The Sturgeon Moon's Spiritual Meaning Is About Stepping Out Of Your Comfort Zone
The breakthrough you’ve been waiting for is on its way.
I hope you’ve been enjoying the main character energy of Leo season, because the upcoming full Sturgeon Moon in Aquarius is shifting away from illuminating your identity and placing the attention on the boundaries and limitations that have been holding you back. This season has been all about reconnecting with your confident, boss energy, but what makes you unique goes deeper than what meets the eye. The spiritual meaning of the August 2022 full moon is all about embracing what makes you different, even if that’s the one thing you’ve been trying to suppress or hold back. As the final supermoon of 2022, this lunation is bound to bring some major revelations to the birth charts of every zodiac sign, especially since it’s conjunct Saturn, the planet that rules this lunation. It’s pretty safe to say that this full moon will be bringing some heavy themes to the forefront, but you’re probably more than ready for these changes.
Taking place in a fixed air sign, this full moon is aiming to reveal some of the outdated rules, systems, and structures you’ve been abiding by (whether you’re aware of them or not), while also encouraging you to step out of your comfort zone altogether. Since this lunation is square Uranus in Taurus, there’s a strong sense of disruption present now, but not in the areas where you’re used to being flexible. You’re being called to make changes in the parts of your life where you prioritize stability, and while this isn’t always easy, these changes have been a long time coming. The good thing is, the airy energy of this full moon will allow you to brainstorm, and come up with some brilliant, unconventional ways to innovate the Aquarius-ruled house in your birth chart now, so be sure to remain open-minded.
What Is A Supermoon?
This full moon is the final supermoon of the year, which makes it particularly significant. A supermoon takes place when the moon is closest to Earth, making it appear larger in size. They take place about three to four times every year, so they’re pretty rare astrological events.
What Is A Sturgeon Moon?
The Sturgeon Moon nickname is associated with the giant fish of the same name, which are typically caught the most around this time of year. This final supermoon of the year is also commonly referred to as a Corn Moon, Harvest Moon, and Ricing Moon. If you’re feeling particularly sensitive during this full moon, don’t be alarmed — the closeness of la luna tends to have a pretty major effect on our physical bodies, so this can be a great time to get plenty of rest.
When Is The August 2022 Full Sturgeon Moon In Aquarius?
The full moon in Aquarius will take place on Aug. 11, 2022 at 9:35 p.m. EST. Taking place at 19 degrees, this lunation will be conjunct Saturn retrograde at 22 degrees, and square Uranus at 18 degrees of Taurus. With so much going on in the fixed signs, the energy around this lunation is bound to feel stagnant, tense, and unmoving, but it’s the perfect time to think about how you can break through the barriers that have potentially been standing in your way. Think about where you’ve been most hesitant to embrace changes. What would happen if you allowed yourself to step outside your comfort zone? With Uranus squaring this full moon, it’s bound to bring some sudden upheavals and disruptions to your sense of security, but in the long run, you may find that this is ultimately the best thing for you. While rules, structure, and systems are essential, it’s important that they aren’t keeping you stuck. Be sure to check out the Aquarius-ruled house of your birth chart to fully understand where you’re being called to do an overhaul, as well as the Taurus-ruled house in your chart, since this is where the changes may be stemming from.