What You Should Know Before Dating A Libra, Because It's An Adventure
A relationship with a Libra is like The Notebook IRL.
If you loved a Libra partner who is now gone from your life, then I'm truly sorry, because you will never find a better lover, partner, or friend than a Libra. Why are Libras so awesome, you ask? Those born between Sept. 23 and Oct. 22 are constantly on a search for balance between work and career to family and relationships, and Libras are their truest selves when searching for that sense of balance in every situation. Their need to have everything together makes them the perfect person to offer others perspective, and if you’re wondering, “Are Libras loyal?,” the answer is definitely a resounding yes.
Libra may be a bit indecisive at times, but one thing a Libra is sure about is that they love love. These folks are known for being flirtatious and charming, and they like to give love as much as they like to receive it. For the sake of love, they’re willing to sacrifice what they need for others and create happiness for others, which in turn attributes to their own happiness. Be warned: If you ever cut ties with a Libra lover, then here are the traits you're probably going to miss the most about them.
Libras Are Known For Their Inner & Outer Beauty
Libras are literally beautiful. And their beauty ties into the fact they're so classy, sociable and passionate. They'll dare to be different; they command a room. They're always pulled together, every hair in place, their entire outfit balanced and subtle. They don't need flashy clothing to make a statement. Libra people shine all on their own, from their eloquent way of speaking to their sense of humor.
They add a beauty to a room and to a conversation that can't be filled by another. They pride themselves on looking their best and feeling their best. Some may find that vain, but Libras take pride in enjoying the finest things in life. You are always proud to be seen with a Libra. Libras appreciate art, and they are art themselves. When you go out with them, you’ll realize just how fun they actually are.
Libras are all about harmony and being the peacemakers in a group, but they also like to plan big events for their friends and make it so that everyone has a fun time. If you’re a Libra, then you know how social you can be. Libras are great at making connections and making people feel special. As one of the cardinal zodiac signs, a Libra is truly easy to get along with.
Libras Have A Passionate, Romantic Side
Being with a Libra is like living in your own version of The Notebook. As lovers, these people are the most romantic among any other sign. Libras have a fairy ale view of love and togetherness, and as such, they take love very seriously. Libras are most compatible with fellow air signs, Gemini and Aquarius, and fire signs like Leo and Sagittarius. But even if they do come across one of these four zodiac signs, romance is not a given.
The best way to keep a Libra’s attention is to excel at something they fall flat in. For example, Libras are poor decision makers, so if you find someone who can think fast on their feet then that would be ideal for this sun sign. Libras’ personal relationships also show how understanding they can be. By obtaining a solution through compromise, Libras show that they’re willing to allow the blame to be put on themselves, so they don’t spoil any relationships with anyone. As a people pleaser, they will constantly want the other person to be happy.
Libras are striking humans that leave a print on you for years to come. They love surprising their partners, always taking notes of the tiniest details to make them feel like a star. There is such brightness and unusual charm in their relationships, you will always feel like the sun with a Libra. They have big hearts and some people take that for granted. Libras change for two reasons: Because they learned a lesson enough times and they want to change, or they've been hurt enough that they have to change.
Libras Have A Caring Nature
Libras want to talk it out. They ask, "Why, why, why," because they strive on understanding why someone does something in order to try to put themselves in that situation. They may not agree with what you did, but they can understand it. They crave closure; they need to feel emotionally connected. If that is lacking, Libras feel a sense of being imbalanced and it will drive them crazy. They have a rationality and cool sense of logic, which often means that yelling, toxic arguments won't work with them. They prefer quiet talks and discussion instead.
Libras are sensitive people who appreciate good manners, sarcasm and love to accept and to entertain others. They are often the one telling stories and all eyes are on them. They're a very thoughtful person who understands the things most people don't. At the end of the day, they're the kind of person who wants you to accept and understand them as they do with you. They want to know that their partner isn't bringing down their shine.
They care with all of their heart, but they need someone to do this for them as well. Their ability to focus on people, their emotions, and how they’re being treated by them is one of the Libra’s most notable qualities. "We’re living in a world that is atomized, isolated, and obsessed with individualism, so it’s radical that [the Libra] identity is shaped by relationships," Libra-born astrologer Randon Rosenbohm previously told Bustle. They care with all of their heart, but they need someone to do this for them as well.
Libras Are Trusting & Trustworthy
Why are Libras so loyal? Because they’re all about trust. They don't do petty gossip; instead, they pride themselves on being a person people can confide in. You won't have to worry about a Libra cheating. Libras love with a passion. They want long-term relationships and can't be bothered with one-night stands started with meaningless swipes to the right. Libras want substance, so in a generation of likes and swipes, they get discouraged.Libras want substance, so in a generation of likes and swipes, they get discouraged.
Libras love attention, but they want it from one pair of eyes only. You can tell a Libra a secret, and you can bet that secret will not be spilled from that person’s mouth even if your relationship ends badly or you never see them again. The Libra understands the world in a way many others don't. They will love you like no other and will care for you like no other. They are truly the most unbelievable people you will ever come across. They are unconditional and passionate in whatever they invest their time in, whether that be people, work, art, etc. They are often old souls who are misunderstood.
Sure, you do take a long time to make decisions, but once you come up with your answer then it’s well worth the wait. As Rosenbohm previously told Bustle, “...Libras are decisive, we do make decisions: They’re just always perfect decisions that take time and investigation!" Other than that, Librans desire a partner who can provide them with advice and support, and they seek a matched relationship that is harmonious and steady. They want someone who can be their best friend and their lover all in one.
Libras Exude Confidence
It takes a confident person to stand next to a Libra, as Libras are natural leaders and attract attention from others without doing much. Their natural air about them is comforting, inviting and fun. People gravitate towards Libras because they feel better when they are around them. They are truly diamonds in the rough. Libras flow between independent and submissive, depending on what is deemed correct at the time.
They can either be a sun sign, which excels in social situations, or a moon sign, who is more focused on bringing balance to their emotional state. If you’re the former, then good for you. Chances are people can’t wait to be around you because you just exude confidence, and as we know, that’s the sexiest thing that a person can have. However, if you are the latter, then that’s also a reason to celebrate. Confidence comes in many different shapes and forms and sometimes being the person who has their emotions in check can be all everyone ever needs.
It's not about the superficial for the Libra. Libras do love fine things and have beautiful taste, but when it comes to matters of love, they look deep into the soul of a person. If you're insecure, you will have a hard time being in a relationship (or being friends) with a Libra. They won't even be aware the "spotlight" is on them, but others will take them as narcissistic when in reality, a Libra is just being who they are meant to be.
If you do find a Libra, make sure you don’t let them go, because these folks are worth keeping around.
Randon Rosenbohm, astrologer
Editor's Note: This story has been updated by Elite Daily Staff.
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