Your June Horoscope Is Blooming With Opportunities
Mercury goes direct, and summer is just around the corner — both signs of great things to come.
Eclipse season was one for the books and, well, we have yet to recover from all of the cosmic chaos. On a more positive note, your June 2022 horoscope is not only energizing and inspiring you, but also switching up the slow-moving pace we experienced all throughout Taurus season.
Also, in addition to the mere fact that the first day of summer is less than a month away, mischievous messenger Mercury will also be stationing direct on June 3. Hooray! Although, before we get ahead of ourselves, it’s important to note that Mercury will be in its post-retrograde shadow until June 18. This means that while the retrograde disarray is technically over, there are still some minor tweaks to work through, at least while Mercury transits over the same degrees it already retrograded through. Having said that, Mercury will station direct in Taurus on June 3, but it will eventually re-enter its sign of rulership, Gemini, on June 13. Also, when considering the shift from Mercury retrograde in Gemini to Mercury retrograde in Taurus, chances are we will gain some sort of insight (Gemini) with regards to our investments (Taurus), whether it be personally or professionally speaking.
Sounds contradictory to what we’d normally expect from a retrograde transit, but Saturn — the planet of boundaries, discipline, limitations, and structure — will begin its four-month-long retro-journey through Aquarius on June 4... which for the record, is nothing like Mercury retrograde. (Mercury is considered a personal planet as it governs everything from our style of communication to our immediate environment. It’s also the closest planet to the sun.) Saturn retrograde, however, is almost equivalent to your teacher being absent on the day of your midterm exam. We can all benefit from a little more study time, right? Surely, this retrograde cycle will require you to take a step back, but only for you to reflect, review, and re-assess everything from the foundation of your endeavors to how disciplined you are when it comes to your craft. Saturn will retrograde until Oct. 23.
On June 14, a sparkling super moon will adorn the night sky at exactly 23 degrees Sagittarius. For reference, think back to the last new moon (solar eclipse) of 2021 on Dec. 4, which also happened to be the last of the Sagittarius-Gemini eclipse series. Something regarding your belief systems and/or desire for experience could be coming to fruition at this time. Just in time to kick off this year’s summer solstice on June 21, which also marks the first day of Cancer season, the sun’s shift into this water sign will drown out some of the noise from Gemini season. Granted, Mercury will still be buzzing through Gemini, followed by Venus the following day on June 22, but we’re still encouraged to go inward so we can tend to our home, family, and emotional foundation. The best part? Intuitive instincts will be at an all-time high, so be sure to follow your inner wisdom.
With all of that being said, here’s what you can expect this month, according to your sun and rising sign below:
Aries June 2022 Horoscope
The world is your oyster, Aries. It may sound cliché, but in addition to breaking free from toxic attachments, and redirecting your energy with the help of your planetary ruler, Mars, you’re also realizing that your values are changing more ways than you ever imagined. Reconnecting with your immediate circle of family, friends and peers can feel incredibly rewarding this month. This will also inspire you to speak your truth, and be unapologetically inquisitive about your curiosities. You’re feeling like your best self, and it shows.
Taurus June 2022 Horoscope
You’re taking your power back, Taurus. You also survived all of the eclipse chaos... so by all means, give yourself that well-deserved pat on the back. By the way, if you’re feeling introspective and choosing to keep to yourself, your hermit season could be a blessing in disguise. No, this doesn’t mean you are anti-social or purposely avoiding the world. On the contrary, you’re simply taking a moment to recharge your energy, and reflect on what your true desires are. Put it this way: you’re looking at your life as if it were a big blank canvas, but you’re still not sure what colors you want to use. Take your time.
Gemini June 2022 Horoscope
You can’t show up for others, unless you’re showing up for yourself first, Gemini. Granted, you’re an expert at tackling all of the Mercury retrograde mayhem, but this retrograde transit — as well as eclipse season — hit different; this could be why you’re looking at your personal and professional life with a different pair of lenses. See, in addition to recognizing where you can be unapologetically yourself within your network of friends and peers, you’re also reflecting on the areas where you’ve kept silent, and perhaps neglected yourself in the process. Make this birthday all about you.
Cancer June 2022 Horoscope
Stepping outside of your cozy crab shell is hardly an easy task, but there’s a time and place for everything, Cancer. Although, despite how much you miss spending time with your friends and colleagues, Mercury retrograde is shedding light on the opportunities and resources that are not only worthy of your investment, but also right before your eyes. Divine timing is always at play either way, but rest assured, you can’t unsee what’s being brought to your attention. You’re making quite an impression on the world, and reconnecting with your community.
Leo June 2022 Horoscope
Do you dare to venture into the unknown, Leo? If May challenged you to find balance between your personal and professional foundation(s), this month is all about having the courage and willpower to go after what it is you desire most. Also, without losing sight of your true north and/or the bigger picture, you’re being encouraged to surround yourself with like-minded people who have similar aspirations, hopes, and dreams. What exactly is it that you’re fighting for? How can you make the most of your personal and professional partnerships? It’s time to the gap between your inner and outer world.
Virgo June 2022 Horoscope
After much consideration... well, you’re still contemplating, Virgo. No, this doesn’t mean you’re choosing to stay stagnant. If anything, this validates the undeniable effects of Mercury retrograde, as you are in the process of reflecting on everything from your sense of direction to your reputation in the world. And while there is luck and opportunity on your side, you’re also being hyper-aware and incredibly discerning when it comes to your personal and professional investments. Nothing wrong with being exclusive with your energy; it will surely pay off in the long run.
Libra June 2022 Horoscope
The perception you have of the people around (and vice versa) is changing unexpectedly, Libra. Whether it be personally or professionally, your philosophy with regards to compromise and partnership is also in a bit of a flux, and it’s all thanks to Mercury retrograde. Having said that, you’re more than likely contemplating whether to relocate for work, or simply break free from a connection that’s no longer resonating with the person you’re becoming. Crushing on new suitors is also likely, but try to keep things casual for the time being.
Scorpio June 2022 Horoscope
Keep up the good work, because it’s about to start paying off, Scorpio. As cliché as this may sound, Rome wasn’t built in a day, so focus on being efficient and productive as opposed to dwelling on the amount of time it will take for you to see results. Whether it be with regards to your fitness goals or your professional life, you’re working diligently to create a solid foundation for yourself. That said, you’re being called to reflect on the value of your connections and intimate unions, while others of you revisit pending conversations and/or contractual agreements that may have been swept under the rug.
Sagittarius June 2022 Horoscope
It’s all about balance, Sagittarius. Your external reality and professional performance depends on the relationship you’ve cultivated with yourself, and whether you are confident embracing your unique authenticity. Granted, you’re not the lovey-dovey type, but that’s no reason to inhibit yourself from your passions and desires. In fact, this month is all about reflecting on the people, places, and situations you’ve outgrown, or perhaps those that no longer compliment your heart space. The way you communicate, namely with regards to your desires, is also coming up for review.
Capricorn June 2022 Horoscope
You’re getting your ducks in a row, but not in the way you’d imagine, Capricorn. For instance, June will not only highlight the structure of your daily rituals, but also enrich your mind with clarity and awareness with regards to the structure of your due diligence. And while you’re often celebrated for being the CEO of the zodiac, you may have to make a few tweaks, as a way to conserve more of your time and energy. Nurturing your sacred space, and setting the necessary boundaries may seem challenging... and yet, incredibly rewarding in due time.
Aquarius June 2022 Horoscope
More space is always a good idea, and this is especially true for you, Aquarius. However, the usual desire to detach and prioritize your freedom could be the reason why there’s a lack of balance when it comes to your belief systems, at least when expressed to those you surround consistently yourself with. Having said that, this month is about taking a step back from your default mindset and initial perspective, as you will likely discover the hidden treasures and truths that have always lived inside your heart space. Leaning on your inner circle could prove to be incredibly rewarding... but again, authenticity is key.
Pisces June 2022 Horoscope
Home is wherever you lay your head... because in the end, you’re all you need, Pisces. This month will not only motivate you with confidence and enthusiasm, but also put a spotlight on emotional themes surrounding your early foundations, namely those you’ve been reluctant to communicate and/or revisit. Fears, ideas, and/or assumptions with regards to your sense of security could come up for review, but only for the sake of you seeing the facts, so you can revolutionize your definition of stability in due time.