to a friend in need, or engaging in important conversations amongst your peers. It’s a good day to share knowledge with the people around you, because they’re bound to be listening to your every word.

Pisces (Feb. 20 - March 19)

You’ll be reminded of your desire for freedom in your career and professional life on June 3, as the Sagittarius full moon unfolds. You’ve always enjoyed moving without constraint in this area, but on this day, you’ll be met with some pivotal moments of clarity regarding how to move forward here. If you’ve been feeling limited, now may be the time to explore any new possibilities that have recently been revealed in your current occupation. You may also find yourself being acknowledged or recognized for your abilities now, so be sure to allow your efforts to receive the appreciation they deserve.