The Aquarius New Moon Will Push You To Your Limits
You may not shed any tears, but this new moon will definitely ruffle your feathers.
February has arrived, which means that Aquarius season is in full swing, and a new moon is upon us. As a fixed air sign, the energy that comes along with this time of year is all about abstract thought and ideas, and while it’s not the most emotional sign, it’s an energy that really gets your wheels turning in an abstract, unconventional way. Though new moons are typically a time to embark on something new, this lunation is a bit different — which isn’t too much of a surprise, since Aquarius energy tends to be a bit unconventional. With this new moon co-present with Saturn — the traditional ruler of Aquarius — and squaring off with Uranus in Taurus, the emotional meaning of the February 2022 new moon in Aquarius is about testing the limits of your own mind.
When a new moon occurs, the sun and the moon are essentially joining up together in one sign, intensifying the characteristics of said sign. Oftentimes new moons are a period of emotional renewal, but since the moon will be hanging out in a fixed, air sign, she won’t be as eager to turn over a new leaf. Instead, she’ll be much more interested in stabilizing, but also detaching from traditional ideas. While this may sound a bit contradictory, the sign of Aquarius is just that; it’s a fixed sign that wants to keep rules in place, but is also keen on breaking them.
When Is The February 2022 New Moon In Aquarius?
The new moon in Aquarius takes place on Feb. 1 at 12:46 a.m. ET. On an emotional level, this won’t likely be a new moon where you’re spilling your guts. Instead, you’ll likely be feeling more hesitant to outwardly express your emotions, and far more inclined to revel in your own unique thoughts and ideas. There will be a sense of comfort in being an outsider now, and it’s something you should definitely lean into — your sense of individuality is your biggest strength. Despite Aquarius being an air sign, it’s not nearly as chatty as Gemini or Libra. Instead, it’s a sign far more interested in formulating an idea and executing it over an extended period of time, so while Feb. 1 will mark a new moon period, you may not be feeling eager to make some sort of sudden move; you’ll be far more inclined to theorize on how you can make some changes in the near future.
With this new moon taking place in the same sign as Saturn, while also squaring Uranus in Taurus, this is the perfect time to think outside of the box. Conventional approaches won’t serve you too well now, so be sure to allow yourself the freedom to question any old, outdated ways of doing things, including how you may tend to express your emotions. This won’t be a time where your typical emotional response will be your go-to; you’ll be far more interested in thinking them through in a detached manner, and wherever you have Aquarius contained in your birth chart can let you know more about what areas of your life you’ll be concerned with.
While your emotions may not consume you on Feb. 1, they still exist, and it’s important that you still allow plenty of room for them to be expressed, just in your own unconventional way.