Here's Who Didn't Get A Rose During Week 3 Of 'The Bachelorette'
The third episode of Rachel Lindsay's season of The Bachelorette just started and we sadly saw another group of aspiring Diff Eyewear and SugarBearHair models get sent home.
The episode started with DeMario returning to the house after Rachel beautifully told him to "get the f*ck out" last week when his ex-girlfriend showed up.
DeMario tried to come back to the mansion, but Rachel (because she's so fantastically real) was like, "Hey, remember when I made you leave? Yeah, that's still a thing. Bye!"
In addition to DeMario, we saw Lucas "the Whaboom guy," Blake E., Jamey, and Fred say goodbye to Rachel and hello to being referred to as "you know, that guy who was on Rachel's season of The Bachelorette for, like, six seconds."
Blake E.
In addition to their short-lived time on the show, Lucas and Blake E. left in a huff of bad insults and attempted one-liners. It was the worst fight I've ever seen and I was a day camp counselor who mediated fights between fourth graders.
Speaking of campers, Rachel sent her tearful former-camper Fred home because she just couldn't view him as a man.
During last week's episode, we watched Rachel go on her first group date with Dean, Jack Stone, Iggy, Lucas, Fred, Blake E., and Kenny, and her first one-on-one date with Peter.
And on the romantic one-on-one date, Peter and Rachel went to a literal puppy pool party that gave single women painfully unrealistic expectations for future first dates.
Rachel then played basketball with the rest of the guys, alongside NBA legend Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (ABC is inexplicably getting absurd cameos this season), then DeMario's ex showed up and we're back to where we started here.
On the bright side, Rachel revealed to Jimmy Kimmel she is happily engaged and "doesn't plan on a breakup."
At least now we know she doesn't end up with Whaboom guy!