5 Halloween-Themed Date Ideas For The Couple Who's Looking To Get Spooky
Fall is my favorite time of year. I swear you can smell it in the air. The air gets crisp, the clothing gets cozy, and everyone's Starbucks order gets a little bit more annoying. And there is nothing better than halloween date ideas to keep your love life scary as hell. Deep down, I want to be in one of those couples who loves watching Nightmare Before Christmas. I'd like to have a meet-cute in the Halloween aisle of a Hot Topic. Fall makes me want to reel in a boyfriend and take a hayride to go apple picking. I want to have a joint Halloween costume! My partner can be Mario, and I'll be Luigi — or whatever! Beggars can't be choosers.
There is definitely something special about Halloween time, and there's something even more special about it if you're in love. There are so many couple-centric activities to do, and even great first date activities that you can keep horror-themed (or at least a little scary). So if you're looking for something to do with your significant other during my absolute favorite month of October, here are some Halloween-themed date ideas for the couple who is looking to get spooky.
1. Get Your Tarot Cards Read
I can't think of a better first date idea than going to a psychic or tarot card reader and finding out the fate of your relationship with your partner.
Visit the psychic together, and ask about the details of your relationship. Are you soulmates? Will you get married? Are you going to move in together? Are children in your future?
Take what the fortune teller says with a grain of salt, though, because you might hear something that you don't like.
2. Have A Scary Movie Marathon
This is one of my favorite activities to do with a significant other, even if it's not Halloween. In my opinion, scary movies are actually the most romantic films you can watch with a partner. You get to snuggle up with your date during the film, make them feel like they're your safe space, and then cuddle extra close that night.
Additionally, many horror movies come in trilogies, which makes for a long and fulfilling movie night. The Conjuring, Insidious, Friday the 13th, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Nightmare on Elm Street, Alien, and Ghostbusters are all great examples of movies that have multiple films in their series, so you and your significant other can make an entire night of spooking each other out.
Grab some snacks, a blanket, make a pillow fort, and have a Halloween-themed Netflix and chill with your significant other. It's the best way to spend an evening, whether it's October or not.
3. Play With A Ouija Board
I would never touch a Ouija board because I've seen enough horror movies to know that is exactly how you bring demons into this realm, become possessed, and eventually die. But if you're looking for a date night that involves those kinds of exciting activities, then playing with a Ouija board might be right for you and your Bumble match.
You can also ask the board relationship-themed questions, and see what the spirits have to say about your budding romance. Do the ghosts haunting your apartment think this is the one for you? Only one way to find out. Use that Ouija board!
4. Carve Pumpkins
Carving pumpkins is obviously a great Halloween date, although it can get a little messy. Regardless, going to a pumpkin patch is a fun and nostalgic thing to do during the fall, and it's ripe with Instagram-worthy photo opportunities.
Maybe your date will carve "I love you" into their pumpkin to show you their undying love and affection for you? That would be my ultimate Halloween dream.
5. Go To A Haunted House
Full disclosure: I did this once on a date, and it was not pretty. I got a little bit too scared (read: I freaked out), and it wasn't exactly the sexiest thing ever. My boyfriend at the time took me to a haunted house which he had heard was "the scariest thing ever." I didn't exactly want to go. I like scary things like movies, yet I don't like actually being scared. However, I'm down to try new things at least once, and in the spirit of Halloween, I decided to go.
Well, fast forward to me screaming, almost passing out and peeing my pants, and having to be ushered out of the haunted house early while my boyfriend almost died of embarrassment.
If haunted houses are your thing, though, then it's a great date idea for your and your boo. Going on a haunted hayride is another great option if you want to be truly scared with your significant other. Just, you know, don't pee your pants.
Do you have any good Halloween-centric date ideas? Let me know in the comments. I might use them this season!
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