Your Spring 2018 Love Horoscope Contains Romance, Sex, Adventure, & More
I don't know about you guys, but I cannot freaking wait for spring. Birds chirping, sun shining, an excuse to wear floral-printed skirts (groundbreaking!) and, oh, yes, the possibility of a spring fling and some new romantic action. If you're also ready for this seasonal switch and dying to know what the stars have in store for your love life this spring, behold: your spring 2018 love horoscope.
The great news is that this season is going to be magical for just about every sign — whether you're feeling finer than ever and becoming a magnet for love (I'm looking at you, Sagittarius) or deepening and strengthening the quality of your current relationships (get it, Pisces). And if you don't have any wild adventures coming this spring, don't worry. It just means the stars are building up anticipation for the great love you'll find this fall!
There are some big planetary changes ahead, so I caught up with astrology experts Jaye, from GiftedAstrology.com, and Judi Vitale, a spiritual alignment counselor at Journeys of Life, to get the low-down on exactly what to expect romantically as we head into spring (and what you should potentially be wary of). Here's a look at what's around the corner, based on your zodiac sign.
Aries (March 21 To April 19)
All right, Aries, there's nothing too wild coming up for you this spring, but take a few deep breaths and enjoy this time to rest! You've earned it. And, speaking of earning... "An incredibly flashy gift is possible," Vitale tells Elite Daily. I hope it involves glitter.
Taurus (April 20 To May 20)
This season will be one of changes for you, Taurus, so get ready. "Open your heart to new ideas and every opportunity for love," Vitale advises.
This spring might also help you develop more security in your current relationships. "Taurus will be blessed with more stability in relationships this spring, partially thanks to Jupiter in retrograde," Jaye tells Elite Daily.
Gemini (May 21 To June 20)
You're curious and ambitious by nature, Gemini — qualities that will likely pour over into your love life this spring. "You’ll be inspired to bring new sparks of romance into existing relationships," Vitale explains.
Oh, and if you're single and ready to mingle, get ready for a few surprising twists and turns... including a potential "proposal from out of the blue," says Vitale.
Maybe you'll have an unexpected love affair with the fellow staying at your family's Italian villa this season? IDK, IDK, just spitballing!
Cancer (June 21 To July 22)
Feeling like you've been in a bit of a rut this winter, Cancer? It's cool. Spring is the perfect time to break those bad dating habits and try something new — whether you're in a relationship or hoping to land one!
"If you’re with someone, add spice to your relationship by joining groups and getting out more with friends," suggests Vitale.
Leo (July 23 To Aug. 22)
You love to be in the spotlight, Leo, and it will definitely be shining on you next season. You'll be looking good and feeling good, attracting potential love interests like a moth to a flame.
That said, try not to get carried away or take advantage of this fresh batch of attention. You're too warm and loving to become a heartbreaker! "Resist the temptation to flirt when you’re not really that into him [or her]," says Vitale.
Virgo (Aug. 23 To Sep. 22)
I know you're super careful and methodical, Virgo, but this new season is the perfect time to let loose and throw yourself into new adventures, wherever they may be!
"Pack your bags and get out there!" says Vitale. "Travel could bring on a much-welcomed encounter with an exotic stranger."
Could a steamy spring break hookup be in store? I'll be crossing my fingers for you.
Libra (Sep. 23 To Oct. 22)
"Give up the prim little princess act and get ready to get down and dirty," says Vitale. That's right, Libra. You've been feeling pretty spicy lately, and this spring is the perfect time to explore your sexuality in ways you never have before.
To use Vitale's words, "explosions of the sexual variety are in store." Get it, girl!
Scorpio (Oct. 23 To Nov. 21)
You're hard-working (and v competitive) by nature, Scorpio, and it looks like that hard work is going to pay off and put you on top next season, attracting some new potential romantic partners along the way.
"Your perch at the top of the world will bring a change in your romantic status, or maybe more excitement in your long-term arrangement," says Vitale.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 To Dec. 21)
"Sagittarius was wiped out by Saturn’s dominance in their charts these past few years," explains Jaye. "But the cycle is changing (as it always does), and they will be getting a reprieve now. As Sag gets the spring back in their step... they will begin to feel more attractive and become a magnet for love."
There's a lot of positive change coming up for you, Sag (which you love), and one of the best ways to navigate this new season will be snagging a solid, dependable partner. "You’ll need the support of a stable partner to keep up with the change in routine that’s coming up for you," Vitale says.
Sounds like you'll have the pick of the litter, given your newfound ~magnetism~.
Capricorn (Dec. 22 To Jan. 19)
"Capricorn has been feeling lonely for the past few years, whether they’ve been in a relationship or not," explains Jaye (same, Capricorn, same). "But good news: Those feelings will be changing this spring! The new lucky phases will activate throughout the year for Capricorn, and they'll feel the first relief as Uranus moves out in May 2018. As they relax into their new energies, love gets closer... heating up their love life."
How might your love life heat up, you ask? Welp, that sassy (and, uh, kinkier) side of your personality might just start shining through.
"The secrets you hide in your designer tote (silk handcuffs, maybe?) will be ready to come out to play," says Vitale.
Aquarius (Jan. 20 To Feb. 18)
There are some shifts and changes coming for you on the home front, Aquarius, so keep an eye out around the neighborhood. You may be looking for a new place to call your own... or maybe a few cuties will be moving to the area.
"Upheavals at home will make this the time you might choose to move, or welcome a new (and incredibly fetching) neighbor," Vitale says.
Hoping it's the latter (and that your fetching new neighbor is actually Zac Efron).
Pisces (Feb. 19 To March 20)
"Pisces has been put through three years of hard lessons with the 'tough teacher' Saturn placement in their skies," Jaye explains.
But don't worry, Pisces. Saturn is moving on into Capricorn this spring, which means that the times are a-changing. Prepare to develop healthier, deeper relationships, with both friends and lovers. Oh, and let's not ignore our Facebook inboxes, either...
"An unexpected communiqué, or a long-lost love re-connected via internet, could be the answer to your hopes and dreams," says Vitale.
Here's to April showers bringing May flowers and a whole lot of romantic adventures.
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