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The December 2022 New Moon Will Have 4 Signs Booked And Busy

It’s time to work it.

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December may be more than half-over (can you believe it?) but Capricorn season promises to keep everyone hard at work until the new year. As the sun stepped into this cardinal, earth sign on Dec. 21, everyone’s desire to over-achieve has been officially unlocked — and not just when it comes to securing last-minute Christmas gifts. This time of year is chaotic to say the least, but what makes it even more demanding is the persistent desire to succeed and set sights on new goals and pursuits. This energy is certain to reach its peak during December’s new moon in Capricorn on Dec. 23, and while everyone will be feeling the pressure, four signs will be impacted the most by the year’s last lunar event.

The Capricorn new moon will prompt the sun and moon to conjoin at 1 degree, bringing productive, disciplined new beginnings to the forefront for every sign. Taking place square to the expansive, abundance-oriented planet Jupiter, the desire for achievement will be excessive and potentially overwhelming. Taking place in a cardinal, earth sign, this new moon is encouraging everyone to lock in on future goals and ambitions — especially for a few signs who each prioritize initiation in their own way. Because of this, they’ll be most affected by the strong desire for success this season. Just try not to be too hard on yourselves, everyone!

Here’s what Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn can expect during December’s new moon:

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Aries (March 20 - April 19)

On Dec. 23, the sun and moon will conjoin in your 10th house of career and public persona, inviting new beginnings into your professional world. As someone who’s always eager to embark on a professional project or pursuit, this new moon is the perfect time to launch a new endeavor that aligns you with your long-term goals and ambitions. As a fire sign, the decisions you make tend to be led by impulse, but the Capricorn new moon is encouraging you to put together a plan. You crave stability in your career, and this is the perfect time to lay some groundwork. Just try not to overextend yourself, Aries — since this moon is square to Jupiter in your sign, you may be more prone to overworking yourself now.

Cancer (June 22 - July 21)

As the sun and moon come together in Capricorn, you’ll be invited to embrace new beginnings within your romantic relationships and partnerships. You tend to prioritize longevity within your connections, and this new moon is the perfect time to consider where you see new or future relationships heading. Don’t get too ahead of yourself, though, because with this moon squaring Jupiter in Aries, you may be seeing potential more than tangible results. Exercise patience, and trust that the relationships you invest in now will stand the test of time in the long-run.

Libra (Sept. 22 - Oct. 21)

During the Capricorn new moon, you’ll experience productive-oriented new beginnings in your home and family life. Taking place in your fourth house, this new moon is encouraging you to get organized within your private world, and fully embrace any new responsibilities that are present in this area. Whether you’re hosting family members at your house for the holidays or getting ready to relocate altogether, you’re bound to have your hands full. Just be mindful of taking on too many responsibilities at once — you don’t want to burn out.

Capricorn (Dec. 21 - Jan. 19)

As the sun and moon conjoin in your sign, you’ll be feeling a boost in energy when it comes to tackling your current goals and ambitions. It’s the perfect time to get the ball rolling when it comes to a new project or endeavor, as long as you remember to take it one step at a time. Since this new moon will be forming a tense square to Jupiter, you’ll be more prone to unrestricted action now, so try not to overdo it. Try to cross things off of your to-do list one at a time, instead of all at once — taking on too many projects can make it challenging to succeed at each of them. Since you enjoy challenging yourself, this moon is the perfect time to strive for something that requires strong levels of discipline. You feel your best when under slight pressure — just make sure the weight isn’t too heavy.

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