Three friends enjoying a summer at the lake as they discuss who will be the least affected by the Ju...

3 Zodiac Signs Will Be Unbothered By The New Moon In Cancer

It’s whatever.

by Chelsea Jackson
bojanstory/E+/Getty Images

Now that Cancer season’s in full swing, how are you feeling? Have you been in the mood to stay in with your family and reminisce on old memories, or have you been inclined to make some emotionally driven, not-entirely-logical decisions? Whatever you’ve been up to, you can expect the upcoming new moon to bring strong emphasis to your feelings, but if you’re a Leo, Sagittarius, or Aquarius, you may not be reaching for a box of tissues on this day. In fact, if you’re one of these three zodiac signs, you’ll be the least affected by the June 2022 new moon in Cancer.

As the sun and moon link up in the cardinal water sign of Cancer at 7 degrees on June 28, a new beginning will be initiated based on what feels safe, secure, and emotionally aligned. This new moon is about trusting your intuition, and allowing yourself to be guided by your feelings, but for Leo, Sagittarius, and Aquarius, they may not notice this calling as much. Taking place in the hidden houses of their birth charts, this lunation may bring up topics that are easily overlooked, but it still has the potential to bring some themes to their attention. The moon will be at home on this day, strengthening its ability to connect each of us with our innate desires, so you even if you are one of the signs that’ll be least affected, I wouldn’t be surprised if this new moon had you in your feelings to some degree.

Here’s how these three zodiac signs can expect to be affected on this day:

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Leo (July 23 to Aug. 22)

Before your season comes around, you’ll be called to do a deep dive into your subconscious mind, Leo, especially as your chart ruler, the sun, links up with the moon in your 12th house on June 28. This is a day for rest and recovery, so be sure to check with yourself about what you need now. With Cancer in your 12th house, you may oftentimes find it challenging to get in touch with the part of yourself that craves emotional security and comfort, but now is the chance to do some reflecting. How have you been neglecting to care for yourself on a deep level? What makes you feel the most at home when you’re alone? I wouldn’t be surprised if this new moon brought up some pent up feelings for you on this day, so be sure to extra gentle with yourself now.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21)

On June 28, the sun and moon will join forces in your eighth house of shared resources, money, and boundaries, bringing some of these themes to your attention. As the freedom-oriented fire sign, it can be easy for you to overlook how much you care and give to others, but on this day, you’re sure to be reminded. What do your current boundaries look like in your intimate relationships? Have you been feeling like you’ve been giving more than you’ve been receiving? If so, today could be a day to express your grievances. As someone who likes to keep things lighthearted, this new moon may be a bit heavy for you, but it will bring some necessary emotions that you’ve possibly been ignoring to the forefront.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 to Feb. 18)

As the new moon in Cancer brings new beginnings to your sixth house of work, routines, and health on June 28, you’ll be called to consider how your habits have been making you feel. Are the rituals you’ve been practicing daily supporting and aligning with your needs? If not, this new moon is the perfect opportunity to make some changes. As an air sign, you may find yourself neglecting what makes you feel emotionally stable and secure, but it’s essential that you incorporate your fluctuating feelings into your daily life. If you can’t commit to doing the same exact thing every day, that’s okay. What your mind, body, and soul need on a daily basis changes often, and it doesn’t make you any less of a stable, disciplined individual.